Examination of the Cardiovascular System

In patient assessment, following the process of history-taking, we’ll be looking into performing a thorough examination of the cardiovascular system.

Examination of the Cardiovascular System Outline

  1. general considerations
  2. examining the hands
  3. examining the radial pulse, rhythm & rate
  4. measuring the blood pressure
  5. examining the face
  6. examining the neck
  7. examining the chest wall
  8. examining the bases of the lungs
  9. examining the abdomen
  10. examining the lower limbs

1. General Considerations

  1. If you haven’t done so already, introduce yourself and shake hands with your patient
  2. Note the patient’s age and general state
  3. Ensure that the examination room is quiet enough to perform auscultation
  4. The patient should be properly undressed for this examination
  5. The patient should be positioned adequately i.e. reclining at 45° with the head resting comfortably on pillows

2. Examining the Hands


  • caused by interstitial oedema and dilation of the arterioles and capillaries
  • assess for finger clubbing by checking for the loss of the normal angle between the nail and the nail bed, and fluctuation of the nail bed
  • advanced finger clubbing may be featured through swelling of the subcutaneous tissues over the base of the nail causing the overlying skin to become tense, shiny and red, increase in the curvature of the nail especially in its long axis, and swelling of the pulp of the finger
  • finger clubbing causes may include cardiac issues such as cyanotic heart disease (heart disease that is caused by lack of oxygen) and infective endocarditis (inflammation of the endocardium, the inner lining of the heart, as well as the valves that separate each of the four chambers within the heart), respiratory issues such as bronchial carcinoma (a malignant cancerous tumour of the bronchi and the lung tissue), lung abscess (a type of liquefactive necrosis of the lung tissue and formation of cavities containing necrotic debris or fluid caused by microbial infection), bronchiestasis (a long-term condition where the airways of the lungs become widened, leading to a build-up of excess mucus that can make the lungs more vulnerable to infection), empyema (pus-filled pockets that develop in the pleural space), and fibrosing alveolitis (a disease involving the gas-exchanging portions of the lungs), and gastrointestinal issues such as inflammatory bowel disease (a term for two conditions – Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, that are characterized by chronic inflammation of the GI tract), and liver cirrhosis (scarring of the liver caused by continuous, long-term liver damage).
examination of the cardiovascular system
Finger Clubbing – Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nail_clubbing on 21st March 2023


  • can be physiological eg. due to a surrounding cold environment, reduced cardiac output eg. shock causes central cyanosis
  • featured through bluish discolouration of the nail beds
  • usually starts showing when patient is at <85% SPO2
examination of the cardiovascular system
Cyanosis – Retrieved from https://www.physio-pedia.com/Cyanosis on 21st March 2023


  • featured as small dark subungual petechiae
  • may be symptoms of infective endocarditis (inflammation of the endocardium, the inner lining of the heart, as well as the valves that separate each of the four chambers within the heart) as well as trauma
examination of the cardiovascular system
Splinter Haemorrhages – Retrieved from https://www.health.com/mind-body/splinter-hemorrhage on 21st March 2023


  • caused by smoking – smoking accellerates build-up of atherosclerosis which leads to CVA and/or peripheral vascular disease and ischaemic heart disease. Complete occlusion by athersclerosis causes a Myocardial Infarction.
Tar-Stained Fingers – Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/content/qt8ck911z0/qt8ck911z0.pdf on 21st March 2023


  • warm hands signify vasodilation
  • cold hands signify vasoconstriction
  • note if hands are dry or moist
  • clammy hands may be a sign of anxiety or sympathetic activation
examination of the cardiovascular system
Clammy Skin – Retrieved from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322446 on 21st March 2023

3. Examining the Radial Pulse, Rhythm & Rate


  • the radial pulse can be located just lateral to the flexor carpi radialis
  • assess the rhythmsinus (normal – controlled by the sino-atrial node)? irregular (due to atrial or ventricular extrasystoles, atrial fibrillation or heart block)?
  • assess the rate – 60-100bpm at rest = normal; >100bpm = sinus tachycardia (due to fever, exercise, anxiety, heart failure); fast arrhythmias (due to atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia, or ventricular tachycardia); <60bpm = bradycardia (due to high vagal tone in athletes, sleep, or certain medication eg. beta blockers or calcium antagonists)
  • assess the condition of the vessel wall – if vessel wall feels stiff and tortuous, atherosclerosis is probably present
examination of the cardiovascular system
Locating the Radial Pulse – Retrieved from https://medlineplus.gov/ency/imagepages/19395.htm on 21st March 2023
examination of the cardiovascular system
ECG Waves – Retrieved from https://ib.bioninja.com.au/standard-level/topic-6-human-physiology/62-the-blood-system/electrocardiography.html on 21st March 2023

4. Measuring the Blood Pressure


  • the patient should not eat, smoke, take caffeinated products, or perform vigorous exercise for 30 minutes prior to the examination
  • the room should be quiet and adequately prepared so that the patient is comfortable
  • the patient’s arm should be positioned in a way so that the antecubital fossa is level with the heart
  • the bladder of the cuff should be centered over the brachial artery about 2cm above the antecubital fossa; the bladder length should not be less than 80% of the patient’s arm circumference
  • patient’s arm should be slightly flexed at the elbow
  • palpate the radial pulse and inflate the cuff until the pulse cannot be palpated any more, take note of the number displayed and deflate the cuff
  • place the stethoscope over the brachial artery
  • inflate the cuff to 30mmHg over the estimated systolic pressure
  • release the pressure slowly at about 5mmHg/second
  • note the measurement where you start hearing the korotkoff sound as the systolic pressure
  • note the measurement where you stop hearing the korotkoff sound as the diastolic pressure
  • record the patient’s blood pressure as systolic over diastolic
  • retake blood pressure measurement by repeating the same process on the other arm if the patient is visiting for the first time; if there is a difference in blood pressure of more than 10mmHg in one arm, record the highest reading
High Normal130-13985-89
Mild Hypertension140-15990-99
Moderate Hypertension160-179100-109
Severe Hypertension180-209110-119
Crisis Hypertension>210>120
Blood Pressure Classification in Adults


  • pulse pressure is the difference between the systolic and diastolic blood pressure
  • a normal value of the pulse pressure falls somewhere between 30-40mmHg
  • a narrow pulse pressure may be a sign of reduced cardiac output such as in a haemorrhagic shock, as well as in severe aortic stenosis (prevents aortic valves from opening and closing properly, leading to stress on the heart to work harder to pump blood to the rest of your body), constrictive pericarditis (a condition in which granulation tissue formation in the pericardium results in loss of pericardial elasticity leading to restriction in the ventricular filling), and pericardial effusions (acute or chronic accumulation of fluid within the pericardial space)
  • a wide pulse pressure may be a sign of increased cardiac output and low vascular resistance, common in aortic insufficiency (heart valve disease where the aortic valve no longer functions adequately to control the flow of blood from the left ventricle into the aorta), anaemia (a condition in which the number of red blood cells or the haemoglobin concentration within them is lower than normal), and thyrotoxicosis (a clinical state of inappropriately high levels of circulating thyroid hormones T3 and/or T4 in the body)


  • pulsus paradoxus is the difference between where the Korotkoff sounds are first heard on expiration only and where they are heard on both inspiration and expiration is normally 10mmHg
  • pulsus paradoxus is present when the difference exceeds 10mmHg
  • pulsus paradoxus is associated with pericardial effusion (acute or chronic accumulation of fluid within the pericardial space) and severe acute asthma

5. Examining the Face


  • can be easily noted when looking at the patient’s tongue
  • happens when the oxygen saturation of arterial blood falls below 80-85%; central cyanosis indicates lack of oxygen in the brain
  • may be a sign of congenital heart disease (conditions present at birth which affect the structure of the heart and the way it works) or chronic obstructive airways disease or COPD
Central Cyanosis – Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Clinical-photograph-showing-central-cyanosis-Note-also-clubbing-of-fingers_fig3_255685646 on 23rd March 2023


  • anaemia is characterised by a reduction of haemoglobin concentration in the blood, which usually are <13.5g/dl in adult males and <11.5g/dl in adult females
  • anaemia can be noticed as pallor of the mucous membranes eg. the conjunctival mucosa (happens when the haemoglobin level is <9-10g/dl
Normal VS Conjunctival Pallor in Anaemia – Retrieved from https://www.grepmed.com/images/15116/conjunctival-anemia-clinical-physicalexam-pallor on 23rd March 2023


  • corneal arcus is characterised by a greyish line in the periphery of the cornea, concentric with the edge but separated from it by a clear zone, consisting of cholesterol crystals
  • corneal arcus is typically seen in the elderly, but when seen in young people, it may be a sign of hypercholesterolaemia
Corneal Arcus – Retrieved from https://www.medical-actu.com/en/corneal-arcus/ on 23rd March 2023


  • xanthelasma is characterised by intracutaneous yellow cholesterol deposits around the eyes
  • xanthelasma can be noted in normal people as well as in those with hypercholesterolaemia
examination of the cardiovascular system
Xanthelasma – Retrieved from https://torontodermatologycentre.com/xanthelasma/ on 23rd March 2023


  • malar flush is characterised by redness of the cheeks
  • malar flush is commonly seen in patients with mitral stenosis (narrowing of the valve between the two left heart chambers) as well as in normal individuals
Malar Flush – Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/malar-rash on 23rd March 2023

6. Examining the Neck


  • the jugular veins, which are located adjacent to the superior vena cava, directly reflect right arterial pressure
  • assessing the right internal jugular vein is better since it is more proximal to the superior vena cava than the left; the right external jugular vein has venous valves between it and the superior vena cava, hence it is less preferred for assessment; ideal patient placement is at 45 degree angle, looking to his left
  • jugular venous pressure (JVP) can be noted as a double flicker above the clavicle parallel to the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (remember that a venous pulse is never palpable)
  • note the height by measuring the vertical height in cm between the top of the jugular venous pulsation and the sternal angle
  • normal JVP height = <4cm
  • high JVP height is a sign of increased pressure in the right atrium, and so, may be a sign of congestive heart failure, fluid overload (which may be due to nephrotic syndrome) or superior vena cava obstruction
  • note the waveform: a wave signifies right atrial systole whilst an absent waveform may be due to atrial fibrillation; c wave, which is rarely noted, is due to tricuspid valve closure; x descent (systolic collapse) is a sign of atrial relaxation and downward displacement of the tricuspid valve towards the right ventricular apex in ventricular systole; v wave is due to right atrial filling; y descent (diastolic collapse) is a sign of a fall in right atrial pressure when the tricuspid valve opens
  • giant a waves happen when the right atrium is contracting against resistance as in tricuspid stenosis; cannon a waves happen when the right atrium is contracting against a closed tricuspid valve as in complete heart block
  • the hepatojugular reflux helps in re-checking an already raised jugular venous pressure; it is done by pressing with the flat of the hand over the liver and watching the rise of the JVP
Jugular Venous Pulse – Retrieved from https://sketchymedicine.com/2015/05/jugular-venous-pulse-jvp/ on 24th March 2023
examination of the cardiovascular system
Jugular Venous Pressure Height – Retrieved from http://www.nataliescasebook.com/tag/jugular-venous-pressure on 24th March 2023
examination of the cardiovascular system
Jugular Venous Pulse Waveform – Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmgoMt-yj4k on 24th March 2023


  • the carotid pulse is the closest point to the heart where the arterial pulse can easily be felt
  • note the waveform of the pulse: slow rising pulse = moderate to severe aortic stenosis; collapsing pulse = aortic incompetence; double peak pulse a.k.a bisferiens = moderate aortic stenosis with severe incompetence
  • assess the pulse volume: small volume = low cardiac output; large volume = anaemia or thyrotoxicosis
Carotid Pulse – Retrieved from https://3d4medical.com/blog/the-anatomy-behind-pulse-points on 24th March 2023

7. Examining the Chest Wall


  • left infra-mammary scar is a sign of past closed mitral valvotomy
  • central sternal scar is a sign of past open heart surgery


  • determine the position of the apex beat, which is the lowest and outermost point of definite cardiac pulsation; the apex is usually found in the 5th intercostal space within the mid-clavicular line
  • the apex beat may be impalpable in individuals with COPD and in patients with obesity
  • the apex may be displaced due to ventricular enlargement following cardiac failure, pneumothorax and scoliosis
  • assess the quality of the cardiac impulse: normal = brief outward movement at the onset of left ventricular ejection; abnormal = thrusting displaced apex beat in volume overload due to active large stroke volume ventricle caused by mitral or aortic incompetence, sustained apex beat in pressure overload due to aortic stenosis and gross hypertension with a normal or reduced stroke volume; or parasternal heave in central thrust or lift in the sternal region or 3rd or 4th intercostal space indicating right ventricular hypertrophy
  • assess for palpable murmurs a.k.a. thrills or palpable heart sounds at the apex and base of heart; systolic thrill at apex = due to a ventricular septal defect or mitral regurgitation; systolic thrill at base = due to aortic or pulmonary stenosis; diastolic thrill at the apex = mitral stenosis; diastolic thrill at the base = aortic regurgitation; palpable first heart sound (sounds like a tapping apex beat) = felt in mitral stenosis; palpable pulmonary sound = felt in pulmonary hypertension
examination of the cardiovascular system
Apex & Base of Heart – Retrieved from https://anatomyqa.com/heart-external-features/ on 29th March 2023
examination of the cardiovascular system
Normal VS Right Ventricular Hypertrophy – Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_ventricular_hypertrophy on 29th March 2023


  • prior to auscultation of the parecordium, ensure surrounding area is quiet
  • use the diaphragm of the stethoscope to filter out low pitched sounds and identify high pitched sounds eg. 2nd heart sound
  • use the bell of the stethoscope to listen to low-pitched sounds eg. mitral stenosis murmur
  • aortic valve = best heard at the right 2nd intercostal space close to the sternum; pulmonary valve = best heard at the left 2nd intercostal space close to the sternum; tricuspid valve = best heard at the left 3rd, 4th and 5th intercostal spaces close to the sternum; mitral valve = best heard at the apex
  • heart sound S1 = closing mitral and tricuspid valves + upstroke of carotid pulse; loud S1 = mitral stenosis; faint S1 = mitral regurgitation; intensity variation = atrial fibrillation
  • heart sound S2: loud S2 = systemic or pulmonary hypertension; soft S2 = calcified or immobile aortic or pulmonary valve; fixed splitting S2 = atrial septal defect; reversed splitting S2 on expiration = delayed aortic component follows pulmonary component; fixed splitting S2 on inspiration = aortic component superimposed on the normal pulmonary component, usually in left bundle branch block (delay in the activation of left ventricle)
  • extra heart sounds: S3 = low-pitched sound following S2 which happens in rapid ventricular filling in early diastole (physiologically heard in children, healthy young adults, athletes, and in pregnancy; pathologically heard in patients with large poorly contracting ventricle or with increased ventricular stroke volume due to a leaking heart valve)
  • extra heart sound: S4 = soft low-pitched sound occurring just before S1 in rapid emptying of a hypertrophied atrium, always abnormal, commonly associated with severe heart failure and/or hypertension
examination of the cardiovascular system
Auscultating Cardiac Valves – Retrieved from https://vula.uct.ac.za/access/content/group/9c29ba04-b1ee-49b9-8c85-9a468b556ce2/ClinicalSkills/cvs_08.html on 29th March 2023
examination of the cardiovascular system
Heart Sounds – Retrieved from https://rebelem.com/rebel-review/rebel-review-34-heart-sounds/heart-sounds/ on 29th March 2023


  • heart murmurs are music-like sounds caused by turbulent blood flow in the heart; murmurs can result from normal blood volume passing through an abnormal valve, or from increased blood volume passing through a normal valve
  • assess murmur timing – is it systolic or diastolic? (you may compare with the carotid pulse, and if murmur accompanies the pulse would be systolic, while if it follows the pulse it would be diastolic)
  • ejection systolic murmurs start after the 1st heart sound, increase in amplitude to a peak around mid-systole, and quiet down towards the end of systole, stopping completely before the 2nd heart sound; causes include aortic stenosis, pulmonary stenosis (normal volume of blood flowing through a narrowed valve), and pregnancy (due to increased blood volume flowing through a normal valve)
  • pansystolic murmurs extend throughout systole to the 2nd heart sound; causes include mitral or tricuspid valve leakage, or a ventricular septal defect
  • late systolic murmurs are variants of the pansystolic murmurs, but these do not start right after the first heart sound but later on in systole; common in mitral valve prolapse
  • early diastolic murmurs start right after the 2nd heart sound and quiet down as diastole proceeds; causes include aortic and/or pulmonary regurgitation
  • mid-diastolic murmurs are low-pitched rumbling sounds best heard with the stethoscope bell at the apex of the heart while the patient is rolled onto the left hand side; occurs in mitral stenosis and rarely in tricuspid stenosis
  • continuous murmurs are heard during systole and diastole; occur in patients with ductus arteriosus (channel connecting the aorta and pulmonary artery, which normally closes after birth)
  • assess murmur intensity – murmur intensity is measured by grades…Grade 1 = heard by an expert in optimum conditions; Grade 2 = heard by a non-expert in optimum conditions; Grade 3 = easily heard, no thrill; Grade 4 = loud murmur with a thrill; Grade 5 = very loud, commonly heard over a wide area, with a thrill; Grade 6 = extremely loud, heard without a stethoscope
  • assess murmur site and radiationaortic stenosis = to the upper right sternal edge and neck; aortic rugurgitation = down the left sternal border and towards the apex; mitral stenosis = localised to the apex; pulmonary stenosis = to the upper left sternal border and beneath the left clavicle; pulmonary regurgitation = down the left sternal border; tricuspid stenosis = localised to the lower left sternal border; tricuspid regurgitation = lower left and right sternal border and epigastrium; ventricular septal defect = lower sternal edge
  • assess murmur pitch – high pitch = greater pressure gradient; aortic incompetence murmur is high pitched so it is best heard with the diaphragm of the stethoscope; mitral stenosis murmur is low pitched so it is best heard with the bell of the stethoscope


  • ejection click = opening sound caused by thickened aortic and pulmonary valves; happen right after first heart sound and before any ejection murmur
  • prosthetic heart valves = usually have a quiet opening sound and a louder closing sound, seemingly metallic in character
  • pericardial rub = friction sound common in acute pericarditis, usually heard by the diaphragm of the stethoscope left of the lower sternum with the patient breathing out, with intensity varying from hour to hour and with patient positioning
examination of the cardiovascular system
Murmurs & Extra Sounds – Retrieved from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/274297433526962442/ on 30th March 2023

8. Examining the Bases of the Lungs

  • crackes indicate pulmonary oedema, since they are produced by the explosive re-opening of collapsed airways

9. Examining the Abdomen

  • palpate for the liverenlarged liver is a sign of right heart failure; enlarged and pulsatile liver is a sign of tricuspid regurgitation
  • palpate for aortic aneurysm – felt as a pulsatile mass over the epigastrium; a bruit may also be heard over it

10. Examining the Lower Limbs


  • femoral pulse = midway between the symphysis pubis and the anterior superior iliac spine
  • popliteal pulse = deep in the popliteal fossa
  • dorsalis pedis artery = along the cleft between the first two metatarsals
  • posterior tibial artery = half-way along a line between the medial malleolus and the prominence of the heel
  • NOTES: always compare left and right sides; always listen for bruits at all sites on both sides (heard over narrowed arteries); if peripheral pulses are impalpable, the problem may be peripheral vascular disease
Peripheral Pulses – Retrieved from https://www.brainkart.com/article/Assessment-of-Vascular-Disorders–Health-History-and-Clinical-Manifestations_31948/ on 30th March 2023


  • oedema is the result of increased interstitial fluid that causes swelling of the tissues
  • subcutaneous oedema can be determined by pitting of the skin following firm pressure applied by a finger or a thumb for a few seconds

Examination of the Cardiovascular System


Step-by-step instructions on how to perform an examination of the cardiovascular system:

  1. assess hands for finger clubbing, peripheral cyanosis, tar staining
  2. assess face for yellow lesions close to the inner eyes, malar flush, central cyanosis
  3. assess neck: palpate the carotid artery & determine pulse rate, rhythm and volume; calculate CVP
  4. assess chest: determine apex beat placement
  5. auscultate for heart sounds and murmurs
  6. check pedal pulses and for pitting oedema

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Sudden Cardiac Arrest CPR & AED Basic Life Support

A sudden cardiac arrest is a sudden cessation of the pumping action of the heart.

A sudden cardiac arrest is NOT the same as a Myocardial Infarction (heart attack), which occurs when the blood flow to the heart (or part of) decreases or stops, causing damage to the cardiac muscle. A Myocardial Infarction usually produces symptoms such as chest pain, or discomfort traveling into the shoulder, arm, back, neck, or jaw.

In Cardiovascular Disease a.k.a. Heart Disease, narrowed or blocked blood vessels may lead to a Myocardial Infarction, angina, or a stroke.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest ~ Facts

  • A Myocardial Infarction may lead to a sudden cardiac arrest
  • Heart disease is the most common cause of a sudden cardiac arrest
  • Individuals who suddenly fall and die eg. during shopping, swimming, running etc are presumed to have experienced a sudden cardiac arrest
  • 40% of the total amount of deaths of individuals less than 75 years of age are attributed to individuals suffering a sudden cardiac arrest without knowing that they have a cardiovascular disease

What Happens During a Sudden Cardiac Arrest?

  1. the heart stops beating in an effective way
  2. breathing stops
  3. blood flow within the body stops
  4. oxygen supply to the body’s organs stops
  5. the heart and the brain suffer irreparable damage
  6. the individual dies

CPR & AED Use For Sudden Cardiac Arrest

A Sudden Cardiac Arrest is identified right away during the primary assessment:

  • casualty is unresponsive
  • casualty is not breathing


  • 4 minutes post start of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest, brain damage starts to take place;
  • 10 minutes post start of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest, brain is dead.

NOTE: Do not confuse agonal breathing with normal breathing. During agonal breathing, the casualty’s chest doesn’t rise and fall. Agonal breathing is not breathing…it is in fact just a reflex.

How To Perform Artificial Ventilations

To perform artificial ventilations on adult casualties:

  1. pinch nose
  2. open airway
  3. take a normal breath
  4. seal your lips around the casualty’s mouth
  5. blow air in until the casualty’s chest rises
  6. allow the casualty’s chest to fall back
  7. repeat

To perform artificial ventilations on children and infants follow the above BUT seal your lips around both the casualty’s mouth AND nose.

The AED: Automated External Defibrillator

Contrary to what is believed by many, an AED’s shock doesn’t restart the heart. About 65% of casualties suffering a sudden cardiac arrest present with an abnormal cardiac rhythm known as ventricular fibrillation, where the heart quivers rather than beats as normal. This rhythm is fatal unless proper treatment is provided in a timely manner. A normal sinus rhythm can be restored following ventricular fibrillation by proper pressure through:

  1. Early CPR
  2. Early AED

Adult Basic Life Support Sequence

If casualty is unresponsive:

  1. open casualty’s airway using the head-tilt chin lift technique
  2. look, listen, & feel for breathing signs
  3. if unresponsive and not breathing call 112 or ask someone to do so & send for an AED
  4. start CPR (30 chest compressions : 2 breaths)
  5. aim for a chest compression rhythm of approximately 2 compressions per second using 2 hands (fingers interlocked) aiming for the middle of the breastbone and a depth of 5-6cm, allowing full chest recoil after each compression
  6. breaths should amount to approximately 1 second each
  7. remember to protect yourself from any vomit/bleeding by using available devices – face sheet & gloves
  8. use an AED if or when available whilst following its verbal instructions (continue CPR unless instructed by AED to not touch the patient)

Stop CPR if help arrives, if the casualty starts breathing again, if the scene becomes dangerous, or if you become too tired and there is no one else who can substitute you.

Infants & Children Basic Life Support Sequence

Paediatric guidelines are as follows…

In the case of individuals responsible for children such as paediatric nurses, educators following special cases, etc. and trained in paediatric basic life support:

  1. open child’s airway using the head-tilt chin lift technique
  2. look, listen, & feel for breathing signs
  3. give 5 rescue breaths
  4. if phone is promptly reachable call 112 immediately while starting CPR
  5. if phone is NOT promptly reachable do 1 min CPR before leaving to fetch a phone
  6. perform paediatric CPR doing 15 compressions : 2 ventilations
  7. use 1 hand for chest compressions in children up to 8 years of age and 2 hands in largely built children
  8. rate of compressions should be approximately 2 per second (100 – 120 per minute)
  9. depth of compression should be 1/3 of chest but never deeper than 6cm
  10. each breath should be approx 1 sec long providing an effective chest rise
  11. remember to protect yourself from any vomit/bleeding by using available devices – face sheet & gloves
  12. use an AED if or when available whilst following its verbal instructions (continue CPR unless instructed by AED to not touch the patient); IMPORTANT – on a child, one electrode is placed on the front of the chest, and the other is placed on the back, both parallel to each other

NOTE: INFANTS <1 YEAR = 15 chest compressions : 2 breaths (use 2 fingers only on lower half of breastbone); each breath should be approx 1 sec long providing an effective chest rise. IMPORTANT – cover mouth and nose with mouth for an effective breath but do not over-do it!

For those not trained in paediatric BLS or not confident enough, adult basic life support technique should be used, ideally giving 5 rescue breaths before calling for assistance.

Stop CPR if help arrives, if the casualty starts breathing again, if the scene becomes dangerous, or if you become too tired and there is no one else who can substitute you.

Cardiac Pump Theory VS Thoracic Pump Theory

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Interpreting ECG – Echocardiography Principles

An ECG is a ‘snapshot’ of the electrical activity of the heart presented on a graph. When interpreting ECG one can note the heart rate and rhythm, normal/abnormal conduction of both the atria or ventricles, structural changes within the heart such as atrial or ventricular enlargement, as well as an indication of a past Myocardial Infarction.

ECG Principles

The ECG’s value is magnified when recorded during a stress test eg. when the patient is running on a treadmill, or when recorded for a long period of time as in with a Holter.

The pumping action of the heart:

  1. DEPOLARISATION – is initiated by an electrical activation of the myocardium
  2. AUTOMATICITY – causes heart action
  3. EXCITABILITY – responds to the electrical impulse
  4. CONDUCTIVITY – conducts an electrical impulse
  5. CONTRACTILITY – initiates contraction

Repolarisation in an ECG acts as an indication for diagnosis of ischaemia, myocardial stretch, pharmacological effects, electrolyte imbalance, and congenital ionic diseases able to cause a sudden cardiac arrest and imminent death.

interpreting ECG
Motor Unit Action Potential showing Depolarization, Repolarization and Resting Potential – Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Motor-Unit-Action-Potential-showing-Depolarization-Repolarization-and-Resting-Potential_fig2_340126449 on 8th January 2023

In both depolarisation and repolarisation, cardiac myocytes act like electric generators that cause electric currents to flow out into the body and back again into the heart. This produces various electrical potentials on the body’s surface, which are then recorded and represented on an ECG.

The ECG graph is usually set up at a speed of 25mm/s:

  • 1 small square = 0.04 sec
  • 1 large square = 0.2 sec
  • 5 large squares = 1 sec
  • 15 large squares = 3 sec
interpreting ECG
Retrieved from https://www.practicalclinicalskills.com/ekg-course-contents?courseid=301 on 8th January 2023

Each ECG lead used represents the heart from a different point of view on an ECG strip. The horizontal base line recorded is referred to as the iso-electric line, and a deflection from it signals electrical activity of the heart.

A normal ECG strip features the following:

  • P Wave = electrical activity within the atrial chamber
  • QRS Complex = ventricular depolarisation
  • T Wave = ventricular repolarisation

The heart’s conductive system functions through the:

  • SA Node (Sinus Node a.k.a. sino-atrial node) – The pacemaker of the heart, firing about 60-100 times per minute;
  • AV Node (Atrio-Ventricular Junction) – Fires at a rate of 40-60 times per minute. The AV node takes charge whenever the SA node experiences impulse issues;
  • AV Bundle (Bundle of His), Left Bundle and Right Bundle Branches, and the Purkinje Fibres – Fire at 20-40 times per minute if both the AV and the SA node experience impulse issues.

Interpreting ECG

Heart Rate

  • The Rule of 300: when the rhythm is regular = 300 / (number of boxes between R to R wave)
  • Six Second Method: when the rhythm is irregular = number of R waves per 6 seconds X 10

ECG Recording

Limb Connection Points – Retrieved from https://www.pngegg.com/en/search?q=ecg+Monitor on 8th January 2023
Accessed from https://slideplayer.com/slide/10943937/ on 24th January 2021


The direction of the electrical current determines the upward or downward deflection of an ECG waveform.

Major deflections include:

  • P Wave – atrial depolarisation
  • QRS Complex – ventricular depolarisation
  • T Wave – ventricular repolarisation
Retrieved from https://ijdr.in/article.asp?issn=0970-9290;year=2014;volume=25;issue=3;spage=386;epage=389;aulast=Anoop;type=3 on 8th January 2023
Retrieved from https://aneskey.com/ecg-basics/ on 8th January 2023

P Wave should be small, rounded, and positive, visible through leads I, II, aVF, and V2-V6, with an amplitude of 0.5-2.5mm and duration of <120ms; there should be only 1 P Wave preceding the QRS Complex.

QRS Normal Interval should be less than 3 small squares on the ECG graph.

ST Segment is normally isoelectric and gently upsloping.

interpreting ECG
Retrieved from https://www.aclsmedicaltraining.com/basics-of-ecg/ on 8th January 2023

QT Prolonged could be indicating Hypokalaemia, Hypocalcaemia, Bradycardia, Drugs, issues with the CNS, Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Pericarditis.

ST Elevation could be indicating MI or Myocardial Injury, Coronary Vasospasm or Pericarditis.

ST Depression could be indicating Ischaemia, Digitalis Glycocides use (eg. Digoxin), block in the left or right Bundle Branch, or left or right ventricular hypertrophy. ST Depression is a sign of a narrowed blood vessel.

interpreting ECG
Accessed from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/428967933232415341/ on 24th January 2021
interpreting ECG
Retrieved from https://www.cvphysiology.com/CAD/CAD012 on 8th January 2023
interpreting ECG
Retrieved from https://www.cvphysiology.com/CAD/CAD012 on 8th January 2023
interpreting ECG
Retrieved from https://www.washingtonhra.com/arrhythmias/long-qt-syndrome.php on 8th January 2023

NOTE: Some drugs such as antibiotics, anti-psychotic and anti-arrhythmic drugs, prolong depolarisation and repolarisation time.

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