Back in March 2020 I conducted COVID19 Evidence Based Preventative Measures research on my own initiative to be able to provide accurate information about COVID-19 preventative measures and be of service to the public as a Nursing Student during the pandemic.
Although considered vulnerable, from day 1 during the pandemic I planned on giving back to society in the best way I can. And while I couldn’t help society through my physical presence due to being considered vulnerable, I decided to help by answering the various public questions that were arising especially in the beginning of the pandemic through spreading of evidence-based information. Being aware of the misinformation on the subject spreading like wildfire through social media, I wanted to make sure to have accurate information, especially when it comes to knowing the rationales for the preventative measures that were being shared with the public by the Maltese Health Authorities.
Hence, I thought of compiling the most recent and relevant evidence-based information into an article. At the same time I opted to use the assessment style we are required to use during our Nursing studies at the University of Malta, which included the use of APA 6th (at the time), so as to serve as practice for my future assignments during my course of study.
Although the research was carried out back in March 2020 and some things may have changed especially since studies and research are an ongoing process, certain COVID19 evidence based preventative measures are still applicable, especially during the current influx of COVID-19 incidence we are experiencing, and we should still adhere to them together as a society to curb the transmission of this virus as much as possible until a reliable vaccine is out.
Below you can find a downloadable file with the mentioned COVID19 Evidence Based Preventative Measures research article.
Copyright © 2020 Claire Galea – All Rights Reserved.
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