Renal Physiology – Glomerular Filtration, Tubular Reabsorption & Secretion

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Renal physiology is the study of the physiology of the kidney, specifically at the level of the nephron, which is the smallest functional unit of the kidney where blood entering the kidney goes through the process of filtration.

Overview of Renal Physiology

3 Important Functions of the Nephrons:

  • control blood concentration and volume through selected removal of water and solutes
  • regulate blood pH
  • remove toxic waste from the blood

Through these functions, materials from the blood is removed, others which are required are returned, and the remaining unneeded material is excreted collectively as urine. In other words, urine formation requires Glomerular Filtration, Tubular Reabsorption and Tubular Secretion.

Renal Physiology – Glomerular Filtration

Glomerular Filtration occurs in the renal corpuscle of the kidneys across the endohelial-capsular membrane, which results in the fluid called glomerular filtrate ( 150 lt in adult females; 180 lt in adult males). The blood plasma in the afferent arterioles which become the glomerular filtrate is called the filtration fraction.

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Understanding the Glomerular Filtration Process

Pressures Causing Filtration & GFR Regulation

The Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) is the amount of filtrate formed in all the renal corpuscles of both kidneys per minute (rate in males = 125ml/min; rate in females = 105ml/min). Maintenance of a constant GFR ensures that useful substances are not lost.

A change in GFR indicates a change in the net filtration pressure – if the glomerular blood hydrostatic pressure (GBHP) falls to 45mmHg, the filtration process is halted as the opposing pressures equal to 45mmHg.

There are 3 mechanisms which control GFR by adjusting the blood flow into and out of the glomerulus, and by altering the glomerular capillary surface area for the process of filtration:

  1. Renal Autoregulation: Through the Myogenic Mechanism, stretching triggers contraction of smooth muscle cells in the afferent arteriole wall, causing normalisation of the renal blood flow and GFR within seconds following a change in blood pressure. Additionally, through the Tubuloglomerular Feedback, increased distal tubular sodium chloride concentration causes the release of adenosine, leading to a series of events that help regulate the GFR.
  2. Neural Regulation: The Sympathetic Nervous System, which supplies the renal blood vessels, is responsible for the release of norepinephrine. Through Moderate Sympathetic Stimulation, norepinephrine activates the a1 (alpha-1 adrenergic) receptor in the afferent and efferent arterioles, causing vasoconstriction, causing blood flow restriction, leading to a slight GFR decrease. In Greater Sympathetic Stimulation, vasoconstriction of the afferent arterioles predominates; blood flow in the glomerular capillaries is decreased, leading to a decrease in GFR.
  3. Hormonal Regulation: Angiotensin II, which is a vasoconstrictor, acts on the afferent and the efferent arterioles, reducing blood flow leading to a decrease in the GFR. Additionally, Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) is released through the stretching of the atrial walls when there is an increase in blood volume, leading to an increase in capillary surface area, causing an increase in the GFR.

Renal Physiology – Tubular Reabsorption

In the average adult, the Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) is approximately 125ml/min, meaning that around 180 litres are filtered in one day. However, only around 1ltr a day is excreted as urine by the body. This happens because throughout the filtration process, around 99% of the filtrate is reabsorbed back into the blood in what is called tubular reabsorption.

In tubular reabsorption, the proximal convoluted tubule cells process and reabsorb over 80% of the glomerular filtrate, whilst other parts of the nephron ensure homeostasis by controlling excretion amounts of electrolytes, water and hydrogen ions. Through tubular reabsorption, the following are reabsorbed back into the blood stream:

  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Chloride
  • Bicarbonate
  • Phosphate

Peptides and small proteins are also reabsorbed through pinocytosis.

Substances completely reabsorbed from the filtrate are:

  • Water
  • Proteins
  • Chloride
  • Sodium
  • Bicarbonate
  • Glucose
  • Potassium

Urea and Uric Acid are partially reabsorbed from the filtrate.

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Renal Physiology – Tubular Secretion

Tubular Secretion, which occurs in the proximal and distal tubules as well as in the collecting dugt, removes certain materials from the body such as Potassium ions, Hydrogen ions, Ammonium ions, Creatinine, and drugs.; it also helps control the blood’s pH.

Renin-Angiotensin-aldosterone System (RAAS)

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Aldosterone causes increased sodium and water reabsorption from the distal tubule and collecting ducts, leading to an increase in the extracellular fluid volume. This allows the restoration of the blood pressure to its normal state. Additionally, Aldosterone has an affect on the secretion of potassium by the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct.

Antidiuretic Hormone

The AntiDiuretic Hormone, which is produced by the hypothalamus, controls the concentration of the urine to be excreted.

When the blood-water concentration is low, ADH is released, which increases the permeability of the plasma membranes of the cells of the distal tubules and the collecting ducts. Increased permeability causes more water molecules to pass into the cells, and then into the blood.

With no ADH, the ducts become impermeable to water, causing water to be expelled into urine.

Atrial Natriuretic Peptide

Increased blood volume causes the atrial walls to stretch, leading to the release of the Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP). ANP inhibits the reabsorption of sodium and water in the proximal convoluted tubule and collecting duct, suppresses the secretion of aldosterone, and suppresses the secretion of ADH. This results in increased excretion of sodium ions (natriuresis) and increased urine output (diuresis), leading to a decrease in the blood volume and blood pressure.


Tubular Reabsorption REMOVES substances from the filtrate into the blood… Tubular Secretion ADDS materials to the filtrate from the blood.

Renal Physiology – Solute Reabsorption

Solute Reabsorption happens within the ascending limb of the loop of henle.


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Nephrectomy Perioperative Care for Nursing Students

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Nephrectomy is a surgical procedure in which all or part of a kidney is removed. During a radical nephrectomy, a complete kidney is removed and structural adjustments may be made. In a partial nephrectomy, only diseased kidney tissue is removed.

nephrectomy perioperative care for nursing students
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  • renal tumor
  • polycystic (bleeding or infected) kidneys
  • massive trauma to the kidneys
  • elective kidney removal for donation purpose

Laparoscopic Nephrectomy vs Open Nephrectomy

In an open nephrectomy, an 18cm incision is made, while in laparoscopic nephrectomy, 5 puncture sites are made. This means that laparoscopic nephrectomy:

  • is less painful
  • requires no suturing and no staples
  • requires a shorter hospital stay
  • promotes faster recovery time

Nephrectomy Perioperative Care

Nephrectomy Preoperative Nursing Care

Apart from following the usual preoperative nursing care requirements, in nephrectomy preoperative nursing care, the nurse should:

  • discuss procedure including incision location (flank incision on affected side) and possible tubes, drains and stent use during/after procedure with the patient
  • inform patient about possible muscle aches following surgery due to side-lying positioning during surgery
  • help in reducing surgery-related anxiety in the patient and family members by answering to any arising questions
  • ensure adequate fluid intake
  • ensure a normal electrolyte balance
  • report significant abnormal laboratory values such as bacteriuria (bacteria in the urine) and blood coagulation abnormalities

Nephrectomy Postoperative Nursing Care

Apart from following the usual postoperative nursing care requirements, in nephrectomy postoperative nursing care, the nurse should:

  • monitor and document accurately the patient’s fluid intake and output; record urine output every 1-2 hours following surgery and measure drainage from drains and drainage on dressings (weigh dry vs used dressing) and record separately; Total urine output should be at least 0.5ml/kg/hr; observe and document urine colour and consistency (any mucus, blood, sediment present?); intake should exceed output since excretion includes sweat; if patient’s output exceeds intake, there could be an underlying renal issue
  • monitor patient weight daily using same scale and with patient wearing similar clothing; increased weight may indicate fluid retention, which increases the patient’s risk for heart failure
  • monitor patient’s respiratory status to identify any possible acute deterioration signs early on (a rapid weak pulse is expected following surgery due to post-op shock); ensure the patient has adequate ventilation; patient may be reluctant to turn, cough and breathe deeply due to incisional pain, thus ensure comfort and ability to perform coughing and deep-breathing exercises (a spirometer or other respiratory devices may be used every 2 hours while the patient is awake) – ensure patient receives necessary pain medication; (Renal surgery often involves the removal of the 12th rib)
  • monitor abdominal distension – during surgery, the abdomen is usually inflated with gases so organs are separated for easier surgical access; oral intake should be restricted until bowel sounds become present (usually 24-48 hours post-op); during this time, patient should be put on IV fluids

NOTE: The kidneys are responsible for the regulation of extracellular fluid and composition, erythropoietin production, vitamin D activation, and acid-base balance regulation. Thus…

Fluid retention increases the remaining kidney’s workload since it has to perform all these functions independently

Patient Discharge Plan

  • teach patient to avoid bending (or if really necessary, bending from the knees and not the waist), avoid heavy lifting (<5lbs) and avoid strenuous activity
  • teach patient to avoid making multiple trips up and down the stairs, but that it’s okay to use the stairs sparingly during the first week following discharge
  • emphasise that driving should be avoided for at least 4 weeks following surgery; patient may resume driving only after pain medication is stopped and if pain free
  • teach patient that while showering, incision site should be gently washed with soap and water, rinsed well and pat-dry; bathing should be avoided until the incision is fully healed (inform patient that steri-strips applied during an open nephrectomy fall off in about a week)
  • encourage a well-balanced diet since this promotes healing and good bowel function
  • teach patient to avoid constipation, and that if constipated, prune or orange juice should be tried; increasing water intake to 6-8 glasses of water per day may help; over-the-counter laxatives may also help

The nurse should emphasise the importance of contacting the physician IMMEDIATELY if:

  • chills or a fever of 101 degrees fahrenheit or more develops
  • severe uncontrollable pain develops
  • surgical incision becomes red or swollen
  • the surrounding skin of the incision becomes warmer and redder than other areas
  • incision site is oozing
  • incision site has an opening
  • passing urine becomes difficult
  • urine output decreases

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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia BPH Nursing Care

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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is a benign enlargement of the prostate gland. This occurs in around 50% of 50+ males and in over 90% of 80+ males, with a quarter of men requiring some type of treatment by the age of 80. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is known as the most common urologic problem encountered in adult males.

Etiology and Pathophysiology of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

In ageing males, an imbalance within the endocrine system (gradual decline in hormones during the andropause phase and/or accumulation of dihydroxytestosterone and/or decrease in testosterone resulting in greater estrogen proportion in the blood) may cause Benign Prostatic Hyperlasia.

Risk Factors for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

  • ageing
  • obesity
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • alcohol consumption
  • smoking
  • diabetes
  • family history of BPH in first-degree relatives (parent or sibling)

Clinical Manifestations of BPH

Clinical manifestations of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia are usually gradual in onset, resulting from urinary obstruction by the enlarged prostate. These include:

  • urinary stream caliber and force decrease
  • difficulty in initiating voiding
  • intermittent voiding
  • dribbling a few cc’s of urine following complete urination
  • increased frequency of urination
  • a sense of urination urgency
  • dysuria (burning, tingling, or stinging sensation in the urethra and meatus whilst voiding)
  • pain in the bladder
  • incontinence
  • nocturia (waking up multiple times at night to urinate)

(American Urological Association)

Complications of BPH

  • UTIs
  • residual urine in bladder due to incomplete voiding
  • urinary obstruction that requires a catheter
  • calculi (stones) in the bladder
  • pyelonephritis (kidney/s infection)
  • hydronephrosis (swelling of one or both kidneys) leading to renal failure

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Diagnosis

  • patient history
  • physical examination
  • digital rectal examination
  • urinalysis (with culture)
  • serum creatinine
  • post-void residual
  • transrectal ultrasound
  • uroflowmetry
  • cystoscopy
  • rectal prostate ultrasound
  • blood investigations (PSA – prostate-specific antigen; BUN – blood urea nitrogen; creatinine)

Post-Void Residual Bladder

Transrectal Ultrasound (TRUS)



BPH Care Aims

  1. Restore bladder function
  2. Relieve symptoms
  3. Prevent and treat BPH complications

NUTRITION: A decreased intake of caffeine, artificial sweeteners, spicy and acidic foods is recommended.

FLUID INTAKE: Individuals with BPH should restrict fluid intake in the evening as this may improve their symptoms.

MEDICATIONS: Ideally individuals with BPH should avoid decongestants and anti-cholinergic drugs.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treatment

Minimal Invasive Therapies:

Dilation of the urethra (repetitive treatment sessions may be required) and Urethral Stents

Transurethral vaporisation of the prostate

  • reduced bleeding complications
  • short recovery period
  • increased risk for retention

Transurethal Microwave Therapy

Transurethral Needle Ablasion

  • burns designated areas of enlarged prostate
  • ideal for patients with comorbidities

Drug Therapy:

  • Androgen-blocking drugs eg. Finasteride, Dutasteride
  • Alpha-Adrenergic Blockers eg. Doxazosin, Terazosin, Alfuzosin, Tamsulosin, Silodosin (urethral-relaxing drugs)

TransUrethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP)

TURP is a surgical procedure in which obstructive prostate tissue is removed through the use of a resectoscope which is inserted via the urethra.

  • TURP increases quality of life
  • TURP is low risk
  • 80-90% excellent outcome due to improvement in symptoms and urinary flow
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  • TURP is performed under anaesthesia (spinal or general) and requires the patient to be kept for up to 2 days at the hospital.
  • A resectoscope is inserted via the urethra and obstructive prostate tissue is removed.
  • Following the procedure, a 3-way indwelling catheter is inserted into the bladder for haemostasis purposes as well as to facilitate urine drainage.
  • During the first 24 hours following the procedure, the bladder is frequently irrigated so as to prevent obstruction from mucus and blood clots.
  • In TURP there is no external surgical incision done, and so, post-op care requires no surgical wound care.

TURP Preoperative Nursing Care

  1. Educate patient about procedure
  2. Discuss possible complications
  3. Inform about incontinence and urine dribbling for up to a year post-surgery, and the role of Kegel exercises in providing assistance with this problem
  4. Inform patient about retrograde ejaculation (sexual climax reached, but semen enters bladder rather than emerging from penis – not harmful, but may cause infertility)
  5. Gain informed consent
  6. Ensure optimum cardiac, respiratory and circulatory status (decreased risk for complications)
  7. Prophylactic antibiotic treatment is prescribed/initiated
  8. Medical pre-op investigations are carried out (CBC, U&E, MSU – midstream specimen urine, blood group, cross match)
  9. ECG and chest x-ray are performed
  10. Anti-coagulants are stopped as per physician orders
  11. Administer bowel preparation
  12. Glycerin suppositories are administered the night prior to surgery
  13. Patient should be kept NBM for 8 hours pre-op

TURP Postoperative Nursing Care

  1. Monitor vital signs every 15 minutes in the first hour post-surgery, followed by re-monitoring every 4 hours
  2. If patient received epidural anaesthesia, monitor epidural site, monitor extremities every hour for the first 12 hours, monitor intake and output, and keep patient on bed-rest as per anaesthetist’s recommendations
  3. Reassure patient so as to avoid/reduce anxiety
  4. Observe for signs of haemorrhage
  5. Maintain urinary drainage
  6. Maintain urethral catheter patency
  7. Avoid over-distention of bladder (may lead to haemorrhage)
  8. Administer pain medication
  9. Administer anti-cholinergic drugs (drugs that block the action of acetylcholine – reduce bladder spasms)
  10. Maintain bed-rest for 24 hours post-op
  11. Promote comfort through appropriate patient positioning
  12. Administer medication to promote soft-stools so as to avoid straining (which may lead to haemorrhage)
  13. Encourage ambulation as soon as possible to prevent complications such as embolism, thrombosis and pneumonia
  14. Encourage patient to talk about sexual dysfunction fears and promote discussion with partner
  15. Teach methods of urinary control eg. kegel exercises
  16. Encourage foods and fluids if tolerated (unless contraindicated, oral fluids should be encouraged from day 1)
  17. Empty urine bag and measure urine output; document on fluid balance chart
  18. Provide catheter care as necessary; If urine is clear, remove catheter on day 1
  19. Assist patient when taking a shower on day 1 (patient should be able to self-care on day 2)
  20. Promote oral care and assist on day 1 if necessary


  • If body temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees celsius, blood and urine culture, CBC and chest x-ray should be performed, followed by paracetamol administration and assistance in bringing fever down.
  • In gross haematuria, IV therapy should be maintained, irrigation rate should be increased, temperature and pulse should be monitored hourly, haemoglobin should be checked, and penile tractions with 1 ltr bag of IV fluid for 20 mins on followed by 20 mins off.
  • If catheter is blocked, try to milk catheter according to unit practice; if unsuccessful, irrigate; if unsuccessful, notify surgeon but DO NOT remove catheter (in the 24 hours following TURP, nurses and junior doctors cannot re-catheterise patient).
  • In the case of failed TWOC (trial without catheter), re-insert catheter.
  • In the case of incontinence post TWOC, encourage use of pads and pants and teach pelvic floor exercises.

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Anatomy of the Renal System

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The anatomy of the renal system covers 4 major related structures, namely the kidneys, the ureters, the bladder and the urethra. The renal system provides a way for metabolic wastes and excess ions to be filtered out of the blood along with water. Filtered product is then excreted as urine.

Anatomy of the Renal System
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Anatomy of the Renal System
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Functions of the Kidneys

  1. Excrete waste through urine
  2. Regulate blood volume and blood composition – blood pH and solute concentration
  3. Regulate blood pressure through renin secretion
  4. Synthesise glucose through gluconeogenesis
  5. Release renal erythropoeitic factor
  6. Participate in Vitamin D synthesis
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Blood Supply of the Kidneys

Anatomy of the Renal System
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Kidney and Nephron Anatomy of the Renal System

The nephron is the main functional unit of the kidney.

Anatomy of the Renal System
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There are 2 types of nephrons:

  1. Cortical Nephron – has its glomerulus in the outer cortical zone, with its remaining part rarely penetrating the medulla. Cortical Nephrons amount to approximately 80% of all nephrons.
  2. Juxtamedullary Nephron (juxta = near) – has its glomerulus close to the corticomedullary junction, with its other parts penetrating deeply into the medulla. Juxtamedullary Nephrons amount to approximately 20% of all nephrons.
Anatomy of the Renal System
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The nephron consists of:

  1. The Renal Corpuscle – consists of the Glomerulus and the Bowman’s Capsule, both of which help in the filtration of the blood plasma
  2. The Renal Tubule – consists of the Proximal Convoluted Tubule, the Loop of Henle and the Distal Convoluted Tubule, all of which allow the filtered fluid to pass through

The Bowman’s Capsule

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The Endothelial-Capsular Membrane

The endothelial-capsular membrane is the most important aspect of the renal system in which most of the filtration takes place. It filters water and solutes in the blood. Large molecules eg. proteins and formed elements in the blood, are usually unable to pass through it, whilst the water and solutes which are filtered out of the blood pass into the capsular space, and then into the renal tubule.

Anatomy of the Renal System
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The Proximal Convoluted Tubule

The proximal convoluted tubule is found in the cortex of the kidney. It reabsorbs 85% of water and sodium chloride as well as glucose which are present in the filtrate, resulting in a reduction in volume, yet no change in the osmolality of the filtrate.

Anatomy of the Renal System
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The Ureters

The Ureters are 25-30cm long with a diameter of 1-10mm. These transport urine from the renal pelvis to the urinary bladder through peristaltic (1-5/min) contractions of the muscular walls of the ureters, with additional help by gravity and hydrostatic pressure.

The Urinary Bladder

The urinary bladder is a hallow distendible muscular organ that holds about 700-800ml of urine.

NOTE: In stress incontinence, the responsible muscle is called the external urethral sphincter. This is the same muscle which is trained in pelvic floor exercises.

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Rehabilitation Nursing

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Rehabilitation nursing focuses on helping people with disabilities and chronic illnesses with the aim of restoring optimal function and health, as well as adapting to a different way of life. The nurse assists the patient to attain as much independence as possible whilst working as a part of a multidisciplinary team.

Rehabilitation is a lifelong process in which the (person) works with the family, the rehabilitation team and society to achieve his optimum level of functioning as a holistic person, with the goals of preventing secondary complications, fostering maximum independence, maintaining dignity and promoting quality of life.

Easton, 1999
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Rehabilitation Goals

  • improving quality of life
  • maintaining dignity
  • emphasising patient’s abilities
  • maintaining or restoring optimum bodily function
  • encouraging adaptation to a different way of life where needed
  • encouraging self-care
  • encouraging independence
  • preventing complications
  • re-educating the patient
  • re-integrating into society

(Mauk, 2012)

Rehabilitation Centres

  • acute hospital wards
  • rehabilitation wards
  • geriatric day hospitals (eg. Karin Grech Hospital)
  • geriatric homes
  • outpatient therapy departments
  • health centres
  • psychiatric settings
  • stroke units (eg. RW8 in KGH)
  • keep fit classes
  • personal homes

The nurse is the one most frequently in contact with the patient, thus is able to offer the best continuity of care through rehabilitation nursing.

The four main role functions of rehabilitation nursing are:

  1. Supportive
  2. Restorative
  3. Educative
  4. Life Enhancing

According to the RCN Guidance, 2009, rehabilitation nursing is influential in the following categories:

  1. essential nursing skills
  2. therapeutic practice
  3. coordination
  4. empowerment and advocacy
  5. clinical governance
  6. advice and counseling
  7. political awareness
  8. education

Successful rehabilitation of a patient requires collaboration, communication and coordination.

Rehabilitation shouldn’t start once patient is discharged from acute care…it should start from the first day of admission and if possible in the pre-hospitalisation period.

Rehabilitation nursing involves the diagnosis and treatment of individuals and groups experiencing health problems as a result from altered functional ability, altered lifestyle, and preventative care for potential health problems.

Rehabilitation nursing provides the patients with comfort, therapy, and education, promotes adjustments to an altered lifestyle, and independence when achievable.

Rehabilitation nursing also entails holistic and compassionate palliative care through the provision of comfort and pain relief.

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Neurosurgical Nursing Care

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Neurosurgical nursing care involves caring of patients with neurosurgical conditions – conditions related to the brain, such as brain surgery, spinal surgery and neurological trauma. Patient-centered care is provided to the patient through a multidisciplinary team that includes consultants, HST (higher surgical trainees), BST (basic specialist trainees), HO (house officer), nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, social workers, carers and cleaners.

Anatomy and Physiology of the Brain

neurosurgical nursing care
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The brain occupies 80% of the cranium and is comprised of 3 major structures – the Cerebrum, the Cerebellum and the Brainstem. It received 15% of cardiac output, consumes 20% of the body’s oxygen and requires constant circulation to function. Lack of blood supply to the brain results in unconsciousness within 10 seconds and death in 4-6 minutes.

Brain Tumors


External Ventricular Drain


Preoperative Neurosurgical Nursing Care

  1. Patient is orientated to the ward
  2. Past medical and surgical history, social history, as well as list of current medications and allergies are attained
  3. Neurological assessment is performed
  4. Medical notes are attained
  5. A consent form is signed by both the doctor and the patient or legal guardian or next of kin
  6. Blood tests (including cross match) are performed and chased
  7. Imaging results are attained
  8. Pre-surgery fasting is required
  9. Bowel preparation is required
  10. Patient should be washed with Chlorhexidine and dressed up in a hospital gown and TED stockings
  11. Head should be shaved
  12. Certain medications may be omitted in the morning prior to the operation, or changed to IV
  13. Patient pre-op (blue) checklist should be completed
  14. Psychological care and support should be offered to the patient pre-op and post-op, and to family members whilst waiting for the patient to come up from surgery

Postoperative Neurosurgical Nursing Care

  1. Neurological assessment should be performed at least hourly (more frequently if needed, depending on the patient’s condition and level of consciousness
  2. Blood pressure monitoring and SPO2 should be performed continuously
  3. Oxygen administration as required
  4. Blood tests should be performed
  5. Drain care may be required if the patient has a drain with suction, half suction or no suction
  6. Intake and Output charting should be maintained
  7. Urine catheter care should be maintained
  8. Monitor patient for DVT – TED stockings should only be removed for bathing and monitoring purposes
  9. Keep the patient and family updated of any procedures being carried out and reassure

Possible Complications

  • focal or generalised seizures
  • facial assymetry and/or drooling
  • aphasia (a condition which affects a person’s ability to speak, write and understand language, both verbal and written)
  • dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) – may lead to chest infection, poor nutritional intake, need for enteral feeding
  • bleeding
  • raised ICP due to post-op oedema and bleeding
  • loss of consciousness, confusion, nausea and/or vomiting
  • visual disturbance
  • gait disturbance (inability to walk normally)
  • hemiplegia (lack of limb power)
  • wound, chest, and/or CSF infection
  • DVT – LMWH (Low-Molecular-Weight-Heparin) and TED stockings
  • patient safety should be prioritised so as to avoid falls – assist patients in showering, ensure proper non-slip footwear and avoid slippery floors
  • constant supervision may be required in confused patients

Possible Post-Op Complication – Dysphagia

Assessing the Level of Consciousness in Neurosurgical Nursing Care

A state of general awareness of oneself and the environment, including the ability to orientate towards new stimuli

Hickey, 2003

Consciousness is a dynamic state resulting from integrated activities of the reticular formation and interaction with the cerebral cortex. To measure the level of consciousness of a patient, we need to measure the patient’s awareness and arousal levels, as well as if appropriate voluntary motor activities are being exhibited.

Do the patient’s eyes open spontaneously as you walk into the room? Or do they open them to command? What type of arousal level is required for this to be performed?

Is the patient aware of surroundings? Check if patient is orientated and notice communication – i.e. is speech delayed, slurred?

Is the patient drowsy and showing incomplete reaction to outside stimuli? Any signs of hallucinations, delusions or delirium?

Is the patient showing signs of stupor (mute, immobile and unresponsive but with open eyes and following external stimuli)?


A patient in a coma exhibits no voluntary movement or behaviour, and painful stimuli trigger no response. From this state, a patient can either recover to the original level of function (if cause is reversible), or is left with a degree of disabilities (in the case of irreversible damage), or ends up in a persistent vegetative state.

Persistent Vegetative State

Persistent Vegetative State is characterised by profound unresponsiveness in wakeful state as a result of brain damage at any level due to a non-functional cerebral cortex, lack of response to external stimuli, akinesia (loss/impairment of voluntary movement power), mutism (inability to speech), and inability to signal.

Locked-In Syndrome

In locked-in syndrome, the patient is fully aware and awake, has no loss of cognitive function, but is unable to move or communicate verbally due to complete paralysis of the body’s voluntary muscles, except the eyes.

Total locked-in syndrome is a version of the locked-in syndrome where the eyes are unable to move as well.

Brain Stem Death

A patient with brain stem death features irreversible unconsciousness with irreversible apnoea and irreversible loss of brain stem reflexes. Prior to being diagnosed with brain stem death, potential reversible causes such as hypothermia, metabolic causes and toxin/drug effect should be excluded.

Assessing the Level of Consciousness

The AVPU and the Glasgow Coma Scale are assessment tools which allow complete assessing of the conscious level of the patient. These can also be used within the Early Warning Score system.

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Rapid deterioration of neurological patients is quite possible, and an initial examination is never enough. Continuous neurological assessment AND consecutive neurocharting is a MUST for the identification of patient deterioration. This ensures early identification, management of reversible causes, and thus, reduction of permanent neurological deficit.

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Acute Deterioration – Identification and Management

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Acute deterioration is an evolving, predictable and symptomatic process of worsening physiology towards critical illness (Lavoie et al., 2014). It poses an immediate threat to the vital systems. Critical illness is the point in which immediate threat to life becomes imminent unless condition is addressed as soon as possible (eg. anaphylaxis). Unfortunately, acute deterioration often goes unrecognised, is misinterpreted, or not dealt with in a timely manner. Delaying care in the acute deterioration phase may result in mortality.

Nurses are responsible in preventing, identifying and managing acute deterioration. This reduces morbidity and mortality, as well as the need for intensive care.

Prevent – Identify – Address

Prevent Acute Deterioration

To prevent acute deterioration, nursing care should include:

  • respiratory care
  • proper nutrition and hydration
  • mobility
  • skin protection
  • protection against pathogens
  • thermal regulation

Identify Acute Deterioration

Identifying acute deterioration should include:

  • monitoring of the ABCDEF for development of life-threatening conditions
  • monitoring of the EWS for identification for deterioration in physiological measurements

Address Acute Deterioration

  • Address life-threatening problems in a timely manner]
  • Address clinical priorities
  • Ask for assistance
  • Prepare for escalation of care

On Admission: Physiological Measurements

Airway & Breathing = monitor Respiratory Rate & SP02

Circulation = monitor Pulse Rate & Blood Pressure

Disability = monitor AVPU (Level of Response)

Exposure = monitor Temperature

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Following admission, continue monitoring at least every 12 hours unless when comparing readings, deterioration is suspected; in that case, monitoring frequency should be escalated...

EWS 1-4 = increase clinical nursing care and discuss patient condition with Charge Nurse or senior colleague.

EWS 5-6, or EWS 3 in one parameter = evaluate adequacy of monitoring facilities and FY (junior doctor) or BST (basic specialist trainee)

EWS 7 or more = evaluate need for continuous monitoring and high-dependency or intensive care and BST (basic specialist trainee) or HST (higher specialist trainee)

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7 Steps to Managing Acute Deterioration

  1. Address immediate life-threatening problems
  2. Ask for additional help
  3. Gather more information – Main complaint? Current treatment? Vital signs charts? Treatment charts? Medical notes?
  4. Position the patient appropriately
  5. Consider oxygen administration
  6. Prepare additional equipment
  7. Give a comprehensive report
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  • Target range of SPO2 in the average person is 94%-98%
  • An SPO2 of 92% in the elderly (>70 years old) is acceptable
  • An SPO2 of 88%-92% is acceptable in patients with COPD, long term smokers or with a history of breathlessness on minor exertion

Before administering oxygen think…

Can you note clinical signs of hypoxia or shock?

Is the patient’s SPO2 within the target range?

Is the patient at risk of hypercapnic failure?

acute deterioration

High Concentration Oxygen (the closest possible to 100%) = Non-Rebreather Mask 12-15lpm

Medium Concentration Oxygen (40%-60%) = Normal Mask 4-6lpm

Low Concentration Oxygen (24%-28%) = Nasal Cannula 2-4lpm (if patient is at risk of hypercapnic failure use a Venturi Mask with flow as per manufacturer’s instructions)

When the patient’s SPO2 returns within normal range…

Administer a lower concentration of Oxygen; monitor SPO2 & patient’s condition until further assessment by physician.

acute deterioration

Additional Equipment Required

  • IV access + Infusion
  • Blood investigations
  • Treatment to be administered
  • Resuscitation equipment

ISBAR Handover

ISBAR is a mnemonic created to improve safety in the transfer of critical information. ISBAR stands for Identify, Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendation

Further Information on Oxygen Therapy

BTS Guideline for Oxygen Use in Adults in Healthcare and Emergency Settings:

Emergency Treatment of Anaphylaxis:

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Epilepsy Nursing Management

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Epilepsy a.k.a. seizure disorder is a common condition featuring abnormal recurring excessive self-terminating electrical discharge from neurons. This abnormal neuronal activity that may involve all or part of the brain, disturbs skeletal motor function, sensation, autonomic function of the viscera, behaviour and consciousness.

Epilepsy Incidence and Prevalence

  • Epilepsy is considered to be the 4th most common neurological disorder
  • Epilepsy affects up to 50 million people worldwide
  • Technological advances in obstetric and paediatric care are allowing high-risk neonates to survive; other technological advances are improving survival following traumatic brain injury; Additionally we have an ever increasing ageing population. All of these are contributing towards an increase in the incidence of epilepsy
  • Idiopathic epilepsy (epilepsy with no identifiable cause) with multiple episodes is diagnosed as a seizure disorder
  • Secondary epilepsy results from conditions affecting the brain or other organs, such as following birth injury and PIH (pregnancy-induced hypertension), drug and alcohol overdose and withdrawal; systemic metabolic conditions eg. hypoglycaemia, hypoxia, uraemia, and electrolyte imbalance; brain pathologies eg. meningitis, cerebral bleeding, cerebral oedema, infection, vascular abnormalities, trauma or tumors

Epilepsy Classification

Focal/Partial Seizures are typically the result of an affected portion of the motor cortex, leading to recurrent muscle contractions. Activity may be confined in a particular area, or spread to adjacent areas.

Focal/Partial Seizures can be subdivided into 3:

  1. Simple partial seizure without impaired consciousness
  2. Complex partial seizure with impaired consciousness – commonly originate in the temporal lobe, usually preceded by an aura, an unusual smell, metallic taste etc.; patient may engage in repetitive involuntary activity a.k.a. automatisms, such as lip smacking, aimless walking or picking on clothes
  3. Partial evolving into secondary generalised seizures

Generalised Seizures

Seizures affecting both hemispheres of the brain as well as deeper brain structures are referred to as generalised seizures. In generalised seizures, consciousness is always impaired…

Generalised Tonic-Clonic Seizures

Tonic Seizures

Tonic seizures are characterised by a sudden onset of stiffing of the muscles resulting in increased muscle tone, usually leading to a fall…

Clonic Seizures

Clonic seizures are characterised by rapidly alternating contraction and relaxation of a muscle of the arms and legs…

Myoclonic Seizures

Myoclonic seizures are characterised by brief arrhythmic jerking motor movements lasting less than a second, usually happening in clusters…

Atonic Seizures

Atonic seizures are characterised by a brief loss of postural tone, commonly resulting in falls and injuries…

Absence Seizures

Absence seizures are characterised by sudden brief cessation of all motor activity accompanied by a blank stare and unresponsiveness, usually lasting about 5-10 seconds (repeated involuntary movements such as lip smacking may occur)…

Status Epilepticus

In Status Epilepticus, seizures become continuous, with barely any time for recovery in between. In this case, the patient becomes prone to developing hypoxia, acidosis, hypoglycaemia, hypothermia and exhaustion. Status Epilepticus is life-threatening that requires immediate treatment and care with the aim of halting the seizures.

Non-Epileptic Seizures

Non-Epileptic Seizures a.k.a. Non-Epileptic Attack Disorder NEAD can be either Psychogenic – episodes of altered movement, sensation or experience caused by psychological process with no association to abnormal electrical discharges in the brain, or Physiological – caused by psychological dysfunction eg. cardiac arrhythmias, hypotensive episodes, or cerebrovascular disease.

Epilepsy Diagnosis

  • History (ideally information should be provided by both the person experiencing the seizure and an eye-witness, for accurate diagnosis)
  • CT Scan
  • MRI
  • X-ray of the skull
  • EEG
  • Lumbar Puncture

Note: An adult experiencing an acute epileptic fit for the first time should be checked for the presence of a brain tumor.

Epilepsy Medication & Possible Side Effects

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epilepsy nursing management
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The above 6 images have been retrieved from on 21st November 2021

Epilepsy Nursing Management


  1. Obtain complete seizure history
  2. Did the person experience an aura before the seizure?
  3. Assess the person’s neurologic condition during and after seizure (person may die from cardiac involvement or respiratory depression)
  4. Assess effects of epilepsy on the person’s lifestyle


  1. Assess risk of injury in relation to seizure activity
  2. Assess fear in relation to future seizures
  3. Assess for ineffective coping in relation to the stress imposed by epilepsy
  4. Assess for lack of knowledge on epilepsy and controlling factors


  1. Status epilepticus
  2. Medicinal toxicity


  1. Injury prevention
  2. Seizure control
  3. Aim for satisfactory psychosocial adjustment
  4. Educate about the condition
  5. Aim to reduce possibility of complications


  1. Ease the person onto the floor to prevent unnecessary injuries
  2. Provide privacy in case of presence of onlookers
  3. Protect the person’s head with a cushion or pad
  4. Loosen up clothing if restrictive
  5. Clear the surrounding area from furniture that may cause further injuries to the person
  6. If the person is in bed, remove pillows and raise bed sides
  7. Turn the person to the side with the head flexed forward to promote pharyngeal secretion draining
  8. Ensure availability of suction equipment to clear out secretions
  9. DO NOT attempt to open a clenched jaw
  10. DO NOT attempt to insert anything in the person’s mouth
  11. DO NOT attempt to restrain the person undergoing a seizure


  1. Emphasise importance of compliance to treatment
  2. Help in determining factors leading to seizures so the person can aim to avoid them eg. emotional distress, environmental stressors, onset of menstruation, fever…
  3. Encourage routine lifestyle, diet, exercise and rest
  4. Encourage avoidance of photic stimulation eg. bright flickering lights. If unavoidable, covering one eye or wearing dark glasses can help in lessening the effect
  5. Encourage stress management classes


  1. Provide counseling to help understand epilepsy and its associated limitations
  2. Encourage participation in social and recreational activities
  3. Educate the person + family about epilepsy symptoms and management


  1. Prevent and control gingival hyperplasia (gum overgrowth), which is a side effect of Dilantin, by educating about oral hygiene and gum massage, and encouraging regular dental care
  2. Encourage contact with GP if any changes with medication are required
  3. Educate the person about side effects and toxicity of prescribed medication
  4. Provide safety guidelines in the case of medicinal overdose
  5. Encourage the person to keep a drug and seizure chart
  6. Educate on the importance of taking showers rather than baths to avoid drowning; similarly, instruct to never swim alone
  7. Wear an identification bracelet and carry an emergency medical identification card
  8. If desired, encourage to seek genetic counseling


  1. Encourage the person to seek Schedule 5 and POYC for epilepsy medication


  1. Person is knowledgeable about epilepsy
  2. No sustained injuries during seizure activity
  3. Decreasing fear in relation to epilepsy
  4. Displaying effective coping mechanisms
  5. Experiences no complications related to injury or complications of status epilepticus

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Meningitis Pathophysiology, Clinical Manifestations and Nursing Care

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Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord which is caused by bacteria or viruses.

Bacterial Meningitis a.k.a. Septic Meningitis

Bacterial meningitis, which is caused by bacteria (most commonly Streptococcus Pneumoniae and Meningococcus) in the blood stream, is also referred to as septic meningitis.

Factors which increase the risk of bacterial meningitis include:

  • Cigarette smoking and viral upper respiratory infections – cause an increase in droplet production.
  • Otitis media – inflammation or infection in the middle ear resulting from a cold, sore throat or respiratory infection; bacteria from otitis media can cross the epithelial membrane and enter the subarachnoid space, causing meningitis.
  • Mastoiditis – a serious bacterial infection which affects the mastoid bone located behind the ear, commonly occurring in children; bacteria from mastoiditis can cross the epithelial membrane and enter the subarachnoid space, causing meningitis.
  • Immune system deficiencies – increases risk for development of bacterial meningitis; this is why in oncology wards, wearing of PPEs is emphasised so the risk of infection in immuno-compromised patients is minimised as much as possible.

Viral Meningitis a.k.a. Aseptic Meningitis

Aseptic meningitis is usually caused by viruses, though at times the cause may also be fungal or parasitic. It can also be secondary to lymphoma, leukaemia, or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Meningitis Pathophysiology

  1. A meningeal infection originates either through the bloodstream resulting from another infection, or by direct spread eg. following trauma to the facial bones or secondary to invasive procedures.
  2. The causative organism crosses the blood-brain barrier and starts to proliferate (multiply) in the CSF.
  3. The immune system stimulates the release of cell wall fragments and lipopolysaccharides, which facilitate inflammation of the subarachnoid and the pia mater. Due to lack of space in the cranial vault, this inflammation may cause intracranial pressure (ICP).
  4. Prognosis may include adrenal damage, circulatory (cardiac or peripheral) collapse, and Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome (rare life-threatening disorder associated with bilateral adrenal haemorrhage, resulting from endothelial damage and vascular necrosis caused by the bacteria).
  5. Bacterial meningitis outcome depends on the causative organism, infection severity and treatment timeline.
  6. Resulting complications include visual impairment, deafness, seizures, paralysis, hydrocephalus (build-up of fluid in the brain), and septic shock (significant drop in blood pressure that may cause respiratory or heart failure, stroke, organ dysfunction, and mortality).
meningitis nursing care
Retrieved from on 20th November 2021

Meningitis Clinical Manifestations

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Disorientation
  • Seizures
  • Speech difficulties (slurred speech)
  • Sluggish pupillary reaction
  • Neck rigidity – attempts of head flexion prove to be difficult due to spasms in the muscles of the neck
  • Visual disturbance
  • Photophobia – extreme sensitivity to light
  • Rash – feature of Neisseria Meningitis infection
  • Skin Lesions – features only in bacterial meningitis: petechial rash with purpuric (bloody) lesions to large areas of ecchymosis (bruising).
  • Intracranial Pressure ICP – increased pressure in the brain caused by the inflammation; signs of ICP include a decreased level of consciousness, and focal motor deficits; uncontrolled ICP leads to brain stem herniation – a life threatening situation which causes cranial nerve dysfunction and depression of the vital function centers, including the medulla
  • Motor and sensory dysfunction
  • Cranial nerve deficits eg. facial droop, dysfunction in the arm/leg of one side of the body (as happens with a CVA)
  • Hydrocephalus – seen in children up to 2 years of age in which cranial bones are not yet fused well together, leading to enlargement of the head
  • Positive Kernig’s Sign – inability to extend leg of patient when lying down with thigh flexed on the abdomen
  • Positive Brudzinski’s Sign – after ruling out cervical trauma or injury, patient’s neck is flexed, followed by the flexion of knees and hips; passively flexing the lower extremity of one side may produce an involuntary movement in the opposite extremity – positive sign indicating meningeal irritation (better diagnostic method than Kernig’s).
  • Lethargy, unresponsiveness and coma may develop with illness progression.

Meningitis Diagnosis

  • CT Scan or MRI – performed with the aim of detecting a shift in brain contents that can lead to herniation
  • Bacterial Culture and Gram Staining of CSF and blood following lumbar puncture
  • CSF with low glucose level, high protein level, and high white blood cell count are indicative of meningitis
  • Gram staining allows rapid identification of causative bacteria, leading to exact diagnosis and appropriate antibiotic therapy
Retrieved from on 20th November 2021

Meningitis Prevention

  • Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine – administered to adolescents attending high school, and college freshmen living in dormitories
  • Education – providing information about meningitis prevention availability so as to promote informed decision-making
  • Prophylactic Treatment – Antimicrobial Chemoprophylaxis eg. Rifampin (Rifadin), Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride (Cipro), or Ceftriaxone Sodium (Rocephin) is to be administered to people in close contact with patients diagnosed with meningococcal meningitis; treatment should be started within 24 hours following initial exposure; vaccination should also be considered as an adjunct
  • H. influenzae and S. pneumoniae Vaccination – should be encouraged for children and high-risk adults

Meningitis Medical Management

  • Early administration of an antibiotic that can cross the blood-brain barrier into the subarachnoid space and halt bacterial proliferation
  • IV administration of Vancomycin Hydrochloride with Cephalosporins (eg. Ceftriaxone Sodium, Cefotaxime Sodium)
  • Dexamethasone (Decadron) steroidal therapy administered 15-20 minutes prior to the first antibiotic dose and every 6 hours for the following 4 days as adjunct therapy for acute bacterial meningitis and pneumococcal meningitis
  • Fluid Volume Expanders are administered for the treatment of dehydration and shock
  • Phenytoin (Dilantin) may be administered in case of seizures
  • Increased ICP is to be treated as necessary

Meningitis Nursing Care

  • Provide reassurance to reduce anxiety; providing frequent orientation information may help
  • Assess neurologic status
  • Assess vital signs
  • Assist in the reduction and control of body temperature
  • Encourage bed rest in a quiet, non-stressful environment so as to avoid extra activity, pain and anxiety from increasing blood pressure leading to an increase in ICP; keep room quiet, limit visitors, and speak calmly
  • Pulse Oximetry and ABGs provide early identification the need for respiratory support if ICP compromises the brain stem
  • Maintain adequate tissue oxygenation – insertion of a cuffed endotracheal tube or tracheotomy, and mechanical ventilation, may be required for continuous oxygenation maintenance
  • Avoid opioids as these may increase the risk of respiratory distress and alter responsiveness
  • Blood pressure monitoring is required to assess for incipient shock, which precedes cardiac or respiratory failure
  • IV fluids may be prescribed for fluid replacement, however, care should be taken so as to avoid fluid overload
  • Provide the patient with protection from secondary injury following seizures or altered level of consciousness eg. pull up side rails, place patient close to the nursing station for close monitoring, use padded side rails or/and wrap patient’s hands in mitts to protect from self injury and dislodging of IV lines; Make sure there are no items eg. sharps close to the patient especially in the case of altered level of consciousness, so as to avoid further injuries; If possible, avoid restraints as these may increase anxiety and stress, leading to further injuries and worsening of ICP
  • Monitor daily body weight (serum electrolytes and urine volume, specific gravity and osmolality (concentration of dissolved particles of chemicals and minerals) if SIADH is suspected (a condition in which the body makes too much antidiuretic hormone ADH, causing the body to retain excessive water)
  • Apply preventative measures in relation to pressure ulcer formation (provide adequate skin care and change nappy frequently if patient is incontinent to avoid sacral area ulcer formation) and pneumonia (elevate head of bed to 30% to avoid aspiration; this also promotes venous drainage from the patient’s head in the case of patient having ICP)
  • Apply infection control precautions until 24 hours following the initiation of antibiotic therapy
  • Provide information as part of meningitis nursing care to the patient’s family about the patient’s condition due to the critical nature of meningitis; support the patient’s relatives and assist them in identifying other supportive individuals to help them cope with the situation; provide information about hygiene practices at home eg. frequent handwashing; provide information on antimicrobial chemoprophylaxis including possible side effects (eg. vertigo, nausea and headache) and frequency – prophylactic therapy should be started within 24 hours following exposure to meningitis (delay limits effectiveness of prophylaxis); consider vaccination possibility as an adjunct to chemoprophylaxis (refer to Meningitis Prevention section further up)

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The Peripheral Nervous System

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The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is the division of the nervous system which contains all nerves which can be found outside of the central nervous system (CNS). Its role is to connect the central nervous system to the organs, muscles and glands found throughout the body.

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Peripheral Nervous System Tissues

The peripheral nervous system is made up of the following tissues:

  • NERVES – bundles of axons that make up most of the peripheral nervous system tissues. They are classified as sensory, motor, or mixed.
  • GANGLIA – nervous tissues which act as relay stations for signals which are transmitted through nerves of the peripheral nervous system.
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The Somatic Nervous System

The somatic nervous system has the ability to sense the external environment and control voluntary movements through signals originating within the cerebral cortex of the brain. In other words, perceptions of the outside world and responses to these perceptions result from the somatic nervous system.

The somatic nervous system consists of:

  • 12 pairs of cranial nerves
  • 31 pairs of spinal nerves

Out of 12 pairs of cranial nerves, 4 participate in both sensory and motor functions as mixed nerves, since they have both sensory and motor neurons.

Cranial Nerves

Cranial nerves, which connect directly to the brain, can be found in the head and neck. Sensory Cranial Nerves sense smells, tastes, light, sounds, and body position. Motor Cranial Nerves have the ability to control muscles of the face, tongue, eyeballs, throat, head, and shoulders, as well as swallowing and salivary glands.

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Spinal Nerves

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Somatic VS Autonomic Nervous System

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Somatic Nervous System

Autonomic Nervous System

The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) operates without conscious control via reflex arcs in the same way as the Somatic Nervous System. Autonomic sensory neurons can be found in the visceral organs and blood vessels. They trigger continuous nerve impulses that reach the integrating centres in the central nervous system. Impulses within the autonomic motor neurons are then transferred to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, or glands. Reflexes triggered by the ANS are controlled by centres in the hypothalamus and the brainstem.


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Sympathetic VS Parasympathetic Nervous System

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Condition: Trigeminal Neuralgia

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