What kind of learner am I?
Study may seem to be an easy task, however this may not always be the case. Over the years you may have probably developed personal learning habits which, if taken into consideration, may facilitate your learning ability.
Your first step prior to embarking on a study journey should be to ask yourself, “What kind of learner am I? How do I learn best?”
David Kolb’s learning styles which were first published in 1984 can be divided into 4 different categories: Activists, Theorists, Reflectors and Pragmatists. By identifying which of the four categories best reflects who you are, you can learn about the best learning techniques that are the most ideal for you.
Learning Techniques
Activists: Do you prefer practical tasks rather than theory? Students who fall within this category look forward to activities such as games, problem solving (including team problem solving) and simulations. They seek a lot of action and excitement, enjoy challenges, take risks and are eager for new experiences, generating new ideas without much concern for constraints. Activists make great leaders and love to be in the limelight.
Theorists: Do you find yourself eager to acquire handouts or other material which you feel will help you study better? Student who fall within this category find themselves interested in the theory and methodology of every subject being studies. They seek clear and obvious purpose in their activities, they rely on rationale and logic, and conclude their findings based on a thorough analysis.
Reflectors: Do you feel the need to retreat from activities in order to read further related material and discuss? Students who fall within this catogory feel the need of opportunities to observe and consider. Passive involvement for these students such as watching related videos are very helpful. Reflectors love to research and seek multiple possibilities to evaluate which is best. They like to think well before doing or saying something, and also take their time to reflect on their doings so as to ‘know better’ for similar future situations.
Pragmatists: Do you seek tips and shortcuts when studying? Students who fall within this category seek techniques that make their work easier. They love relating to successful role models and are able to practice what they learn, seeking the best opportunities to do so. Pragmatists love drawing up action plans and trying different techniques and procedures.
How Do I Learn Best?
Now that you have seen what type of learning techniques for students are, you need to ask yourself once again, ” What kind of learner am I ?”. Now is the time for you to determine in which category you associate yourself with. The best way to find out is to download and print the following PDF containing David Kolb‘s learning styles, and complete the questionnaire within. Then start applying the learning techniques that best work for you.

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