Let’s be honest. Early clinical experiences can be overwhelming to nursing students.
From theory to practice, students find themselves bombarded with different ways of performing techniques, making it confusing to adhere to the latest evidence-based practice taught in lecture rooms.
This is where the SNL Clinical Skills Nursing Flashcards come in as a handy learning tool.
Created by a nursing student, for nursing students, these clinical skills nursing flashcards provide step by step instructions on how to perform multiple clinical skills in the way we were taught – the right way.

This pack of SNL Clinical Skills Nursing Flashcards includes 35 laminated cards with step-by-step instructions for the following 30 clinical nursing skills:
- Bed Bathing
- Mobility: Armchair to Wheelchair
- NG Tube Placement Check
- Emptying & Changing Urine Bag
- Vital Signs: SPO2 – Pulse Oximetry
- Vital Signs: Pulse Measurement
- Vital Signs: Respiration
- Vital Signs: Temperature
- Vital Signs: Automatic Blood Pressure Monitoring
- Vital Signs: Blood Pressure Measurement Using Sphygmomanometer
- Vital Signs: HGT Blood Glucose Monitoring
- GCS Glasgow Coma Scale & Focal Signs
- Specimen Collection – Catheterised Patient
- ID Intradermal Injection
- SC Subcutaneous Injection
- IM Intramuscular Injection
- Inserting a NGT
- Donning & Doffing of PPEs
- PPEs: Caring for Quarantined, Asymptomatic Patients Awaiting Swab Result & Asumptomatic Patients Attending Outpatient Setting
- PPEs: Caring for Patients with Covid Symptoms Awaiting Swab Result & Confirmed Covid Cases
- Nebuliser Therapy
- PVC Peripheral Venous Cannula Site Care
- Dosage Calculations
- Phlebotomy
- CVC Central Venous Catheter Care
- IV Drug Preparation & Administration
- TPN Total Parenteral Nutrition Bag Changing
- Blood Transfusion Patient Monitoring
- Chemotherapy Administration
- Inserting a Catheter
All of the above nursing skills flashcards are fully packed with all the information you need to keep you and your patients safe at all times.
They can be cleaned easily for infection prevention and control purposes.
And best of all, you can carry them comfortably with you when on nursing placement…they were made to fit perfectly into your nursing tunic pockets!

With SNL Clinical Skills Nursing Flashcards all the answers you need whilst on placement are right in your tunic pocket!
Upon paying for your order via PayPal you will be redirected to another page where you can send us your preferred address so your flashcards will be delivered to you at no extra cost.
NOTE: Each flashcard is handmade with love by yours truly. Following the pre-order period, kindly allow up to 2 weeks for them to be made and delivered to you. Offshore orders will take longer to arrive.

Questions? Contact me…
* Price for deliveries outside Malta and Gozo include an extra Eur10 to cover additional shipping costs.