Introduction to Anatomy

anatomy for student nurses
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Anatomy is the study of structure and the relationship among structures.

Below you can find a collection of videos that can help provide a more visual approach to anatomy for nursing students.

Anatomy Directional Terms

Anatomy Body Planes and Sections

Body Cavities and Membranes

Abdominal Quadrants and Regions

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Author: Claire

Claire Galea is a mum of three currently in her final year following a Degree in Nursing at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Malta, as a mature student. Claire is keen about public education on health-related subjects as well as holistic patient-centered care. She is also passionate about spreading awareness on the negative effects that domestic abuse leaves on its victims’ mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing. Claire aspires to continue studying following completion of her Nursing Degree, because she truly believes in lifelong education.