Studying may be hard. It depends on various factors such as time, memory, family commitments, specific distractions… However, you can cut the chase and spend much less time studying, yet getting more quality study time by focusing on the learning methods that are best specifically for you.
Your first step towards finding the most suitable learning methods for you is to ask the question: “What kind of learner am I?” – Once you find the answer to that question, you can focus directly on choosing the best learning methods for you. Less time studying yet more effective result!
Reading and Research
One of the most basic learning methods out there is undoubtedly reading and research. If you are currently studying as part of a University, you most probably have access to a library which offers a vast range of books related to the course you’re following. Do not hesitate to ask around if you are unsure. Most lecturers are always ready to offer support to students who show interest in growing their learning base.
Your University may also offer an online database of scholar articles to its students. This could be very handy when it comes to researching subjects, studies and techniques.
There are also various websites offering links to scholarly articles, such as Google Scholar, which can come in handy and is free of charge to access. You may also find various databases and journals which offer information at a one time price or a subscription option. For this option, I’d recommend you read through the abstract section which gives you a clear indication on the content of the article you’re interested in, prior to purchasing access to it.
Whatever area of study you are pursuing, by seeking ways to put theory into practice, you may find it easier to comprehend fully all that is required. Sometimes you may find that knowing the theory isn’t enough…practice helps you link what you read and study to what you are actually required to do in practice.
For practice learning methods you can seek a guidance teacher or work experiences where you can put in practice what you’re learning. Although this may require time investment, it can prove to be a great learning curve, and it can also help motivate you towards reaching your ultimate goal: graduating!
A very common learning technique is writing. This includes taking notes in class, adding notes from your own research, highlighting text, and use of various coloured pens. This is a very common learning method used by visual learners, since these individuals find it easier to memorise what they study through how their notes look. Some find that it comes quite easy to remember certain notes by remembering clearly how that particular note was written, with what colour it was written, and whether there were any highlighted parts on that specific paper.
Reflectors love to use this learning method to help boost their learning abilities. Reflection is about in-depth thinking and analysis of particular subjects. For example, a reflector delves into the mechanism and rationale behind particular choices,”Why is this done in this way and not in the other?” – this gives them the understanding necessary, so they do not need to remember the answer, but they just need to think about the different options and rationalise between them.
Reflectors like asking questions. If you feel that you are the reflective type, do not hold yourself back from asking. You may find that most lecturers are ready to answer any doubts you may have, especially if you do not find your answer through research.
Watching Videos
Many visual learners find it easier to link theory with practice through watching videos. The combination between the visual and the auditory helps these learners understand and memorise concepts in an easier way.
One of the best video teacher offering free content is without doubt Youtube. However, be careful when seeking sources. Understand that not all sources provide valid information. Additionally, methods and theories may vary between cultures and countries, so do keep this in mind when making choices regarding content.
A good tip could be reading through some of the comments available with the videos you feel drawn to. Seeking some background info on the channel hosting the videos would also help understand more from where that particular teaching is coming from. This can help you in evaluating the value of the content you choose to focus on.
Flashcards could be a great tool for study. A particular Android app that I personally love using is the Simple Flashcards Plus – Learning and Study App, which is totally free to download and use. This particular app allows you to download ready-made flashcard sets related to your chosen study field. However, for those who like me love to have everything in order and updated within the exact teaching material that lecturers provide, you can create flashcard sets yourself.
This particular app allows you to do random quizzes based on the flashcards you are working with, and mark the ones that you complete and remember successfully, so you may skip them the following time you’re studying.
You may also use the ‘edit’ section to search for particular flashcards who carry the same search word you imput. For example, if I want to find quick reference on how to administer an Intramuscular Injection, I can go into the edit section and insert IM or Intramuscular, and the system automatically pulls up all the flashcards I had previously created with those chosen words.
Another interesting feature is that you may also add a photo to the flashcards you create. This helps further any visual learners with retaining information. I personally love this option, however, there have been times where I have deleted images from my mobile phone by mistake, which resulted in losing the images from my pre-created flashcards.
NCLEX for Nursing Students
This particular option is very helpful for Nursing Students. I have personally found helpful a website named NursesLabs, which offers multiple-choice questions related to different nursing study units, which you can test and retest. By doing these tests you can become more accustomed to how nursing-related questions are drafted. Like me, all nursing students undergoing multiple choice examinations know that sometimes questions may be quite tricky, with more than one answer seeming to be the best option. This type of learning technique will help you become more accustomed to such questioning.
Oh and have I mentioned already that this website offers free tests and content? I highly recommend you check it out!
P.S. If you are not a nursing student, you may still search for multiple choice question apps or websites which can help you use this same learning technique for whichever subject you are pursuing.
And there you have it!
Hope you have enjoyed these 7 Learning Techniques. As previously mentioned, we are all different, and some methods may work for you more than others. Understand which makes you learn better, and seek to focus on those particular methods to make your study time more effective!
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