Respiratory Conditions

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In this blogpost we will be going through some respiratory conditions, namely Pulmonary Embolism (PE), Pneumothorax, Empyema, Pleurisy, Pulmonary Oedema and Pleural Effusion.

Pulmonary Embolism (PE)

Pulmonary Embolism (PE), which is a life threatening emergency, is the result of an obstruction of the pulmonary artery or one of its branches caused by a thrombus, which starts anywhere within the venous system or in the right side of the heart. This obstruction compromises gas exchange in the affected part of the lung.

Pulmonary Embolism clinical manifestations include:

  • dyspnoea
  • tachypnoea
  • chest pain
  • anxiety
  • fever
  • tachycardia
  • apprehension (feeling something wrong is about to happen)
  • cough
  • diaphoresis (excessive sweating)
  • haemoptysis (coughing up blood)
  • shock

Pulmonary Embolism assessment may include:

  • chest x-ray
  • ECG
  • ABGs
  • pulmonary angiogram (CT PA)

Pulmonary Embolism prevention:

  • ambulate
  • encourage leg exercises if patient is on bed rest
  • advise against prolonged sitting, immobility and constrictive clothing
  • advise against leg dangling and/or leg crossing
  • do not leave IV catheters in situ for long periods
  • use compression stockings
  • administer anti-coagulation therapy

Pulmonary Embolism Management:

  • oxygen therapy – relieves hypoxaemia, respiratory distress & central cyanosis; assess for signs of hypoxaemia and monitor pulse oximetry; teach deep breathing exercises; if necessary administer nebuliser therapy or percussion and postural drainage to help with secretions
  • anti-coagulation therapy
  • place patient in semi fowler’s position and administer analgesics if patient experiences severe chest pain

Pulmonary Embolism complications:

  • cardiogenic shock (heart becomes unable to pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs)
  • right sided heart failure (right side of the heart is not pumping enough blood to the lungs a.k.a. cor pulmonale or pulmonary heart disease)


Pneumothorax happens when the parietal or visceral pleura is breached, causing air to enter the pleural cavity, leading to partial or full lung collapse. Similarly, haemothorax results from a collection of blood within the pleural cavity due to torn intercostal vessels or laceration of the lungs through trauma.

  • Simple Pneumothorax (does not shift the mediastinal structures)
  • Traumatic Pneumothorax (caused by an injury that tears the lung and allows air to enter the pleural space)
  • Tension Pneumothorax (life-threatening condition that develops when air is trapped in the pleural cavity under positive pressure, displacing mediastinal structures and compromising cardiopulmonary function)

Pneumothorax clinical manifestations include:

  • sudden onset of pleuritic pain
  • minimal respiratory distress (in small pneumothorax) or acute respiratory distress (in large pneumothorax)
  • anxiety
  • hypotension
  • tachycardia
  • profuse diaphoresis (excessive sweating)
  • dyspnoea & air hunger
  • use of accessory muscles during breathing
  • central cyanosis (in severe hypoxaemia)
  • diminished or absent breathing sounds
  • normal or hyperresonant percussion on pneumothorax side (depending on its size)
  • decreased chest expansion
  • shifting of the trachea to one side (depending on pneumothorax size)

Pneumothorax assessment is done through a chest x-ray.

Pneumothorax medical management:

  • thoracentesis with suction
  • antibiotics (due to contamination infection)
  • oxygen therapy
  • thoracotomy (a surgical procedure in which a cut is made between the ribs to see and reach the lungs or other organs in the chest or thorax)

Pneumothorax nursing management includes:

  • assist chest tube insertion
  • assess chest drainage process and water seal
  • monitor respiratory status and lung re-expansion with the use of pulmonary support interventions
  • provide information and reassurance to the patient and family members


Empyema refers to a collection of thick purulent (infected) fluid in the pleural space.

Empyema clinical manifestations:

  • fever
  • night sweats
  • pleural pain
  • cough
  • dyspnoea
  • anorexia
  • weight loss

Empyema assessment:

  • auscultation of the chest for decreased or absent breathing sounds in the affected area
  • dullness on chest percussion
  • CT scan
  • thoracentesis

Empyema medical management:

  • drain pleural cavity to promote complete lung re-expansion
  • administer antibiotics
  • needle thoracentesis (if fluid amount is small and not too thick)
  • tube thoracostomy
  • open chest drainage via thoracotomy to remove thickened pleura, pus and debris as well as diseased pulmonary tissue

Empyema nursing management should be done in the same way as in pneumonia.


Pleurisy happens when there is inflammation of the visceral and parietal pleurae. When these two rub together, the individual experiences severe sharp knife-like pain during breathing, which increases on inspiration. Pleurisy may develop when the individual has pneumonia, plumonary embolism and other respiratory conditions.

Pleurisy clinical manifestations:

  • pain that worsens with deep breathing, coughing or sneezing, and which is usually focused on one side only
  • pain may be localised as well as radiating towards the shoulder or the abdomen
  • pain decreases when the individual holds breath
  • on auscultation, friction rub can be heard
  • pain diminishes once pleural fluid develops again

Pulmonary Oedema

Pulmonary Oedema refers to an accumulation of fluid in the interstitial spaces of the lungs that diffuses into the alveoli.

Pulmonary Oedema clinical manifestations:

  • restlessness
  • anxiety
  • breathlessness
  • sense of suffocation
  • cyanotic nail beds
  • greyish skin tone
  • cold and moist hands
  • weak and rapid pulse
  • jugular vein distension
  • coughing
  • increasing foamy sputum
  • confusion and stuporous (as pulmonary oedema progresses)
  • rapid noisy moist-sounding breathing
  • significant decrease in oxygen saturation level

Pulmonary Oedema assessment includes crackles on auscultation.

Pulmonary Oedema medical and nursing management:

  • oxygen therapy (patient may need to be intubated and provided with mechanical ventilation)
  • position patient in an upright position or with legs and feet down or ideally dangling over the side of bed to promote better circulation
  • reassure patient to reduce anxiety
  • administer diuretics (monitor for medication effects)

Pleural Effusion

Pleural Effusion is a collection of fluid within the pleural space, commonly seen in pneumonia, congestive heart failure and respiratory infections.

Pleural Effusion clinical manifestations:

  • dullness/flatness to percussion over affected area
  • minimal or absent breathing sounds
  • decreased fremitus (vibratory sensation felt on chest during speech)
  • tracheal deviation to the unaffected side
  • dyspnoea may not be present in small to moderate effusions
  • shortness of breath leading to acute respiratory distress (in large effusions)

Pleural Effusion assessment:

  • physical examination
  • chest x-ray
  • CT scan
  • thoracentesis with pleural fluid analysis (culture, chemistry and cytology)

Pleural Effusion medical and nursing management:

  • thoracentesis
  • chemical pleurodesis (a procedure to achieve symphysis between the two layers of pleura by sclerosing agents)
  • the nurse should monitor chest tube drainage and water seal system, as well as document the amount of drainage

Special thanks to the creators of the featured videos on this post, specifically Youtube Channels RadiometerMedical, MotionLit, RegisteredNurseRN, SurgEdVidz, Dr Aishwarya Kelkar, Respiratory Therapy Zone, Larry Mellick and FSUMedMedia.

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Arterial Blood Gases – Interpreting ABGs

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Arterial Blood Gases provide a measurement of an individual’s pH (acidity) as well as the oxygen and carbon dioxide level in arterial blood: blood which is aspirated from an artery, namely from the radial, brachial or femoral artery. In other words, when interpreting arterial blood gases, one can determine the capability of gaseous exchange within the lungs (oxygen going into the blood and carbon dioxide going out of the blood).

Arterial Blood Gases Fundamentals

Human cells require oxygen. Breathing allows oxygen to be absorbed into the bloodstream through the alveoli in the lungs and expels carbon dioxide out from the lungs.

Haemoglobin molecules, which have 4 binding sites, act as carriers of oxygen to the tissues. Other molecules can also attach to the oxygen binding sites, and if this happens, hypoxia can happen (eg. if carbon dioxide attaches in the binding sites instead of oxygen).

Haemoglobin molecule + 4 O2 molecules = Oxyhaemoglobin

Interpreting Arterial Blood Gases
Retrieved from on 26th May 2021

When Carbon Monoxide attaches to the Haemoglobin binding sites instead of Oxygen, blood will become cherry red in colour. This is called Carboxyhaemoglobin, and it can be measured in ABGs.

Haemoglobin molecule + 4 CO molecules = Carboxyhaemoglobin

Interpreting Arterial Blood Gases
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Haemoglobin may also be affected by a genetic condition or when exposed to certain poisons. This produces Methaemoglobin, which shows up in a brownish shade, and which can also be measured in ABGs.

O2’s affinity to haemoglobin is much more than CO2’s affinity to haemoglobin, thus when both are available, O2 attaches to haemoglobin first. Oxygen binding however can be affected by the levels of O2, CO2 and blood pH.

Where there is lack of O2 within the tissues, haemoglobin carries CO2, forming Carbaminohaemoglobin due to low levels of O2, high levels of CO2 and decreased blood pH.

Carbon Dioxide Transportation

Interpreting Arterial Blood Gases
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Carbonic Acid – Bicarbonate Buffer System (Reversible System)

Interpreting Arterial Blood Gases
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ABG Components

Arterial Blood pH

Interpreting Arterial Blood Gases
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Normal ABG Values

Interpreting Arterial Blood Gases
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Interpreting Arterial Blood Gases
Interpreting Arterial Blood Gases
respiratory acidosis
CO2 builds up and reacts with the water in the blood, forming carbonic acid – Retrieved from on 26th May 2021
respiratory alkalosis
Body removing more CO2 than is being produced by the tissues – Retrieved from on 26th May 2021
metabolic acidosis
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metabolic alkalosis
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Interpreting Arterial Blood Gases
Interpreting Arterial Blood Gases
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Indications for ABGs

  • assessing acid-base status (measuring pH in the body to assess for respiratory alkalosis/acidosis)
  • assessing ventilation (effective gaseous exchange in the body)
  • assessing for electrolyte imbalances (through ABGs testing, electrolyte balance reading is available in just a few minutes)
  • assessing for treatment response (eg. following asthma exacerbation treatment)

ABGs Contraindications

  • bleeding disorders (eg. patients undergoing anticoagulation therapy)
  • arteriovenous fistula (an abnormal connection between an artery and a vein)
  • peripheral vascular disease (a pre-known problem with circulation)
  • infection on site
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ABGs Complications

  • Haematoma – apply pressure on site for 2-3 minutes to avoid
  • Thrombus formation within the artery due to the bleeding
  • Infection on site – introduction of pathogens into the patient’s artery causes infection; use chlorhexidine swab to clean skin thoroughly and allow to dry prior to puncturing skin)

Equipment Needed

  • a 23G (blue) needle
  • 2ml syringe with heparin and a plastic bung (to avoid blood clotting in the needle and ABGs testing machine)
  • sharps bin
  • gloves
  • gauze
  • alcohol wipe

Below you can find a collection of videos that can help provide a more visual approach to Arterial Blood Gases Interpretation.

Arterial Blood Gases Balance Animation

Arterial Blood Gases Made Easy

Partially vs Fully Compensated & Uncompensated Arterial Blood Gases

Respiratory Acidosis

Respiratory Alkalosis

Metabolic Acidosis

Metabolic Alkalosis

Special thanks to the creators of the featured videos on this post, specifically Youtube Channels Alila Medical Media and RegisteredNurseRN.

Did you find the above nursing information useful? Follow us on Facebook and fill in your email address below to receive new blogposts in your inbox as soon as they’re published 🙂

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Tuberculosis – Nursing Care for the Patient with TB

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Tuberculosis, which is caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, is a chronic respiratory disease usually lasting for more than 3 months. It is commonly associated with poverty, malnutrition, overcrowding, substandard housing and inadequate healthcare.

Tuberculosis is an infection which primarily affects the lung parenchyma, but it can also spread to other areas within the body, such as the meninges, kidneys, bones and lymph nodes.

Tuberculosis Pathophysiology

Inhalation: Tuberculosis is a highly infectious airborne disease that is first acquired through inhalation, when a person inhales the Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (bacteria) and becomes infected.

Transmission: Once inhaled, it is then transmitted through the airways, to the alveoli, and then transported via the lymphatic system and the bloodstream to other areas within the body.

Defence: In response, the body’s immune system causes an inflammatory reaction and phyagocytes engulf many of the bacteria, whilst lymphocytes break down the bacteria.

Protection: Masses of live and dead bacteria called Granulomas become contained (stopped from multiplying and/or spreading) as they are then surrounded by macrophages which form a protective wall around them.

Ghon’s Tubercle: They transform into a mass of fibrous tissue, of which the central portion is called a Ghon’s Tubercle. At this stage, the infected individual shows no signs and symptoms of having Tuberculosis.

Scarring: The bacteria and macrophages turn into a cheesy mass, becoming calcified before forming into a collagenous scar. At this stage, the bacteria is considered to be dormant, stopping any further progression of the disease.

Primary TB Infection: No symptoms are evident up to this stage.

Activation: A compromised or inadequate immune system (eg. individuals on steroids, with cancer, HIV etc.) may cause the disease to activate when dormant bacteria is reactivated and starts multiplying (reactivation TB), becoming also drug resistant. The individual is now symptomatic.

Progression: If no immediate action is taken, Tuberculosis can progress from diagnosis to death in just 4-6 weeks.

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Tuberculosis Causes

  • Contact – close contact with an individual with active TB
  • Low Immunity – individuals considered immunocompromised
  • Substance Abuse – alcoholic individuals and individuals who make use of IV drugs
  • Inadequate Healthcare – individuals who are poor, homeless etc.
  • Immigration – individuals coming from countries in which there is a high prevalence of TB
  • Overcrowding – eg. in substandard housing and poor living conditions

Tuberculosis Signs & Symptoms

Primary TB Infection – following a 4-8 week incubation period, patient is usually asymptomatic

Once bacteria becomes active, the patient starts exhibiting signs and symptoms of TB…

Non-Specific Symptoms – fatigue, weakness, anorexia, weight loss, night sweats and low-grade fever, with the latter two being the most common

Cough – productive

Haemoptysis – patient may occasionally start coughing up blood (blood may be visible in the patient’s saliva)

Chest Pain – caused by discomfort due to respiratory distress and infection. Inflammation due to bacteria causes inflammation of the pleural membrane, which then increases the friction in the pleural membrane, resulting in chest pain on coughing.

Tuberculosis Prevention

  • Identification and Treatment
  • Prevention using infection control principles eg. handwashing, isolating patients with active TB infection, wearing of PPEs
  • Surveillance among healthcare workers through periodic testing for TB infection

Tuberculosis Complications

  • Respiratory Failure
  • Pneumothorax
  • Pneumonia (one of the most fatal complications of TB since it may cause infection all over the lungs, leading to TB Pneumonia)

Tuberculosis Assessment & Diagnostic Findings

  • Sputum Culture – positive result for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis during the active TB stage (no longer contained by macrophages)
  • Mantoux Test – positive reaction indicates a history of infection; it is not a direct indication of active TB (reaction in a healthy person usually indicates dormant TB, while a reaction in a clinically ill patient indicates that active TB cannot be dismissed as a diagnostic possibility
  • Chest X-ray – shows evidence of scar /fibrotic tissue
  • Bronchoscopy – shows evidence of inflammation; also allows sputum sample collection if needed for further testing
  • Needle Biopsy of Lung Tissue – provides positive testing for TB granulomas
  • Pulmonary Function Studies – indicates decreased vital capacity (caused by inflammation of the lungs that leads to difficulty in expelling air from the lungs), increased dead space (areas not involved in gaseous exchange), decreased oxygen saturation (TB affects gaseous exchange in the lungs leading to less oxygen saturation), and increased ratio of residual air vs total lung capacity (due to respiratory distress) – can also be indicative of other respiratory conditions so this isn’t used alone to diagnose TB
  • TB Blood Test

Tuberculosis Medical Management

TB is primarily treated with antituberculosis agents for 6-12 months…

First Line Agents:

  • Isoniazid (INH) – Side Effects include Peripheral Neuritis (nerve inflammation), Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) and Hypersensitivity to the drug eg. rash, fever, SOB following medication intake.
  • Rifampin (RIF) – Side Effects include turning body secretions (eg. urine) into orange or red coloured secretions, Hepatitis, Fever, Purpura (small bruises forming on skin), Nausea and Vomiting.
  • Ethambutol (EMB) – Side Effects include Optic Neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve) and Skin Rash; use with caution in patients with renal disease
  • Pyrazinamide – Side Effects include Hyperuricaemia (increased uric acid in the blood), Hepatotoxicity (damage in the liver), Skin Rash, Arthralgias (joint pain) and GI distress.

In adults with Active TB, treatment consists of all 4 drugs (this avoids the microorganism from becoming resistant to the antibiotic) usually administered daily for 2 months, followed by 4 months of INH and RIF.

In adults with Latent TB, treatment with INH is usually administered daily for 9 months.

Nursing Assessment

  • past and present medical history to identify the possibility of exposure to someone with active TB
  • assess physical appearance with emphasis on dramatic loss of weight
  • SPO2 and ABGs

Nursing Care

for patients with TB…

  • promote airway clearance
  • treatment adherence
  • promote activity and adequate nutrition
  • prevent TB infection spread

for patients with risk of TB infection…

  • identify interventions to prevent and reduce risk of infection spread
  • educate patient about airborne spreading of TB infection
  • identify patient’s close contacts at risk of contracting TB eg. associates, household members etc (these may require a course of drug therapy eg. Isoniazid, to prevent infection development
  • instruct patient to use tissue when coughing and sneezing
  • educate patient about proper tissue disposal as well as infection control measures eg. handwashing
  • isolate patient if needed esp. if infection control measures are not being adhered to (nurse should wear PPEs to protect self from TB infection eg. N95 mask)
  • monitor temperature due to febrile reaction being a sign of active TB infection
  • identify risk factors for reactivation of TB eg. use of alcohol, malnutrition, cancer, diabetes mellitus, steroid use etc.
  • emphasise importance of uninterrupted drug therapy
  • emphasise importance of follow-up and periodic re-culturing of sputum during drug therapy stage
  • emphasise importance of periodic liver function tests to monitor treatment side effects
  • notify Public Health Department regarding TB infection (similar to what happens in individuals with COVID-19 for contact tracing purposes)

If patient has a fever:

  • administer antipyretics
  • start IV if patient is unable to tolerate fluids to avoid dehydration

Sometimes a patient with TB is unable to clear secretions from the respiratory tract due to thick, viscous or bloody secretions as well as fatigue and poor coughing. Here the nurse should focus on the following objectives for the patient:

  • maintain patent airway
  • expectorate secretions without assistance
  • follow treatment regimen
  • identify possible complications and initiate appropriate actions

The nurse should…

  • assess respiratory function eg. breathing sounds (rhonchi and wheezing), respiratory rate, rhythm and depth, as well as for use of accessory muscles during breathing
  • assess patient’s ability to expectorate mucus and cough effectively
  • document amount of sputum, character and haemoptysis if present
  • place patient in semi or high fowler’s position
  • teach coughing and deep breathing exercises
  • clear secretions from mouth and trachea if required
  • maintain fluid intake of 2500ml per day (unless contraindicated)
  • administer mucolytic agents and bronchodilators when necessary

In patients at risk for impaired gas exchange, the nurse should focus on the following objectives for the patient…

  • absence or decreased dyspnoea
  • improved ventilation and adequate oxygen saturation through acceptable ABG results
  • no symptoms of respiratory distress

The nurse should…

  • assess for dyspnoea, tachypnoea, abnormal/diminished breath sounds, increased respiratory effort and fatigue
  • assess for cyanosis including in mucous membranes and nail beds
  • teach pursed lip breathing
  • promote bed rest / limit activity and assist with self care to decrease oxygen consumption
  • check PEFR (would be low due to lack of gaseous exchange)
  • monitor ABGs (for respiratory alkalosis) and pulse oximetry
  • administer supplemental oxygen if necessary

Patients with imbalanced nutrition usually show a drastic decrease in weight (10-20% less than their ideal weight), and complain about an altered taste sensation and lack of interest in food. They also have evident poor muscle tone. In patients with evident imbalanced nutrition, the nurse should focus on the following outcomes…

  • show an increase in weight
  • show no signs of malnutrition
  • show behavioural changes aiming to regain/maintain appropriate weight

The nurse should…

  • document patient’s nutritional status
  • take note of the patient’s normal dietary pattern and include in food selection
  • monitor weight during hospital stay
  • investigate anorexia, nausea and vomiting, and check for possible connection with medication intake
  • ensure proper oral hygiene to improve taste sensation and thus, appetite, plus reducing the chance of developing oral thrush and infection (mucocytis)
  • encourage small frequent high protein and high carbohydrate meals (helps reduce gastric irritation)
  • encourage patient’s family members to bring in food from home to help increase patient’s appetite and nutritional intake
  • refer patient to dietitian
  • administer antiemetics if patient is experiencing nausea and vomiting

Discharge Planning

  • provide patient with written instructions regarding scheduling of medications and follow-up sputum testing following therapy
  • teach patient about symptoms which should be reported to healthcare if present eg. haemoptysis, chest pain, fever and dyspnoea
  • emphasise importance of a high protein high carbohydrate diet and adequate fluid intake
  • provide information about side effects of treatments being given on discharge
  • encourage smoking cessation and alcohol cessation

Below you can find a collection of videos that can help provide a more visual approach to Tuberculosis nursing care.

Tuberculosis Animation

Tuberculosis Symptoms, Treatment, Causes and Nursing Management

Inactive Tuberculosis on Chest X-Ray

Active Tuberculosis on Chest X-Ray

Mantoux Test

Special thanks to the creators of the featured videos on this post, specifically Youtube Channels Alila Medical Media, RegisteredNurseRN, hammadshams and GreyBruceHealthUnit.

Did you find the above nursing information useful? Follow us on Facebook and fill in your email address below to receive new blogposts in your inbox as soon as they’re published 🙂

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Thoracentesis and Bronchoscopy – Respiratory Procedures Nursing Care

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Sometimes certain respiratory procedures may be needed for diagnostic and/or therapeutic reasons. Thoracentesis and Bronchoscopy are two of these respiratory procedures.


Thoracentesis is a respiratory procedure performed with the aim of removing pleural effusion. A needle is inserted through the back of the chest wall and into the pleural space to extract pleural effusion for diagnostic (where pleural fluid is examined a.k.a. cytological examination) and/or therapeutic (where pleural fluid is removed to provide relief) reasons.

Thoracentesis Complications

  • Intercostal Vessels Laceration – leads to Haemothorax if undetected post procedure through ultrasound
  • Pneumothorax – lung laceration by needle or plastic catheter during procedure
  • Re-expansion Pulmonary Edema (RPE) – uncommon complication following procedure. Symptoms, usually noticed within 24 hours post procedure, include cough, chest discomfort and hypoxaemia. May be fatal.
  • Infection – risk can be reduced through correct infection control procedures
  • Hypotension – may happen if too much fluid is extracted too quickly

Nursing Responsibilities Prior to Thoracentesis

  1. Obtain informed consent
  2. Explain and emphasis the importance of having the procedure done
  3. Inform patient that mild pain is experienced in situ
  4. Check patient history with reference to anticoagulation therapy and/or known bleeding disorders
  5. Area to be punctured may be shaved
  6. Monitor vital signs
  7. Ask patient to remove anything that may interfere with the procedure such as jewellery and clothing around insertion site
  8. Prior to the procedure, a chest x-ray, ultrasound or CT scan may be performed to identify the exact location of pleural fluid that needs to be extracted
  9. A sedative may be administered to reduce anxiety and help the patient relax during the procedure
  10. Position patient in a sitting position with arms and head resting supported on an adjustable bedside table. If this is not possible, the patient should be placed in a lying position on the unaffected side and at the edge of the bed (attn patient safety!)
  11. During needle insertion, teach patient not to cough, breathe deeply or move, as doing any of this may lead to lung puncturing

Nursing Responsibilities During Thoracentesis

  1. Thoracentesis is performed using a sterile technique
  2. The thoracentesis needle is usually inserted in the posterolateral aspect of the back, over the diaphragm but under the fluid level
  3. Clean puncture site with an antiseptic solution
  4. Local anaesthetic is administered at the area to be punctured
  5. Monitor vital signs
  6. Observe for distress signs such as dyspnoea and pallor
  7. Administer supplemental oxygen if needed
  8. If being performed for diagnostic purposes, fluid is aspirated; if being performed for therapeutic purposes, chest tube should be well secured
  9. DO NOT drain more than 1000ml of pleural fluid within the first 30 minutes as this may lead to hypotension
  10. Cover puncture site with a small sterile dressing

Nursing Responsibilities After Thoracentesis

  1. Close drain for 4 hours after draining 1000ml of fluid into the Wolves bottle (you can reopen drain after the 4 hours are over…repeat if necessary)
  2. Elevate head of bed to promote better breathing
  3. Monitor vital signs
  4. Observe for changes in patient’s cough, sputum and respiratory rate and for chest pain complaints
  5. Document procedure including physician name, date and time of performed procedure and the amount and colour of the drained pleural fluid
  6. Monitor dressing for bleeding or other drainage
  7. Transport specimen to the lab if it is being evaluated
  8. Chest x-ray should be performed 6 hours after procedure is done


Bronchoscopy is an invasive procedure that allows direct examination of the larynx, trachea and bronchi either under general or local anaesthetic for diagnostic and/or therapeutic purposes. This is done using a bronchial brush, forceps and/or needle which are passed through the bronchoscope to retrieve tissue samples which can then be tested. This procedure can be done using either a flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope (provides a wider view of the tracheobronchial tree) or a rigid metal bronchoscope (ideal for foreign body removal and massive haemoptysis control a.k.a. blood coughing control.

Local anaesthetic is sprayed in the patient’s throat. Following effect of sedative, a bronchoscope is inserted through the patient’s mouth or nose. Anaesthetic is then sprayed through the scope’s inner channel to the vocal cords surrounding area. The anatomical structure of the trachea and bronchi is then examined; mucosal lining colour is noted, along with inspection for visible tumours or inflammation. Bronchoalveolar lavage may also be performed, where sterile water is injected into a segment of the lung and suctioned back before being sent for further testing.

thoracentesis bronchoscopy
Retrieved from on 15th May 2021
thoracentesis bronchoscopy
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Diagnostic Bronchoscopy allows:

  • Visualisation of the tracheobronchial tree to detect any abnormalities, including but not limited to inflammation, tumours or strictures
  • Visualisation of the larynx to detect vocal cord paralysis presence
  • Aspiration of sputum specimen for microscopy, culture and sensitivity
  • Biopsy of tissue from suspected tumours
  • Identification of bleeding site in haemoptysis (blood coughing)

Therapeutic Bronchoscopy allows:

  • Removal of excessive secretions and mucus plugs
  • Removal of foreign objects
  • Bleeding control
  • Resection of benign or malignant tumours

Bronchoscopy Contraindications

  • Uncooperative patients
  • Patients with coagulopathy problems
  • Patients with severe acute respiratory failure
  • Recent head trauma prone to developing an increase in intracranial pressure
  • Severe tracheal obstruction

Nursing Responsibilities Prior To Bronchoscopy

  1. Withhold food and fluids for 6 to 12 hours prior to bronchoscopy to reduce aspiration risk
  2. Obtain baseline vital signs and inform physician regarding any abnormal findings
  3. Provide oral hygiene
  4. Instruct patient to remove any dentures if present
  5. If local anaesthesia is being administered, inform patient of its use and that it may have a bitter taste
  6. Reassure patient that airway blockage doesn’t happen with the procedure to relieve associated anxiety
  7. Prepare emergency resuscitation equipment at bedside to be prepared to resuscitate in case of bronchospasms and hypoxaemia during or following the procedure

Nursing Responsibilities During Bronchoscopy

  1. Position patient in a sitting or supine position
  2. Provide supplemental oxygen as required (usually via nasal cannula)
  3. Assist in tissue specimen collection, removal of foreign body, bronchoalveolar lavage and aspiration of retained secretions
  4. Send specimen to the lab with proper labelling
  5. Monitor parameters repeatedly to detect any significant decrease in oxygen saturation during bronchoscopy

Nursing Responsibilities Following Bronchoscopy

  1. Place patient in a semi-fowlers position
  2. Reassure patient that hoareseness, loss of voice and sore throat may happen temporarily. This helps provide comfort and relieve anxiety
  3. Maintain NBM (nil by mouth) until anaesthesia wears off and cough reflex is returned; resume normal diet gradually, starting with sips of water or ice chips
  4. Observe patient sputum and report any excessive bleeding (minimum blood streak is expected and is considered normal for a few hours post procedure
  5. Instruct patient to spit out any saliva in a provided emesis basin instead of swallowing it so as to prevent aspiration
  6. Assess respiratory status to detect any signs of bronchospasm or bronchial perforation (hypoxaemia, haemorrhage and chest tightness)
  7. Monitor vital signs (changes or discomforts may indicate possible complications)

Complications following Bronchoscopy

  • Bleeding from biopsy site
  • Fever – low grade fever (<38°C) is common due to an acute inflammatory response, high white blood cell count, elevated C-reactive protein and absence of infection
  • Bronchospasm
  • Pneumothorax – happens if lung is punctured during the procedure
  • Infection
  • Hypoxaemia – low blood oxygen saturation; common during the procedure, but is usually restored without any intervention; a higher risk of hypoxaemia is associated with the patient being in a sitting position, patients with chronic obstructive disorders and patients requiring supplemental oxygen prior to the procedure (suctioning can exacerbate hypoxaemia)
  • In patients with significant desaturation (>4% decrease or <90% saturation), oxygen supplementation should be administered to reduce complications related to hypoxaemia

Findings Following Bronchoscopy

  • Lung Disease eg. TB, Carcinoma or fungal infection
  • Foreign Substances eg. mucus plugs, blood and foreign objects
  • Endotracheal Abnormalities eg. narrowing or compression in the trachea
  • Bronchial Wall Abnormalities eg. swelling, inflammation or ulceration

Below you can find a collection of videos that can help provide a more visual approach to Thoracentesis and Bronchoscopy.


Thoracentesis Using Thoracic Ultrasonography


Bronchoscopy Segmental Anatomy

Special thanks to the creators of the featured videos on this post, specifically Youtube Channels Pulmonary Resident Essentials, UW Wish, Nucleus Medical Media and HansDaniels.

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Pneumonia – Nursing Care for Patients with Lung Parenchyma Infection

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Pneumonia is an infection in the lung parenchyma, particularly in the bronchioles and alveoli, which is caused by pathogens such as bacteria, fungi and viruses. On the other hand, Pneumonitis is an inflammation in the lung tissue which increases the patient’s risk of developing pneumonia.

Community-Acquired Pneumonia – pneumonia acquired within the community or within the first 48 hours post hospitalisation or institutionalisation. Patient hospitalisation for pneumonia depends solely on the acquired pneumonia severity (may be treated at the patient’s home unless severe). CAUSES: Streptococcus Pneumoniae, Haemophilus Influenzae & Mycoplasma Pneumoniae.

Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia a.k.a. Nosocomial Pneumonia – pneumonia acquired more than 48 hours after hospital admission with no prior infection symptoms exhibited. This type of pneumonia carries a higher mortality rate. CAUSES: Staphylococcus Aureus, Impaired Host Defenses, Comorbid Conditions (eg. Asthma, COPD), Supine Positioning & Prolonged Hospitalisation.

Immunocompromised Patient Pneumonia – patients who are immunocompromised (have AIDS, Immune Disorders, Haematological Malignancies, or who make use of Corticosteroids, Chemotherapy or other immunosuppressive agents) can easily develop pneumonia from organisms of low virulence (organisms who don’t cause pneumonia in healthy individuals).

Aspiration Pneumonia – pneumonia acquired from entry of endogenous (bacteria from within the body aspirated in the lung such as gastric contents) or exogenous (bacteria from outside the body eg. from a drink causing aspiration or from chemical contents or irritation gases) substances into the lower respiratory tract. Aspirated substances impair the lung defenses (eg. removal of mucus, mucociliary escalator), cause inflammation changes which then lead to bacterial growth, causing pneumonia. This type of pneumonia happens within the community or hospital setting.

Pneumonia Pathophysiology

  1. When pathogens enter the respiratory tract and descend into the sterile lower respiratory tract, an inflammation occurs.
  2. Exudate (pus) is then produced, which in turn interferes with gases exchange within the alveoli. Instead, white blood cells migrate to the alveoli and fill the spaces which otherwise would have been filled with air.
  3. Furthermore, the same inflammation causes the lining of the bronchioles to swell i.e. mucosal oedema. Additionally, the inflammation also causes the goblet cells to secrete even more mucus.
  4. Both mucosal oedema and excessive secretions cause narrowing of the bronchioles, interfering with the diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide, causing hypoventilation, leading to hypoxia due to less oxygen perfusion within the body tissues.
pneumonia nursing care
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Retrieved from on 5th May 2021
pneumonia nursing care
Retrieved from on 5th May 2021

Commonly used Terms

  • Bronchopneumonia: patchy consolidated areas
  • Consolidation: solidified tissue resulting from the infectious process
  • Lobar Pneumonia: consolidated lobe/s
pneumonia nursing care
Retrieved from on 5th May 2021


  • Promote Coughing Exercises in patients with excessive mucus production conditions such as COPD and Asthma. This helps clear mucus that if left there could lead to pneumonia.
  • Promote Smoking Cessation in patients who smoke, as smoking disrupts mucociliary clearance and white blood cell activity, both of which increase the risk.
  • Raise Head of Bed in unconscious patients since unconsciousness causes decrease in cough reflex and airway protection.
  • Frequent Repositioning, Breathing and Coughing Exercises, Suctioning and Chest Physiotherapy can help prevent pneumonia in long-term immobile patients.
  • Oral Hygiene, NGT Placement Check and Proper Patient Positioning can help prevent it in patients making use of an NGT.
  • Nutritious Diet, Frequent Turning, Ambulation and Coughing Exercises help prevent it in older adults.
  • Infection Control helps in the reduction of organism transmission by healthcare providers.
  • Pneumococcal Vaccine should be encouraged.

Pneumonia can be spread by infected respiratory droplets in person to person contact, thus, normal infection control practices should be encouraged and adhered to by the patient and his/her family members, as well as by healthcare staff using recommended PPEs.


  • Septic Shock – bacteria may end up in the bloodstream, leading to a septic shock.
  • Respiratory Failure – hypoventilation causes the patient to compensate for lack of oxygen by increasing Respiratory Rate. This causes the patient’s breathing muscles to get tired, leading to respiratory failure.
  • Pleural Effusion – may be caused by the fluid that is caused by the inflammatory process
  • Confusion – may be caused due to hypoxia

Pneumonia Clinical Manifestations

  • Rapidly Rising Fever is caused due to the infection of the lung parenchyma.
  • Pleuritic Chest Pain is caused by deep breathing and coughing.
  • Rapid Bounding Pulse is caused due to the body trying to compensate for the low oxygen perfusion in the body.
  • Tachypnoea is caused due to the body trying to compensate for the low oxygen perfusion in the body.
  • Bradypnoea is caused when the accessory muscles get tired.
  • Increased Cough (productive or not productive in dehydrated patients)
  • Purulent Sputum is caused by pus-filled sputum due to the infection in the lung parenchyma (greenish sputum).
  • Percussion Dullness can be heard where there is consolidation in the lungs.
  • Decreased Breath Sounds is caused by the narrowing of the lower respiratory tract leading to less movement of air.
  • Whispering Pectoriloquy can be noted due to consolidation in the lungs.
  • Crackles can be heard if there is pleural effusion.

A Chest X-ray can confirm the presence of pneumonia, since pneumonia’s symptoms are very similar to other chronic conditions such as Chronic Heart Failure and so it is difficult to identify its type based on the clinical manifestations only.

pneumonia xray
Retrieved from on 6th May 2021

Pneumonia Patient Assessment and Diagnostics

  • History of a recent respiratory tract infection as this predisposes the patient to pneumonia.
  • Physical Examination to note clinical manifestations.
  • Chest X-ray can confirm pneumonia.
  • Blood Culture helps determine any bloodstream invasion of the pathogen.
  • Sputum Examination helps identify the pathogen responsible for infection, test sensitivity of the pathogen and determine treatment.

Sputum Examination should be done on a sputum sample, for which the following steps are necessary:

  1. Prior to being started on an antibiotic, instruct patient to rinse mouth with water so as to minimise contamination with oral microorganisms;
  2. Ask the patient to breathe deeply for several times;
  3. Ask the patient to cough deeply and expectorate the raised sputum into a sterile container;
  4. Send sputum sample for microscopy, culture and sensitivity.
Retrieved from on 6th May 2021
pneumonia clinical manifestations
Retrieved from on 5th May 2021

Pneumonia Medical Management

  1. If suspected, start patient on a broad spectrum antibiotic eg. Tazobactam;
  2. Assess patient after 72 hours based on his/her clinical condition, sputum sample and blood culture results;
  3. Based on findings, continue same treatment or escalate treatment eg. Meropenem, or start on antiviral or antifungal medication if required.

Upon diagnosis:

  • start patient on IV fluids since fever causes fluid loss
  • administer antipyretic medications to control fever
  • administer antitussive medications to control cough
  • administer analgesia for pleural chest pain
  • administer oxygen therapy for hypoxia

Pneumonia Nursing Care

  1. Improve Airway Patency through secretion removal by deep breathing and coughing exercises, chest physiotherapy and frequent position changes; adequate hydration to help thin and loosen secretions; humidification through oxygen therapy to help loosen secretions and improve ventilation; suctioning (SPO2 monitoring is required during suctioning as it can cause hypoxia).
  2. Promote Rest and Energy Conservation by encouraging avoidance of overexertion and symptom exacerbation; place in Semi Fowler’s Position to promote a comfortable position whilst improving breathing; changing positions frequently so as to promote secretion clearance, pulmonary ventilation and perfusion.
  3. Promote Adequate Fluid Intake and Nutrition – fluid intake should be increased to at least 2L per day to replace fluid loss; fluids with electrolytes help provide fluid, calories and electrolytes; and nutrition enriched beverages help in restoring proper nutrition with less effort.
  4. Monitor patient for changes in pulse and temperature, amount and colour of secretions, and chest x-rays to confirm whether or not patient condition is improving.

Pneumonia Patient Discharge Planning

  • Teach proper administration and side effects of Antibiotic treatment
  • Teach signs and symptoms of worsening condition
  • Teach breathing and coughing exercises
  • Follow-up with Chest X-ray to ensure recovery
  • Warn patient that one episode of pneumonia leads to susceptibility of recurrent pneumonia episodes, thus, teach patient to avoid stress, fatigue, alcohol and smoking, all of which decrease the defense system of the lungs
  • Advise patient about adequate nutrition as well as to rest and avoid excessive activity to avoid recurrent pneumonia episodes
  • Encourage patient to take the yearly influenza vaccine to avoid getting influenza which can also lead to pneumonia

Below you can find a collection of videos that can help provide a more visual approach to Pneumonia Nursing Care.

Pneumonia – Animation

Chest Percussion


Special thanks to the creators of the featured videos on this post, specifically Youtube Channels Alila Medical Media, Stanford Medicine 25, Medicos Scientia and EMTprep.

Did you find the above nursing information useful? Follow us on Facebook and fill in your email address below to receive new blogposts in your inbox as soon as they’re published 🙂

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COPD Nursing Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is an irreversible, preventable and controllable disease that presents as chronic dyspnoea due to airflow restriction. Whilst signs and symptoms of COPD can be managed and/or treated, COPD disease progression cannot be fully reversed. COPD nursing management and care play an important role in managing COPD exacerbations and patient education to avoid further worsening of the disease.

COPD can present as Chronic Bronchitis or Emphysema. Some COPD patients may have overlapping signs and symptoms of both.

COPD Nursing Management
Retrieved from on 25th April 2021

Chronic Bronchitis Signs & Symptoms:

  • Cough and Sputum Production – Chronic Bronchitis diagnosis requires the patient to experience persistent cough and sputum production for at least 3 months in at least 2 consecutive years. This happens due to irritation in the airway caused by pollutants or allergens that lead to an increase in sputum production by mucus-secreting glands and goblet cells. Mucus affects the mucociliary escalator, making it harder to expel sputum. Retained mucus gives way to an increased risk for viral, bacterial and fungal infections that trigger acute bronchitis.
  • Overweight – gets tired easily so tends to avoid exercising.
  • Cyanotic – due to the condition, not enough oxygen is produced within the lungs, leading to less oxygen perfusion throughout the body…this is why individuals with Chronic Bronchitis are usually referred to as Blue Bloaters.
  • Elevated Haemoglobin – patients with Chronic Bronchitis are usually hypoxic. To compensate for the lack of oxygen, the body increases the production of erythropoietin, which in turn causes an increase in red blood cell production.
  • Peripheral Oedema – caused by pulmonary hypertension where there is an increase in blood pressure within the arteries of the lungs.
  • Rhonchi and Wheezing – the airway is compromised due to bronchoconstriction and increased mucus production.

Emphysema Signs & Symptoms:

  • Usually Older and Thin – in patients with Emphysema, lungs become hyperinflated, pressing on the stomach. This reduces appetite, leading to weightloss. Individuals with Emphysema are commonly referred to as Pink Puffers.
  • Severe Dyspnoea – increased respiratory rate. Increased dead space = air not contributing to gas exchange = less oxygen perfusion = hypoxia = hypoventilation.
  • Quiet Chest – alveoli are damaged; less air reaches the alveoli for gas exchange.
  • X-Ray shows Hyperinflation with a Flattened Diaphragm – anatomical damage as in abnormal distention of airspaces (bronchioles, alveoli and alveoli ducts) and destruction of the alveoli walls, and thus, an increase in the dead space (air not contributing to gas exchange), is visible in an x-ray.

There are 2 main types of Emphysema:

Panlobular: destruction of bronchiole, alveolar duct and alveolus.

Centrilobular: destruction mainly in the centre of the alveolar sac.

COPD Nursing Management
Retrieved from on 25th April 2021

Pathophysiology of COPD

  1. Increase in number of goblet cells and mucus secreting glands leading to hypersecretion of mucus and mucus plug which affects the mucociliary escalator;
  2. Inflammation causes mucosal oedema and exudate to flow into the airway, narrowing the airway in the process;
  3. Scar Formation is caused, leading to permanent airway lumen narrowing (hence why it’s called Chronic Bronchitis);
  4. Alveolar wall destruction leads to a decrease in alveolar surface area in direct contact with pulmonary capillaries. Furthermore, there is also a decrease in elastic recoil and damage to connective tissue which supports the alveoli;
  5. Alveoli remain inflated due to decrease in elastic recoil, causing alveolar hyperinflation;
  6. Inflammation affects the pulmonary capillaries, causing vessel lining thickening, thus, narrowing of capillaries, leading to pulmonary hypertension;
  7. High blood pressure in the pulmonary capillaries affects systemic blood circulation, leading to pulmonary oedema and less gas exchange between the alveoli and the pulmonary capillaries.
COPD Nursing Management
Retrieved from on 25th April 2021
COPD Nursing Management
Retrieved from on 25th April 2021

COPD Risk Factors

  • Smoking – this is the primary risk factor for COPD. Smoking reduces white blood cells activity, affects the mucociliary escalator, irritates goblet cells and mucus secreting glands leading to an increase in mucus production. With the mucociliary escalator affected, it becomes hard for the patient to excrete or cough out sputum, thus increasing the risk of infection.
  • Occupational Exposure – occupational dust, chemicals and air pollution increase the risk of developing COPD.
  • Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency – a genetic abnormality where alpha 1 antitrypsin, an enzyme which helps in protecting the lung parenchyma from injury, is inhibited.

Clinical Manifestation of COPD

  • Chronic Cough
  • Sputum Production (white sputum is normal in COPD, but yellowish/greenish sputum indicates an infection)
  • Dyspnoea on exertion (persistent and progressive dyspnoea)
  • Dyspnoea at rest (in worsening COPD)
  • Weight Loss (due to hyperinflation of the lungs)
  • Use of Accessory Muscles (due to dyspnoea)
  • Barrel Chest
Barrel Chest Deformity in a patient with Emphysema – Retrieved from on 25th April 2021

COPD Complications

  • Respiratory Failure: COPD progression > dyspnoea > tired respiratory muscles > respiratory failure.
  • Pneumonia: excessive and stagnant mucus serves as a medium to pathogens, leading to infection.
  • Chronic Atelectasis: partial or complete lung collapse caused by blockage or pressure build up within the lungs’ bronchial tubes.
  • Pneumothorax: lung collapse due to air accumulating in the pleural cavity.
  • Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: resulting from hypertrophy of smooth muscle.
Retrieved from on 25th April 2021

COPD Nursing Management – Assessment

  • Health History – eg. smoking or potential exposure to irritants
  • Pulmonary Function – help in the diagnosis of COPD as well as its progression and/or monitoring
  • PEFR – helps in assessing severity of airflow obstruction
  • ABGs – arterial blood gas measurement helps by providing a baseline reading of PaO2 (Partial Pressure of Oxygen) and PaCO2 (Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide)
  • Chest X-ray – helps in excluding other possible diagnosis, and helps determine hyperinflation of lungs and diaphragm as well as decreased bullae
  • CT Scan – helps in excluding other possible diagnosis such as lung cancer
  • Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Screening – ideally performed for patients with a family history of COPD
  • Sputum Culture – helps investigate for the possibility of infection
  • Peripheral Blood Culture – in the case of fever, this can determine presence of bacteria in the blood i.e. septicaemia

COPD Nursing Management – Therapy

COPD cannot be reversed but its symptoms can be controlled. COPD therapy is provided to relieve its symptoms.

  • Bronchodilators – short and long-acting beta adrenergic agonists can help relieve bronchospasms and decrease airway obstruction
  • Corticosteroids – help decrease COPD symptoms by reducing inflammation and reducing mucus production eg. Beclomethasone (inhaled) or Prednisolone (oral corticosteroids)
  • Oxygen Therapy – Oxygen saturation in COPD patients should be somewhere between 88%-92%. Oxygen in COPD patients is frequently administered through the use of nasal cannula or a venturi mask. Too much Oxygen in a COPD patient leads to the retention of CO2, since gas exchange is compromised due to narrowing of the airway and the destruction of the alveoli as well as lack of elastic recoil
  • Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Augmentation Therapy – increases lung parenchyma protection
  • Antibiotics – fight infection
  • Mucolytic Agents – reduce mucus production
  • Antitussive Agents – relieve cough
  • Vasodilators – help reduce pulmonary hypertension
  • Narcotics – act as analgesia for muscular pain due to ongoing cough and excessive accessory muscle use for breathing
  • Heparin or Anti-Coagulants – if patient is bed-bound or too lethargic to move, this could help reduce the risk of pulmonary embolism and thrombosis
  • Yearly Influenza Vaccine – reduces the risk of developing chronic bronchitis

COPD Exacerbation

COPD exacerbation is marked by an acute change in the individual’s baseline dyspnoea, cough or sputum production. An increase in one of these signals COPD exacerbation. It is usually triggered by infection and/or air pollution.

COPD exacerbation can be controlled by the use of Bronchodilators, Corticosteroids, Antibiotics (in the case of infection) and Oxygen therapy (to increase oxygen saturation).

If a patient doesn’t respond to initial treatment for severe dyspnoea, and exhibits additional confusion, lethargy, respiratory muscle fatigue (signals pending respiratory failure), paradoxical chest wall movement(pneumothorax) and peripheral oedema (pulmonary hypertension), hospitalisation is indicated.

In some cases, surgical management for COPD may also be indicated, namely Bullectomy (where bullae are removed), Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (where part of the affected lung is removed) or Lung Transplant (where the lung of a donor is surgically attached instead of the affected lung).

COPD Nursing Management To Promote Airway Clearance

  • Bronchodilators
  • Corticosteroids (oral Corticosteroids may lead to hyperglycaemia, thus the nurse should monitor for condition)
  • Increase fluid intake (help in replacing fluid loss through sweating and exertion from breathing with accessory muscle use)
  • Coughing Exercises (loosen and carry mucus through the airways without causing them to narrow and collapse without too much energy)
  • Chest Physiotherapy (helps in removing/excreting secretions)
  • Nebulised Saline (administered through the use of a nebuliser mask; helps loosen up mucus, thus enabling secretion excretion)
  • Patient Education (teaching Pursed Lip Breathing, Diaphragmatic Breathing, use of walking aids to decrease physical exertion and paced exercise training throughout the day to reduce excess weight and increase breathing capacity)

COPD Nursing Management and Monitoring for Complications

  • Cognitive Changes – may indicate severe hypoxia which leads to respiratory failure
  • Increased Dyspnoea, Tachypnoea and Tachycardia – indicates worsening of COPD condition
  • Pulse Oxymetry – monitoring patient Oxygen saturation, aiming for a value between 88-92% for COPD patients
  • Infection
  • Paradoxical Chest Wall Movement – to assess for pneumothorax
  • Breathing Sounds – difference in auscultated sounds between both lungs may also indicate pneumothorax

Further COPD Patient Education

  • Use long term inhaler treatment as prescribed
  • Maintain normal temperature: temperature increase leads to an increase in oxygen requirement, while temperature decrease causes vasoconstriction which may lead to hypoxia
  • Moderate activity level: helps avoid excessive coughing episodes
  • Stress avoidance: promotes wellbeing
  • Breathing exercises: facilitates gas exchange
  • Smoking cessation: helps avoid worsening of COPD or COPD exacerbation
  • Yearly influenza vaccine: helps reduce the risk of infection
  • Eat healthily: to increase energy (excessive carbohydrate intake leads to an increase in carbon dioxide production, which leads to the patient feeling full even though he/she is still hungry); teach patient to eat small portions, and if not eating, encourage family members to bring in homemade meals
  • Addressing the psychosocial aspect of the patient: appetite, emotional aspect, stress control, social aspect and finances (due to possible loss of work or reduced working ability)

Below you can find a collection of videos that can help provide a more visual approach to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD Nursing Care.

COPD – Understanding Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Animation

Understanding COPD – Animation

COPD Animation

COPD Nursing Management – Diagnosis and Evaluation

COPD Nursing Management and Treatment

Special thanks to the creators of the featured videos on this post, specifically Youtube Channels Nucleus Medical Media, Animated COPD Patient and Alila Medical Media.

Did you find the above nursing information useful? Follow us on Facebook and fill in your email address below to receive new blogposts in your inbox as soon as they’re published 🙂

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Physiology of the Respiratory System

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Physiology of the respiratory system refers to the act of respiration, also known as breathing or pulmonary ventilation. Pulmonary ventilation involves repetitive cycles of inhalation and exhalation, in which movement of oxygen happens from the outside environment to the cells within tissues, followed by the removal of carbon dioxide in the opposite direction. A pressure difference between air pressure within the lungs and the air outside of the body causes air to flow in and out of the lungs.

Common Respiratory Terms:

  • Eupnoea: respiratory rate at rest
  • Bradypnoea: decreased respiratory rate
  • Tachypnoea: increased respiratory rate
  • Apnoea: temporary cessation of breathing
  • Dyspnoea: difficulty breathing
  • Orthopnoea: difficulty breathing when laying down
  • Respiratory Arrest: permanent breathing cessation
  • Hyperventilation: fast breathing rate in which Carbon Dioxide is expelled faster than it is produced, lowering the Carbon Dioxide level in the blood leading to an increase in the blood pH
  • Hypoventilation: slow breathing rate in which Carbon Dioxide in the blood is increased due to not expelling it at the same rate as it is produced

Normal Respiratory Rates:

  • Adults: 12-20 breaths per minute
  • Children: 18-30 breaths per minute
  • Infants (up to 1 year): 30-60 breaths per minute
Retrieved from on 23rd April 2021

Respiratory muscles used in quiet inspiration:

  • Diaphragm – lowers to increase the thoracic cavity depth
  • External Intercostal Muscles – elevate the ribs leading to widening of the thoracic cavity

Respiratory muscles used in forced inspiration:

  • Sternocleidomastoids and Pectoralis Minor – elevate the sternum and ribs leading to the widening of the thoracic cavity
  • Scalenes – elevate ribs 1 and 2 leading to the widening of the thoracic cavity
  • Internal Intercostals (part of) – elevate the ribs leading to widening of the thoracic cavity

Respiratory muscles used in quiet expiration:

  • Diaphragm
  • Thoracic Cage
  • Lung Elasticity

Respiratory muscles used in forced expiration:

  • Internal Intercostals (part of)
  • Rectus Abdominis
  • Internal and External Obliques
  • Transversus Abdominis
Retrieved from on 23rd April 2021

Neural Breathing Control

Breathing happens through repetitive brain stimuli within the medulla oblongata:

Inspiratory neurons activate during quiet and forced inspiration, firing impulses leading to the diaphragm (through the phrenic nerve) and the external intercostal muscles (through the intercostal nerves) contracting. The inspiratory muscles relax when the inspiratory neurons stop firing, causing expiration.

Expiratory neurons activate during forced expiration.

The Respiratory Rate is affected by the Respiratory Centres, namely:

  • Central Chemoreceptors – found in the medulla oblongata
  • Peripheral Chemoreceptors – found in major blood vessels

These respond to the changes in Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide levels and pH of the blood. For example, if there is a decrease in Oxygen level, an increase in Carbon Dioxide level and a decrease in the blood pH, the Respiratory Rate is automatically increased so as to compensate for the lack of Oxygen.

Breathing can be manipulated through the cerebral cortex, which sends impulses to the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, bypassing the medulla oblongata and pons in the process. However, an increase in Carbon Dioxide level reduces the ability to control breathing manipulation.

The Pressure Gradient

The pressure gradient is the difference between the atmospheric pressure (pressure of the outside air) and the intrapulmonary pressure (pressure within the lungs). Pressure and resistance work together in determining airflow.

During inspiration, the rib cage elevates and the diaphragm depresses and flattens, leading to an increase in the thoracic volume, causing the intrapulmonary pressure to fall when compared to atmospheric pressure. Thus, air flows into the lungs.

During exhalation, the rib cage descends and the diaphragm rises in the form of a dome. Lungs recoil to a smaller volume, which causes the intrapulmonary pressure to increase when compared to atmospheric pressure. Thus, air flows out of the lungs.

Resistance to airflow depends on:

  • Thoracic Wall Compliance – if the thoracic wall tissues are non-compliant, the thoracic cavity doesn’t increase, which inhibits the lungs to increase in size during inhalation
  • Bronchial Diameter – bronchoconstriction causes resistance to airflow
  • Alveolar Surface Tension – alveoli walls are lined by a thin film of water that creates tension at their surface

Respiratory Volumes

Tidal Volume (TV) is the volume of air inspired or expired in a normal respiratory cycle.

Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV) is the maximum volume of air that can be inspired during forced respiration. This does not include the tidal volume (forced inspiration amount).

Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV) is the maximum volume of air that can be expired during forced respiration. This does not include the tidal volume.

Residual Volume (RV) is the volume of air left in the lungs following forced expiration. RV allows gas exchange to happen between respiratory cycles, allowing the alveoli to stay inflated.

Respiratory Capacity refers to the combination of more than one volume.

Total Lung Capacity (TLC) is the combination of all lung volumes:

Tidal Volume + Expiratory Reserve Volume + Inspiratory Reserve Volume + Residual Volume = Total Lung Capacity

Vital Capacity (VC) is the amount of air an individual can move in or out of the lungs:

Tidal Volume + Expiratory Reserve Volume + Inspiratory Reserve Volume = Vital Capacity

Inspiratory Capacity (IC) is the total amount of air that can be inhaled:

Tidal Volume + Inspiratory Reserve Volume = Inspiratory Capacity

Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) is the amount of air remaining in the lung following a normal tidal expiration:

Expiratory Reserve Volume + Residual Volume = Functional Residual Capacity

A PEFR measures Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV), which is the maximum amount of air that can be forcefully exhaled in one second.

Below you can find a collection of videos that can help provide a more visual approach to the physiology of the respiratory system.

Physiology of the Respiratory System – Animation

Physiology of the Respiratory System – Animation

Lung Anatomy & Physiology

Breathing Control

Gas Exchange

Respiratory Volumes – Spirometry

Special thanks to the creators of the featured videos on this post, specifically Youtube Channels Alila Medical Media and RegisteredNurseRN.

Did you find the above nursing information useful? Follow us on Facebook and fill in your email address below to receive new blogposts in your inbox as soon as they’re published 🙂

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Chronic Pain Management – The Nurse’s Role In Pain Management & Care

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Acute pain acts as a warning, signalling that you’ve been hurt. It is typically mild and short-lasting, or severe, lasting for a few weeks or months, disappearing when the underlying cause of pain is treated (eg. surgical wounds, broken bones and childbirth). On the other hand, chronic pain can last for months or years, and has no definite cause (eg. arthritis, back and neck pain, fibromyalgia, CRPS and headaches). Chronic pain management can help reduce the negative impact on an individual’s quality of life, however, complete pain relief is quite difficult to achieve.

Ineffective chronic pain management can be the result of:

  • inaccurate pain assessment leading to inadequate pain treatment
  • opioids misconceptions by clinicians and patients
  • fears about pain management side effects

Biopsychosocial Model of Pain

chronic pain management
Retrieved from on 1st April 2021

Biopsychological – Spiritual Model of Pain

chronic pain management
Retrieved from on 1st April 2021

Chronic Pain Management Patient Journey:

  1. Consultation resulting in a referral
  2. Outpatient visit
  3. Consultant review
  4. Follow-up

The nurse’s role during an outpatient visit requires him/her to:

  • Listen and assess the patient’s situation
  • Evaluate and take action
  • Advise
  • Organise care and/or treatment
  • Prepare the patient for any required pain intervention
  • Follow-up
  • Document all information
chronic pain management
Retrieved from on 1st April 2021
Retrieved from on 1st April 2021

Alternative Treatments for Chronic Pain Management

  • Psychotherapy
  • Psychiatric assessment
  • Psychological support
  • Acupuncture
  • Reflexology
  • Meditation and spirituality
  • Yoga and pilates

NSAIDs and Over-the-Counter Drugs for Chronic Pain Management

  • Ibuprofen
  • Naproxen
  • Diclofenac
  • Arcoxia
  • Analgesic Creams
  • Paracetamol
  • Sulphadol

Injection Based Interventions

  • Occipital Nerve Block
  • Trigger Points Injections
  • Sympathetic Block
  • Joint Infiltration – Facets, Sacroiliac, Knees & Elbows (effect may last for up to a year, but may also prove to be ineffective, depending on the individual)
  • Epidural (usually infiltrated with Fentanyl, Morphine or Steroid)
  • Dorsal Root Ganglion PRF
  • Radiofrequency Neuroablation / Denervation (effect lasting for 6-12 months, at times for years, however, procedure is more risky and may result in deficits in the lower limbs…usually combined with other interventions including multimodal analgesia and alternative therapies)

Medication used in most spinal injections is Lidocaine, which is a local anaesthetic. Marcaine is a different type of anaesthetic which is used along with a strong anti-inflammatory steroid, namely Depomedrone.

Long Term Medication for Chronic Pain Management

  • Codeine
  • Tryptizol
  • Baclophen
  • Lyrika / Pregabalin
  • Tramodol
  • Palexia / Tapentadol
  • Morphine
  • Fentanyl Patches
  • Methadone
  • Cannabis Oil

Intrathecal Pump and Dorsal Column Stimulator

Intrathecal drugs are perceived to be much stronger than oral medication, making this an ideal option for nerve pain that is difficult to treat.

The intrathecal pump’s battery life span is usually 5-7 years long. The pump is refilled with medication by inserting a needle through the skin directly into the filling port located at its centre. Medication dose adjustments can be made through an external program device.

Prior to implant, a trial is performed to assess toleration. Pump provides relief in spasticity and chronic pain through a catheter, releasing a medicinal directly to the intrathecal space (spinal cord area), preventing pain signals from reaching the brain.

In the Spinal Cord Stimulator, an electrode (or sometimes multiple electrodes) is implanted through the skin into the epidural space of the spinal canal. An electrical stimulation that feels like a gentle vibratory sensation causes the pain sensation to be blocked. The electrodes used in this procedure are highly expensive, and so, a trial with a temporary system is necessary prior to a permanent device being implanted.

Below you can find a collection of videos that can help provide a more visual approach to Chronic Pain Management.

Acute vs Chronic Pain

Pain Management – Chronic vs Acute

Gate Control Theory of Pain

Biopsychosocial Model of Pain

Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Model of Pain

WHO Analgesic Pain Management Ladder

Managing Chronic Pain Without Narcotics

Physiotherapy for Chronic Pain management

TENS – Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation

Alternative Treatments for Chronic Pain Management


Mindfulness and Chronic Pain

Yoga and Pilates for Pain Management

Trigger Point INjections

Occipital Nerve Block Injection

Sympathetic Block Injection

Joint Infiltration – Facet Injection

Dorsal Root Ganglion PFR

Epidural for Chronic Pain Management

Pulsed Radiofrequency Generator

Radiofrequency Neuroablation / Denervation

Spinal Cord Stimulator – Implantable Therapy

MyStim Programmer

Special thanks to the creators of the featured videos on this post, specifically Youtube Channels Health Navigator NZ, Cincinnati Children’s, Covenant Health, Corporis, Deutsches Kinderschmerzzentrum, Reset Ketamine, Rhesus Medicine, UCLA Health, The London Pain Clinic, Omron Healthcare, Inc., Drug Free Health Secrets, Strength-N-U, UMNCSH, Howcast, Vitality Medical Centers of West Columbia, Prof Murat Karkucak, MD, ProvidenceSpokane, ShimSpine, Abbott, UC San Diego Health, Pain Doctor, Mayfield Brain and Spine and Medtronic Neuromodulation for Healthcare Professionals.

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Physiotherapy for Respiratory Conditions in Adults and Paediatrics

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A physiotherapist assesses, treats, monitors, follows and cares for patients with lung and heart disorders. Breathing disorders targeted by physiotherapy include asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, cystic fibrosis, pneumonia, chest trauma as well as cardiac-induced respiratory failure. Physiotherapy for respiratory conditions includes basic chest physiotherapy, which aims to provide:

  • assistance for airway clearance – using chest physiotherapy
  • optimum functional capacity – catering for the patient’s full functioning
  • problem oriented care – finding out what the cause of the problem is and then managing the discovered problem
  • holistic management – patient is seen as a whole, where not the initial complaint is targeted, but anything else associated with the same patient, thus, a patient requiring basic chest physiotherapy may also be provided with assistance regarding obesity, nutrition and lifestyle changes

Physiotherapy for respiratory conditions challenges include:

  • inability to clear chest
  • inability to breathe easily
  • reduced exercise tolerance
  • reduced lung capacity
  • reduced functional capacity
  • poor self management due to being unable to function normally

Chest Physiotherapy (CPT) provides a method for bronchial hygiene by:

  • Turning
  • Postural drainage
  • Chest percussion and vibration
  • Specialised cough techniques a.k.a. directed cough

These strategies help in reducing dyspnoea, improving ventilation and perfusion and increasing respiratory function by causing bronchial secretions to move to the central airway via gravity.

NOTE: CPT is contraindicated for asthma patients. Instead, a different technique is used for asthma where the patient is encouraged to huff instead (as if misting a mirror with their breath).

CPT Indications:

  • poor exercise tolerance
  • decreased mobility
  • potential postural deformities
  • mucus plugging causing acute lung or lobar collapse
  • increased secretions or secretion retention affecting respiration

Low secretion level should be targeted by gentle methods of excretion; High secretion level should be targeted by tougher methods which provide more efficacy, whilst taking into consideration how frail the patient is.

Physiotherapy for Respiratory Conditions
Retrieved from on 21st March 2021

NOTE: With reference to the above positions, patients who have undergone gastric surgery, facial surgery or cardiac surgery, as well as the elderly or the frail, SHOULD NOT be positioned tipping down.

Vibrations vs Shakings: Vibrations are gentler than shakings; shakings are of high magnitude, thus vibrations are preferred where the patient is frail eg. elderly or has osteoporosis.

Manual Hyperinflation: an ambubag is used to expand lung eg. if lung has collapsed. In case of secretions, the use of an ambubag is combined with shakings to clear secretions.

Physiotherapy for Respiratory Conditions
Retrieved from on 22nd March 2021

With reference to the above image:

Breathing Exercises Cycle ACBT helps with reducing heart rate, reducing anxiety and reducing respiratory rate;

Breathing Control: small breaths that are controlled; help expand lungs

Thoracic Expansion: larger breaths; Sitting low limits breathing capacity; breathe deeper to encourage more air into the alveoli…air seeps behind secretions and mobilises them when breathing out

FET Forced Expiratory Technique: completes cycle by facilitating excretion of secretions

Physiotherapy in the ITU Setting

Patients in acute, critical and ITU setting are in poor health conditions. It is indicated that with every day spent in bed, patients lose 30% of their muscle fibers. Physiotherapy for respiratory conditions in such settings is focused on:

  • Deconditioning – reversible changes in the body due to lack of physical activity.
  • Impaired Airway Clearance – poses risk for the patient to develop an infection, major atelectasis and other related problems such as impaired gas exchange and airflow limitation.
  • Atelectasis – a complete or partial collapse of the entire lung or lobe of the lung due to alveoli deflating or possible filling with alveolar fluid; Atelectasis is one of the most common respiratory complications post surgery.
  • Intubation avoidance – insertion of an endotracheal tube through the mouth and into the airway for ventilation purposes; assists with breathing during anesthesia, sedation, or severe illness.
  • Weaning failure – failure in reducing ventilatory support, where patient is unable to breathe spontaneously and so cannot be extubated.

Physiotherapy for respiratory conditions improves respiration through airway clearance and improvement in gas exchange, as well as muscle function through the prevention of muscle atrophy, loss of strength, loss of muscle fiber, and polyneuropathies (peripheral neuropathy / damage of multiple nerves).

In ITU setting, pulmonary infections can happen due to ventilator acquired pneumonia and through lobar atelectasis. Prevention of lung collapse is also very important in ITU setting. Techniques mentioned further above help increase lung expansion. Upkeep of the respiratory system helps in avoiding late development of complications.

Pulmonary exacerbation can lead to:

  • muscle weakness
  • haemoglobin reduction
  • reduction in testosterone levels in both males and females
  • hypoxia
  • systemic inflammation
  • possible concomitant heart failure

Paediatric Physiotherapy for Respiratory Conditions

Physiotherapy can be initiated from as early as a few days after birth. In intensive care, physiotherapy can reduce the risks associated with endotracheal tube obstruction.

In short term treatment, the main aim is that of eliminating obstructive secretions from the airway, which reduces breathing work, improves efficiency of mechanical ventilation, improves gas exchange, prevents or resolves complications, leading to early weaning from ventilator use.

In long term treatment, the main aim is that of preventing postural deformities, improving tolerance to exercise and providing better quality of life.

A ventilated paediatric patient risks:

  • ventilator associated pneumonia
  • oxygen toxicity
  • hyperinflation
  • atelectasis
  • impaired mucociliary clearance
  • decreased funcitonal residual capacity (FRC)
  • endotracheal tube insertion
  • inadequate humidification of vent gases leading to increased secretions which then cause obstruction, infection, atelectasis = chronic disease.

Paediatric breathing mechanics are different. Babies are more fragile and need to be treated in a more gentle way. Constant monitoring and lung clearance help in avoiding the development of ventilator associated pneumonia. Oxygen should be monitored frequently as excessive oxygen in babies can cause blindness, mental and brain related problems.

Physiotherapy is contraindicated (unless advised otherwise) in:

  • very premature babies
  • unstable / severely ill child
  • pulmonary haemorrhage
  • pulmonary oedema
  • pulmonary hypertension
  • raised intracranial pressure
  • platelet count less than 50 (in less than 100 it may be indicated with extra care)

NOTE: Bronchiolitis is a very common condition affecting babies up to around 4 years of age. Bronchiolitis restricts respiratory function.

Palliative Care

If a patient has no possible treatment option (such as in lung cancer, cystic fibrosis, COPD), quality of life can still be improved through physiotherapy. It helps the patient to cope and live comfortably with his/her condition.

Below you can find a collection of videos that can help provide a more visual approach to physiotherapy for respiratory conditions.

Postural Drainage Technique

Chest Percussion

Percussion and Vibration Technique

Effective Coughing Technique

Manual Hyperinflation

Active Cycle of Breathing Technique (ACBT)

Positive Expiratory Pressure (PEP)


Diaphragmatic Breathing

Segmental Expansion

Glossopharyngeal Breathing

Pursed Lip Breathing

COPD Patient Using Accessory Muscles of Respiration

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Special thanks to the creators of the featured videos on this post, specifically Youtube Channels Metro Physical Therapy, NHS University Hospitals Plymouth Physiotherapy, Physio Keeps You Moving, mmfllws 1, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, KP’s OUR HEALTH HELPING YOU TO HELP YOURSELVES, CANVent Ottawa, American Lung Association, Doctors Hub and Ascension Via Christi.

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Acute Postoperative Pain – Classification Assessment Management & Care

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Acute pain is characterised by a quick onset which may be severe, yet lasts for a shorter period of time when compared to chronic pain. Acute postoperative pain should be managed in the best way possible so as to restore or improve the patient’s quality of life, reduce morbidity, facilitate a quick recovery, leading to an early postoperative discharge.

Pain should be classified as acute, chronic or acute-on-chronic, nociceptive, neuropathic or inflammatory. Classification of pain helps in patient assessment as well as treatment.

Acute Pain:

  • immediate onset eg. cut or injury
  • usually lasts less than 3 to 6 months
  • can act as a warning
  • usually easier to treat
  • usually has an end

Chronic Pain:

  • lasts relatively longer than acute pain (more than 3 to 6 months)
  • has no purpose
  • can lead to pain behaviours
  • is very difficult to treat

Nociceptive Pain:

  • caused as a result of an injury eg. bruising, inflammation, fractures, burns
  • includes post-surgery cuts/wounds

Neuropathic Pain:

  • results from a nerve trauma
  • may include components of cancer pain, phantom limb pain, pinched nerve (eg. carpal tunnel)
  • may manifest as widespread nerve damage a.k.a. peripheral neuropathy which is frequently caused by diabetes mellitus

Nociceptive Pain:

Nociceptive pain can be divided into two categories, both of which involve nociceptors, which are the pain-detecting receptors which can be found in the body.

  • SOMATIC PAIN – a sign of tissue damage which may be either superficial or deep (bones, joints, skin, muscle, connective tissue etc). This type of pain is usually described as throbbing, aching and localised.
  • VISCERAL PAIN – originates from inner organs within the body (eg. angina). This type of pain is usually described as dull and is not usually localised.

Why Pain Relief?

  2. PAIN & SUFFERING REDUCTION = restore quality of life
  3. QUICKER RECOVERY – early discharge = lower cost & less sick leave

Acute Postoperative Pain

Factors influencing acute postoperative pain include:

  • lack of patient education
  • fear of analgesia and associated complications
  • inaccurate pain assessment leading to inaccurate pain management
  • lack of human resources

Inefficient postoperative pain relief reduces rehabilitation and functional outcome:

poor pain management = patient immobilisation = longer hospital stay = increased cost of patient care = increased chronic pain development risk = long term disabilities and complications

Complications arising from poor pain management include:

  • increased risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • increased risk of pulmonary embolism (PE)
  • increased risk of respiratory problems (eg. pneumonia & hypoxaemia)
  • increased risk of cardiac complications
  • increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • increased gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms (eg. paralytic ileus & anastomotic failure)
  • increased risk of muscoskeletal symptoms (eg. muscle spasms & immobility)
  • increased immunological risks (eg. infection, delayed wound healing, pressure sores)
  • increased psychological risks (eg. anxiety, depression, fatigue, fear & insomnia)

The Nurse’s Role in Acute Postoperative Pain Management

ASSESS = correct preoperative and postoperative pain assessment using the available pain assessment tools such as SOCRATES and Pain Severity Assessment Tool

ADMINISTER = correct administration of safe and effective analgesics

EDUCATE = teach patient about helpful therapies including therapeutic therapy eg. position change

COMMUNICATE = best communication practice includes the patient, caregivers and healthcare professionals

REASSESS = monitor pain level and severity to identify patient improvement or deterioration

DOCUMENT = documentation of all pain management methods used

Pain Assessment Mnemonic: SOCRATES

Acute Postoperative Pain
Retrieved from on 14th March 2021

PQRST Pain Assessment Tool

Retrieved from on 23rd January 2022

Pain Severity Assessment Tool

Acute Postoperative Pain
Retrieved from on 14th March 2021

Patient History

  • Current Pain Medication – seek accuracy regarding drug name, dose, frequency, route and duration
  • Medical History – look for possible drug interactions, allergies and intolerances to certain medications (eg. in patients with renal disease avoid morphine and NSAIDS; in patients with cardiovascular disease check if patient is on any anti-coagulants / avoid NSAIDs)

IMPORTANT: Always treat each patient as a unique individual:

  • don’t assume – every individual has a different perspective
  • evaluate – monitor for painkillers side effects
  • check for interactions – keep a list of the patient’s drugs for interaction monitoring
  • respect religious and cultural considerations – do not judge, respect and empathise; be aware of specific patient needs and beliefs, and explain treatment need within a holistic context

Effective Pain Management

  • regular pain intensity assessment
  • provide written instructions
  • balance analgesia administration (oral, IM, IV and patient controlled analgesia PCA)
  • include alternative methods of pain control
  • educate patient and/or family about pharmaceutical pain management
  • continuous training of medical and nursing staff

PCA – Patient Controlled Analgesia refers to analgesia administered through a pump. It contains a syringe prefilled with pain medication which is connected directly to the patient’s IV line. This pump can be set to deliver a small constant flow of pain medication through a bolus.

Postoperative Pain Control Plan

  1. Identify patient queries
  2. Dispel myths
  3. Address patient concerns including those about opioid use and addictions
  4. Address fear of tolerance
  5. Age-related pain expectation

Multimodal Analgesia

  • NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
  • Opioids (have effects similar to those of morphine)
  • Anticonvulsants (suppress the excessive rapid firing of neurons during seizures)
  • Antidepressants (used to treat major depressive disorder, some anxiety disorders, some chronic pain conditions, and to help manage some addictions eg. valium and amitriptyline – may cause drowsiness leading to an increased risk of falling)
  • Non-pharmaceuticals (eg. heat reduces pain and muscle spasms; ice reduces swelling, pain and tissue damage; physiotherapy and occupational therapy improve mobility and decrease pain)

Common Painkillers

  • Paracetamol – headaches, muscle aches, arthritis, backaches, toothache, cold and fever
  • Voltaren, Diclofenac and Catafast – NSAIDs
  • Codeine – opioid/narcotic used for pain and as a cough suppressant
  • Pethidine – opioid used frequently as a postoperative analgesic
  • Morphine – opioid pain medication
  • Tramodol – narcotic that treats moderate to severe pain
  • Tapentadol and Palexia – opioid/narcotic used to treat moderate to severe pain
  • Lyrica and Pragiola (Pregabalin) – antiepileptic drug
  • Gabapentin – antiepileptic drug

Opioids Adverse Effects may include:

  • respiratory depression and sedation
  • nausea and vomiting
  • allergies
  • confusion and delirium especially in the elderly
  • constipation

The more medications are being taken by the patient (polypharmacy), the higher the risk for adverse effects. Always educate your patient about possible side effects.

Below you can find a collection of videos that can help provide a more visual approach to acute postoperative pain.

Pain meaning and classification

Nociceptive Pain

Inflammatory Pain

Neuropathic Pain

Physiological Types of Pain

Holistic pain management

Pharmacological Pain Management

Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA)

Rectal Sheath Catheter

non-pharmacological Alternative therapy

Special thanks to the creators of the featured videos on this post, specifically Youtube Channels Manipal Hospital, 2will physiotherapy & pain management clinic, MjSylvesterMD, CHEO, Dominic Cliff and CareChannel.

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