Shock can be classified into 3 different types: Hypovolaemic Shock, Cardiogenic Shock, and Septic Shock. Whilst the management of shock varies based on the type of shock it is, the resulting effect of all 3 types of shock is the same – decreased tissue perfusion.
Distributive Shock
impaired distribution of circulating blood volume
capillary leaks
Distributive Shock is sub-classified into 3 other types of shock: septic shock, anaphylactic shock and neurogenic shock. In this blogpost we will be focusing on Septic Shock.
Septic Shock
While sepsis is defined as a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by dysregulated host response to infection, a septic shock is defined as a subset of sepsis in which underlying circulatory, cellular and metabolic abnormalities and profound enough to substantially increase the risk of mortality.
microorganism entry into the patient’s body
dysregulated host response characterised by excessive peripheral vasodilation, causing maldistribution of blood volume, over-perfused peripheral areas and under-perfused central areas
is the major cause of admission in the critical care setting
Septic Shock may originate from the community (>80% of cases) or during a stay in a healthcare facility. Common sites for origin of septic shock include:
Rapid recognition and resuscitation is crucial for survival, and so, deteriorating patients should be investigated for infection in a timely manner.
Septic Shock
presence of infection
adequate fluid resuscitation not enough
acute change in SOFA score of 2 points or more from baseline
vasopressors required to keep MAP at >65mmHg and Serum Lactate at >2mmol/L
Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Score (SOFA)
SOFA is a bedside tool that helps identify patients with infection at an increased risk of death or prolonged ICU stay. SOFA is considered to be positive when the patient has at least 2 of the following 3 criteria:
respiratory rate of >22 breaths/minute
altered mental state with a GCS <15
systolic blood pressure <100mmHg
Retrieved from–reviews/the-bat-and-the-sofa-the-3rd-consensus-definitions-for-sepsis-are-out on 20th January 2023
Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS)
MODS refers to a clinical syndrome characterised by acute potentially reversible dysfunction of two or more organs or organ systems not directly involved in the primary disease process. It is the ultimate complication of Septic Shock.
Airway Support
stabilise the patient’s airway
maintain oxygen saturation >94% (unless patient has COPD)
mechanical ventilation may be required to improve oxygenation and neutralise metabolic acidosis
Identifying Source of Sepsis + Treatment
Microbiology – blood, sputum, CSF, urine, wound swab specimens should be sent immediately for Culture & Sensitivity (2 sets of blood cultures should be taken, the 2nd one being with increased sensitivity for detecting bacteraemia); IMPORTANT: take cultures BEFORE antibiotics are administered (even though broad antibiotics should be started within 1 hour)!
Radiology – x-ray and CT scan should be performed to check for signs of infection
IV Antibiotics – start broad spectrum IV antibiotics within one hour to cover likely causative agents such as resistant organisms like MRSA, VREs and Klebsiella, or endogenous infections by colonising bacteria
Adjust Antibiotic Regime – upon identification of specific pathogens
Eliminate Sepsis Source within 12 Hours – debride any infected or nectrotic tissue, drain abscesses and secretions, and remove infective invasive devices
Fluid Resuscitation
Fluids are required to counteract absolute hypovolaemia (sweating, diarrhoea, hyperventilation) and relative hypovolaemia (vasodilation and peripheral blood pooling).
start crystalloids within one hour using the fluid challenge – 30ml/kg over 3 hours, titrating according to response
if necessary, colloids may be administered to patients who had to receive large volumes of crystalloids
CAUTION: watch out for fluid and chloride overload
Inotropes and Vasopressors
If fluid administration is unsuccessful in maintaining physiological parameters and adequate perfusion (MAP should be maintained at >65mmHg), or in the case of myocardial dysfunction, inotropes and vasopressors may be required.
administer noradrenaline to revere inappropriate vasodilation, lower risk of tachycardia and arrhythmias with less adverse metabolic effects
adrenaline may also be added as an adjunct if required
dobutamine may also be added if the patient remains unstable; this may also help counteract excessive vasoconstriction, especially within the peripheries
Corticosteroid Use
corticosteriods (hydrocortisone 200mg/day) may be indicated due to their anti-inflammatory effects in patients unresponsive to fluids and vasopressors NOTE: corticosteroids should not be discontinued abruptly!
nutritional support is particularly important for patients with septic shock since this helps improve their immune response
in case of patients with wounds, a high protein diet is recommended since it helps speed up the healing process
maintain the patient’s blood glucose level at <10mmol/L but avoid excessive glucose control to prevent hypoglycaemia
General Support
maintain temperature control to decrease metabolic demands
provide skin care and pressure ulcer prophylactic measures
provide prophylactic therapy to prevent venous thromboembolism
prevent over-sedation
aim to prevent ventilator-acquired pneumonia and infections related to lines/catheter use
provide blood transfusions only if the patient’s Hgb is <7mmol/L, or in case of bleeding, myocardial ischaemia, and severe hypoxia
Give high-flow oxygen via non-rebreathe bag. Take blood cultures and consider source control. Give IV antibiotics according to local protocol. Start IV fluid resuscitation Hartmann’s or equivalent. Check lactate. Monitor hourly urine output consider catheterisation. within one hour….plus Critical Care support – Retrieved from on 20th January 2023
Retrieved from on 20th January 2023
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Shock nursing management depends on the accurate and timely identification of shock. This can be obtained through an accurate assessment, thorough investigations, and a proper diagnosis, following which, the right treatment and requirements can be planned and provided to the patient.
When assessing for shock, one should keep in mind that clinical changes are initially quite subtle. Still, the following aspects must be taken into account during an initial patient assessment…
patient history
level of consciousness
signs of internal or external bleeding
skin colour and/or moisture
respiratory rate and effort
heart rate and rhythm
body temperature
blood pressure
urine output
Retrieved from on 16th January 2023
Retrieved from on 16th January 2023
Clinical tests should be carried out to confirm shock and identify the patient’s array of needs…
CBC – a complete blood count test measures the amount of red blood cells (which carry oxygen) and white blood cells (which fight infection); this test gives a good indication of bleeding and infection.
ABGs – an arterial blood gases test measures the acidity (pH) and the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in arterial blood; this test determines how well the patient’s lungs are performing gas exchange.
Lactate Level – normal blood lactate levels are 1.3 mmol/L; an increase in lactate production is usually caused by impaired tissue oxygenation whereby the lungs switch from performing aerobic to anaerobic respiration.
Cross Match – this is done in case the patient is found to be needing a blood transfusion.
Electrolytes – electrolyte imbalance can be indicative of shock in the progressive phase.
Clotting – impaired coagulation and microclots are indicative of shock in the progressive phase.
Alcohol Levels – these are tested if the patient suffered from trauma.
Cardiac Enzymes – cardiac enzymes a.k.a. cardiac biomarkers are released by the heart in the case of heart damage or stress caused by low oxygen; Troponin and creatinine phosphokinase (CPK) levels rise following a heart attack; elevated heart enzyme levels may also indicate acute coronary syndrome or ischaemia.
X-rays, CT scan of the Patient’s Chest, Abdomen and Spine – determines if there is infection, injury, and fluid loss.
Retrieved from on 16th January 2023
Retrieved from on 16th January 2023
Clinical manifestations of shock vary according to both the underlying cause and the stage it is at, varying based on the cause of shock as well as the patient’s physiological response.
Typically, a patient is considered to be in shock when the following signs are noted:
RESTORE ADEQUATE TISSUE PERFUSION – this can be achieved through ensuring adequate oxygen delivery to the cells in relation to gas exchange, cardiac output, and haemoglobin, as well as improving oxygen utilisation by the cells
Thus, in shock nursing management, the following steps need to be tackled as needed:
improving oxygen supply
administering fluid therapy
administering cardiovascular drugs
providing nutritional support
providing psychosocial care
1. Improving Oxygen Supply
With adequate oxygen supply we aim to:
achieve adequate gas exchange – ensure the patient has a patent airway, and improve ventilation and oxygenation by providing supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventilation if required
achieve adequate cardiac output – aim to control the patient’s heart rate, preload and afterload, and cardiac contractility through the administration and titration of fluids and cardiovascular drugs
2. Administering Fluid Therapy
Fluid therapy administration is necessary for all types of shock, though the type of fluid administered and the amount and speed of delivery varies with every patient.
Fluids help increase oxygenation since oxygenation is partly affected by circulation. Types of fluids administered include:
crystalloids – electrolyte solutions such as Isotonic (eg. normal saline or RLactate), Hypertonic (eg. 10% Dextrose) or Hypotonic (eg. 0.45% NaCl – Sodium Chloride)
colloids – types of colloids, which contain large molecules, include blood and its products such as Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP), as well as synthetic plasma expanders such as Gelafundin (a colloidal plasma volume substitute in an isotonic balanced whole electrolyte solution that can be used for prophylaxis and therapy of hypovolaemia and shock); ADVANTAGES: colloids remain in the intravascular space, restoring fluids faster and with less volume, while blood restores Hgb; DISADVANTAGES: colloids are expensive, may cause reactions, and may also leak out of damaged capillaries, causing additional problems especially within the lungs
fluid administration Complications
Common fluid administration complications include cardiovascular overload and pulmonary oedema.
Patients with increased risk include elderly patients and patients with a history of chronic renal failure or heart failure.
To avoid fluid administration complications, the nurse should:
monitor and document urine output and fluid intake
anti-dysrhythmic agents such as Amiodarone prevent or treat abnormal heart rates and rhythms
vasodilators such as nitrates cause arterial dilation by decreasing the afterload following decreased resistance to blood ejection, leading to an increase of cardiac output without increased oxygen demands
vasodilators also cause venous dilation by reducing the preload and subsequently reducing the filling pressure on the failing heart
NOTE: Vasodilators REDUCE BLOOD PRESSURE! Monitor patient at all times whilst on vasodilators!
Inotropes and Vasoconstrictors
inotropes and vasoconstrictors increase myocardial contractility leading to an increase in cardiac output
inotropes stimulate adrenergic receptors, causing similar effects to the fight or flight reaction; types of sympathomimetic agents include naturally occurring catecholamines eg. adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine; synthetic cathecolamines eg. dobutamine
binds to beta 1 and beta 2 receptors
cause an increase in heart rate, cardiac contractility, vasodilation, and cardiac output
with an increasing rate of infusion also comes an increase in alpha receptors, which result in increased blood pressure and vascular resistance through vasoconstriction
the heart now needs to work harder and so, its oxygen demand increases too
binds to beta 1 receptors only
does not cause an increase in heart rate
a low dose of noradrenalineincreases cardiac contractility, leading to an increase in cardiac output
higher doses tend to limit effect due to alpha stimulation which causes massive vasoconstriction
whilst this causes an increase in blood pressure, it compromises peripheral circulation and increases the workload of the heart
dopamine is the chemical precursor of noradrenaline
a low dose of dopamine stimulates dopaminergic receptors, causing renal and mesentric vasodilation, leading to a good urine output
a moderate dose of dopamine stimulates beta 1 receptors, causing an increase in cardiac contractility and cardiac output
a high dose of dopamine stimulates alpha receptors, causing massive vasoconstriction, an increase in blood pressure, and an increase in the workload of the heart
dobutamine causes no dopaminergic effects
dobutamine mainly stimulates beta 1 receptors, causing an increase in cardiac contractility and cardiac output; dobutamine may also stimulate beta 2 receptors, causing mild vasodilation, causing a reduction the the preload, afterload, and stress on the heart
dobutamine is helpful in treating heart failure, especially in hypotensive patients who are unable to tolerate vasodilators
dobutamine may also be used as an adjunct therapy to adrenaline or noradrenaline and dopamine to reduce vasoconstriction effect
correct dilution of inotropes is of utmost importance
inotropes are administrated as infusions through electronic pumps so that consistent administration is ensured
administration of inotropes is done through a central line
careful haemodynamic monitoring is very important especially since it help in the titrating process of inotropes dosage as needed
inotropes should NOT replace fluid and electrolyte balance
Shock causes increased metabolic rates, which in return increase the patient’s energy requirements. Catecholamines (adrenaline and noradrenaline) deplete glycogen stores in 8-10 hours, after which the body starts breaking down skeletal muscle for energy. This prolongs recovery period unless it is prevented.
Typically, a patient in shock may require >3000kcal daily, however, the patient is usually unable to eat due to intubation, sedation, and anxiety. For this reason, enteral or parenteral nutrition should be initiated within 48 hours, and increased to full nutrition by day 3-7, if the patient is haemodynamically stable (excessive nutrient intake should be avoided in the early phase of critical illness).
NOTE: patients diagnosed with shock are also prone to develop pressure ulcers.
5. Providing Psychosocial Care
Psychological care should be provided throughout the whole course of hospitalisation, especially within the critical care environment. Liaise with other healthcare professionals as needed.
Whilst adopting an empathic approach, provide information and reassurance to both the patient (if conscious; if unconscious still talk to your patient as if he/she is listening, making him/her aware of what is going on in relation to care) and relatives, as this reduces anxiety. Communicate with the patient’s relatives about the patient’s condition as well as procedures being performed.
Shock Nursing Management Additional Interventions
ensure good vascular access for fluid administration, central venous pressure (CVP) monitoring, and to draw blood for investigations
insert a NGT (or OGT if patient has facial trauma) so that emesis (vomiting) and aspiration are prevented
insert a urinary catheter to monitor urine output and fluid balance accordingly
monitor the patient’s temperature and ensure maintenance of normal body temperature
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Intensive Care Nursing Principles include care of the following immediate care aspects: airway safety, breathing, circulation, disability a.k.a. level of consciousness, and exposure. Basic ABCDE assessments of the patient in intensive care increases the patient’s survival rate.
Airway Safety in Intensive Care Nursing
In intensive care nursing, one may observe two types of airways used on patients, both of which are considered to be invasive: an endotracheal tube or a tracheostomy.
An endotracheal tube is usually indicated for patients in respiratory failure who are unable to breathe adequately by themselves, or who are experiencing physiological disturbances, leaving their airway unprotected.
A tracheostomy is a planned procedure indicated for patients in need of a prolonged period of mechanical ventilation.
Both devices deliver ventilation to the patient through a closed system
Both devices deliver oxygen from the trachea directly into the lungs
Both devices have an inflatable cuff near the tube end which provides a seal to avoid air from escaping as well as protection from aspiration of gastric content into the lungs.
Endotracheal TubeTracheostomy Retrieved from (left) and (right) on 18th October 2022
Endotracheal Tube
To ensure proper care of an intubated patient, the following measures need to be taken:
Tube Sizing
tube size is identifiable on the cuff balloon
tube is usually tied at the lips
a standard ETT is around 26mm long
Cuff Pressure
cuff pressure must be checked every 4 hours using a manual device
cuff pressure must stay between 20-30cm of water
an over-inflated cuff causes tracheal pressure damage; an under-inflated cuff causes air to escape and the ventilator to sound its alarm for inadequate ventilation
cuff leaks may happen due to inadequate air in the cuff, damage to the cuff, higher pressure from ventilator exceeding pressure in the cuff, wrong tube fit for the person’s anatomy, or positional leaks on patient movement
ETT Securing
ensure that the endotracheal tube is secure (unplanned extubation or tube misplacement can jeopardise the patient’s safety)
note length mark at teeth/lips and document clearly on the nursing report
ensure tube is tied appropriately with tapes or devices used within your clinical area
recheck tapes regularly to ensure they do not become loose – only two fingers may be inserted between the patient’s face and ties; if ties become loose, re-tie using a two-person technique to ensure prevention of extubation: one person holds the tube in place whilst the other ties the tapes
do not tie tapes around the connector at the tube’s end since this can easily become disconnected
call for assistance if the tube becomes dislodged or if you are concerned
Schematic overview of the insertion of an endotracheal tube in the airways of a mechanically ventilated patient. ( a ) endotracheal tube; ( b ) cuff infl ation tube; ( c ) trachea; ( d ) oesophagus – Retrieved from on 18th October 2022
Ventilation is the in-out air movement within the lungs’ alveoli during which gas exchange occurs.
During normal breathing, ventilation occurs through negative pressure – energy causes the respiratory muscles to contract, which then lead the respiratory muscles to enlarge the thoracic cavity, creating a negative intra-thoracic pressure, which then results in airflow from atmospheric pressure to enter the lungs…
In simple terms, during normal breathing, air is sucked into the lungs.
Mechanical ventilation uses a positive pressure approach in which a pneumatic system delivers gas into the lungs during the inspiration phase. Following inspiration, the patient exhales to the level of PEEP which is set on the ventilator, thus, expiration happens passively.
In simple terms, during positive pressure ventilation (PPV), air is blown into the lungs.
NOTE: PEEP stands for Positive End Expiratory Pressure, which is the pressure set on the ventilator – pressure set above the atmospheric pressure – aimed to improve oxygenation through the recruit of collapsed alveoli.
Mechanical Ventilation Indications
Respiratory failure can be classed in 2 categories:
Type 1: Acute Respiratory Failure
Type 2: Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure
NOTE: Occasionally patients may have both.
Type 1: Acute Respiratory Failure
Acute respiratory failure occurs when arterial oxygen level is <8kPa, which is then reflected in a significant drop in the oxygen saturation level – hypoxaemia.
In hypoxaemia, the patient becomes visibly short of breath, with rapid shallow breathing usually accompanied by anxiety and confusion due to insufficient oxygen saturation within the tissues.
Acute respiratory failure typically happens due to conditions affecting gas exchange within the alveoli, such as in COVID-19 which can result in severe pneumonia, commonly bilateral pneumonia affecting both lungs, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) which causes the lungs to become waterclogged like sponges, and Pulmonary Embolism.
Type 2: Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure
In hypercapnic respiratory failure, respiratory demand is not met due to inability to breathe in enough air or breathe quickly enough, and so, the patient experiences hypoventilation.
Hypercapnic respiratory failure causes a rise in carbon dioxide along with a decrease in oxygen level; PaCO2 >6.6kPa (50mmHg) with pH of <7.25; pH fall happens due to the rise in carbon dioxide causing acidity in the blood.
is there paradoxical chest wall movement in comparison to the ventilator?
Along with the above observations, take note of the patient’s rate, rhythm, and quality of respirations.
Palpate the patient’s chest:
can you feel both sides of the chest expand?
can you feel any vibrations within the chest? If yes, this may be an indication of respiratory secretions or fluid – check further by auscultating with a stethoscope
auscultate for breath sounds by pressing the diaphragm side of the stethoscope firmly against the patient’s skin directly
normal breathing sound a.k.a. vesicular, is soft and low pitched, with inspiration lasting longer than the expiration sound
crackles are intermittent non-musical sounds which are caused by collapsed or fluid-filled alveoli, most commonly heard on inhalation; crackles may not clear up following coughing or suctioning
wheezing is a high-pitched musical sound caused by airway narrowing, commonly heard in COPD, Asthma, chest infection or heart failure
if no chest sounds can be auscultated and chest expansion is absent or limited, call for urgent assistance
Retrieved from on 18th October 2022
Measuring the Effects of Mechanical Ventilation on Gas Exchange
Oxygen saturations and carbon dioxide levels are shown on the monitor and ventilator, as well as on an ABG result strip. Capnography is another way of monitoring carbon dioxide. A CO2 waveform can confirm that the tube is in the right position and that the patient is being ventilated. Flat or dampened waveforms require adjustments.
NOTE: sick patients may be aimed for a higher CO2 than normal – permissive hypercapnia.
Ventilation Risks
increased pressure in the thoracic cavity can cause lung trauma
increased risk of ventilator acquired pneumonia – a secondary lung infection; a good precautionary measure is to keep the patient’s head elevated to 30 degrees
Sputum Management
Intubated and ventilated patients cannot cough to clear their own secretions. For this reason, humidification, which is attached to the ventilator and should be checked regularly, is vital. In addition, closed suctioning of the ETT enables secretions to be suctioned out without breaking the circuit to atmospheric pressure.
Related Terminology
FiO2 – the fraction of inspired oxygen eg. 0.3 = 30% oxygen
Tidal Volume – volume of air expired in one breath
Minute Volume – total volume of air expired in one whole minute
As a nurse working in the ICU setting you need to make sure you go through a lot of ‘checks’ prior to starting your shift:
get a good handover by the nurse who was taking care of your newly assigned patient so that you know the patient’s normal parameter values
set the alarm limits based on the values given by the handover nurse; set alarms just above the highest and just below the lowest parameters taken during the previous shift
check all equipment to make sure all is in good working order
Setting alarms related to the cardiovascular system
heart rate – usually set between 60-100bpm; observe the patient’s ECG trace for a whole minute to know its normal trend
mean arterial pressure (MAP) – usually set between 60-65mmHg, however, these values are normally based on the patient’s normal limits to allow space for patient movement, coughing, etc
arterial line trace– observe the A-line trend for a minute so you familiarise yourself with it and be able to notice any differences straight away
Checking Equipment related to the Cardiovascular system
arterial line – needs to be monitored at all times; related alarms need to be always switched on; check for air bubbles and if any are visible, make sure you remove them; arterial line site needs to be kept clean, dressed with an intact see-through dressing, and kept visible at all times for easy monitoring
NOTE: the Arterial Line is marked with a red line all the way down the side so as to alert healthcare professionals that it is not a regular line.
IMPORTANT: Never inject anything into an arterial line! Special caps are used for arterial lines with the aim of preventing this!
central venous pressure line (CVP) – certain infusions need to be administered via a CVP line since if injected into smaller veins, these can be destroyed
check that all lines attached to the patient are clearly labelled with the medication being administered, and dated; this helps identify which line is which, in case a medication needs to be abruptly stopped or disconnected
NOTE: the Central Venous Pressure line may be clear or it may have a blue line running all the way down the side for easier recognition.
pressure bag + saline bag– the arterial line AND the CVP line should both be connected to a bag of 500ml normal saline 0.9% which sits in a pressure bag; pressure bag needs to be set at a pressure of 300mmHg which is clearly indicated by a green section on the pressure bag gauge
before zeroing the set, ensure that the bags of saline have enough fluid within them, and that they are up to pressure
transducer – this needs to be zeroed, sitting approximately in line with the right atrium, so as to ensure that both the arterial line and the cvp line are monitored continuously and accurately; zeroing needs to be done at every change of shift as well as whenever the patient is disconnected
both the arterial line and the cvp line need to be switched off to the patient, and be open to air, at the correct height, and with the pressure bag blown up, following which ‘zero all’ should be set on the monitor; then, both should be switched back on to the patient, caps should be put back on , and both should be reading correctly
Checking the patient
check that the patient’s heart rate corresponds to the ECG and arterial line trace and to the radial pulse of the patient
check that the ECG tabs are correctly placed and have good contact with the patient
check every line insertion site for any signs of infection or migration
re-check any significant heart rate change with a manual pulse, blood pressure output and a 12 lead ECG
check the patient’s limbs and note capillary refill time of all four
check for skin pallor, warmth, sweating, dry skin, wounds, and bleeding
check the MAP is reading adequately and whether it needs any fluids or drugs to maintain it
check the patient’s temperature: >39 degrees celsius needs to be taken care of; on the other hand, a patient can easily become cold in an ICU setting…avoid hypothermia – keep your patient warm!
NOTE: In the ICU setting, 5-lead ECG monitoring is used!
Check Urine Output
a urinary catheter is inserted in every sedated and ventilated patients
an average person’s urine output should be about 0.5ml/kg/hr; an inadequate blood pressure may later lead to a decrease in urine output, thus, check urine output every hour
a patient with a low blood pressure and poor urine output may be commenced on inotropes
common inotropes include Noradrenaline, Adrenaline, and Metaraminol
are calculated in mcg/kg/min and titrated according to patient parameters to maintain an adequate MAP
should be administered through a central line
use should be accompanied with patient monitoring through an arterial line
are short-acting, thus, should be set to infuse continuously without running out; if left empty, patient’s blood pressure may drop dangerously low, possibly leading to a cardiac arrest
IV fluid boluses may also be prescribed, though usually, this is done more in other ward settings
electrolytes which have a direct effect on the heart’s conduction, contraction and rhythm need to be closely monitored in intensive care nursing
potassium level should be >4 – 5.5mmols/L
magnesium level should be >1.0mmols/L
phosphate level should be >0.7mmols/L
Sedating the patient – why?
Sedation level is always decided by the ICU consultant. Reasons for patient sedation include:
ventilation facilitation
anxiety relief
acute confusion management
treatment implementation
diagnostic procedures
reduction of tachycardia, hypertension, or raised intracranial pressure
Commonly used Sedative drugs
Propofol – anaesthetic agent (negative inotrope)
Morphine – opiate
Midazolam – benzodiazepine
Fentanyl – synthetic opiate
Remifentanyl – short half life
Atracurium – muscle relaxant
The Non-Sedated Patient
assess and document the non-sedated and awake patient using the GCS or the AVPU scale to find out the patient’s level of consciousness and current mental state
assess and document the patient’s pupillary size and reaction
identify changes within the patient’s neurological state; if a patient becomes newly confused or difficult to wake up, check for any respiratory issues or medical condition deterioration
The Sedated Patient
assess the sedated patient using the GCS; include pupillary size and reaction in your assessment and documentation
document at which level is your patient sedated using the Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS)
assess patient at the beginning of your shift; continue performing assessments throughout your shift especially since the necessity for patient sedation level may change
NOTE: always check thoroughly syringe drivers with sedation, including rate and time; ensure replacement syringes are ready to be replaced prior to stopping. Sedation which is abruptly stopped may lead to patients waking up frightened and disoriented, leading to unplanned extubating or high levels of distress and anxiety!
Retrieved from on 22nd October 2022
Glucose Level Check
Whilst a patient may not be diabetic, one may still be on insulin in Intensive Care Nursing. This is because in ICU, patients often require an insulin infusion so as to keep their blood glucose level between 4-10mmols.
Thus, it is important to check the patient’s blood glucose levels frequently as per local guidelines, especially since in sedated patients, noticing hypoglycaemia is quite difficult.
Pain Assessment
Pain assessment is vital in intensive care nursing, especially since it may be a good indication of a newly evolving critical condition such as a Myocardial Infarction or an infection.
If a sedated patient exhibits physical stress responses such as an increased heart rate, blood pressure or agitation, consider pain as a possible culprit. A good Critical Care Pain Observations Tool (CPOT) may be used to assess pain in sedated patients. This considers the following aspects:
facial expression
body movements
ventilator compliance
muscle tension
If pain is suspected, analgesia should be administered. Whilst all ventilated patients are already on sedation and analgesia, an increased rate or a bolus may be considered, followed by a reassessment to check for improvement.
Retrieved from on 22nd October 2022
In intensive care nursing, the patient should ideally be fed early. If awake and extubated and can eat and drink, assist in doing so. Remember that invasive lines and air mattresses can restrict patient mobility, and some assistance can go a long way!
Following intubation or tracheostomy, a patient needs to undergo a swallow assessment to ensure oral intake is advisable. At times, a nasogastric tube or jejuno tube may be indicated.
Retrieved from on 23rd October 2022
Positioning needs to be checked well whenever a new shift is taking over, as well as before oral intake is administered:
note tube position and compare current length with the previously documented length
ensure tube is well secured so as to prevent migration; change adhesive holder if necessary
checking pH of patients in intensive care nursing may be misleading; aspirate gastric contents every 4 hours and replace or discard as per local policy
to help with absorption, motility agents may be prescribed
tube feeding prescriptions are based on body weight and caloric and electrolyte needs; electrolytes, magnesium and phosphate replacement is usually prescribed together
cartridge may need to be changed every 24 hours
new lines should always be labelled with date and time of change
If enteral feeding fails, total parenteral nutrition is usually considered. TPN is administered via a PICC line or Central Line through a specific lumen – a white port. Medications are not administered via the same line.
NOTE: TPN is lipid based and so it requires strict asepsis when lines and bags are changed. New lines need to be labelled clearly with the date and time of change.
Nausea & Vomiting
An abdominal assessment needs to be performed on the patient in intensive care nursing …
LOOK at the shape and for distension, masses, ascites, prominent veins, bruising, scars, drains, or stomas.
LISTEN for bowel sounds using your stethoscope over the right lower quadrant.
FEEL and assess for localised or radiating pain and masses.
Bowel Assessment
check the last documented bowel action – patients in the Intensive Care Setting are prone to becoming constipated due to reduced bowel motility
administer any prescribed aperients (drugs to help with constipation) which are usually started early on in this setting to promote regular bowel movements
promote dignity especially in the case of incontinence
take positioning into consideration – assisting the patient with a hoist to a more natural defecation position can help conscious patients
if patient experiences uncontrolled diarrhoea, rectal tubes may be indicated to protect the skin and to measure fluid loss
record frequency and consistency
Assessing for Venous thromboembolism (VTE)
Patients in the intensive care setting are often provided with intermittent compression boots eg. flowtron, to help stimulate blood flow to deep veins, so as to help prevent thrombosis. Such devices need to be removed at least once per shift so the underlying skin is thoroughly assessed.
Mouth Care in the ICU Setting
Mouth care in the intensive care setting provides the patient with comfort. Additionally, it helps prevent Ventilator Associated Pneumonia. Toothpaste and baby toothbrushes are used twice daily. Ideally, water is given every 4 hours, and vaseline is applied to the patient’s lips every time.
Eye Care in the ICU Setting
Sedated patients are not able to blink, which leads to an increased risk of corneal sores. Use recommended eye drops as per local policy for this reason. Check the patient for redness, pus, dryness, and Scleroderma. Use eye drops and lacrilube.
Patient Skin Care
check for skin breakdown, redness, blistering surgical sites, existing pressure sores, wounds, dressings, or rashes; if needed, change the type of mattress they are currently on
encourage position changes or move sedated patients regularly to avoid formation of pressure sores
check the skin beneath flotrons or devices to avoid thrombosis at least when starting your shift
check the NGT for any markings onto the nostrils
check ETT and holders, repositioning / pressure alleviating devices; check tapes’ last change and note any ulcerations, bleeding gum or loose teeth
change saturation probe position at least every 2 hours
check for any lines or drain catheters underneath the patient
minimise shear and friction damage whilst handling the patient
ensure no creases are on the bed sheets since these may cause pain and sores
change any IV lines and feeding tubes as per local policy
Critical Care Outreach Team (2020). Basic Principles of Intensive Care Nursing. Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust. Retrieved from on 18th October 2022
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