The term haemodynamics refers to the physical principles of blood flow, with ‘flow’ being the amount of blood flow in a given time (mL/min). The cardiovascular system’s main aim is to keep blood flowing throughout the capillaries so that capillary exchange can happen.
Capillary exchange is a two-way traffic type movement of substances that occurs between the blood plasma and the interstitial fluid.
It is important to note that tissue perfusion occurs through capillary exchange, making the blood within the capillaries (which is usually around 250-300ml at a given time) the most important blood within the body.
Chemicals pass through capillary walls through 3 possible routes:
endothelial cell cytoplasm
intercellular clefts
filtration pores of the fenestrated capillaries
Movement through the capillary walls happen by:
Diffusion: allows exchange through the use of the concentration gradient across a permeable membrane (eg. glucose, oxygen, carbon dioxide and waste);
Transcytosis: through pinocytosis, fluid droplets are picked up by endothelial cells. Vesicles move across the cell and releases fluid through exocytosis (eg. fatty acids, albumin and hormones);
Filtration: fluids and solutes from blood capillaries move into the interstitial fluid due to blood hydrostatic pressure (BHP), which is the pressure that water within the blood plasma exerts against blood vessel walls, and interstitial fluid osmotic pressure (IFOP), which is the opposing pressure of the interstitial fluid;
Reabsorption: fluids and solutes from the interstitial fluid move into the blood capillaries due to blood colloid osmotic pressure (BCOP).
Starling’s Law of the Capillaries refers to the near equilibrium existing between the volume of liquid reabsorbed and the volume filtered. The discrepancy in filtration and re-absorption is normally absorbed back into circulation through the lymphatic system.
If filtration exceeds re-absorption in an excessive way, oedema becomes present due to the abnormal increase in interstitial fluid volume. Excessive filtration can be caused by an increase in capillary blood pressure and capillary permeability, while inadequate re-absorption can be caused by a decrease in the concentration of plasma proteins which in turn lowers the blood colloid osmotic pressure (BCOP).
Below you can find a collection of videos that can help provide a more visual approach to Capillary Exchange.
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The lymphatic system, which comprises of lymph, lymphatic vessels, and lymphatic tissue, has an important role within the body. It:
drains excess fluid and protein from the interstitial tissue back into the blood
transports fat from the GI tract to the blood
produces and circulates lymphocytes that help in keeping the body protected
Lymph is the same as the interstitial fluid. Fluid that bathes the cells is referred to as interstitial fluid, while when it flows through the lymphatic vessels, it is called lymph.
Lymphatic Vessels
The lymphatic vessels are microscopic vessels in between the cells spaces known as lymph capillaries. They are slightly larger than blood capillaries and more permeable. Whilst we can find lymphatic capillaries throughout the whole body, they are not found in the avascular tissue, CNS, splenic pulp and bone marrow.
Lymph capillaries connect through larger lymph vessels known as lymphatics, which converge into two main channels, namely the thoracic duct and the right lymphatic duct. Lymphatics have thinner walls and valves (more valves than veins). Lymph nodes can be found at various intervals.
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Drainage of the Lymphatic System
The left side of the head, neck, chest, upper left extremities and the entire body below the ribs all drain into the thoracic duct.
The upper right side of the body drains into the right lymphatic duct.
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Lymphatic Tissue
Lymphatic tissue is rich in lymphocytes and accessory cells such as macrophages and reticular cells. It is scattered in the linings of the GI tract, the respiratory tract, the urinary tract, the reproductive tract, and in the stroma a.k.a. core of multiple organs. Lymphatic tissue can also be found surrounded by a capsule within the lymphatic organs a.k.a. lymph nodes, spleen, and the thymus gland.
Lymph nodes
Lymph nodes are oval structures measuring between 1-25mm in length, commonly found in groups, located along the lymph vessels’ pathway.
Lymph passes through the nodes and is filtered from foreign substances by the reticular fibres within the node
Macrophages destroy foreign substances through phagocytosis
T Cells destroy foreign substances through the release of various products
B Cells produce antibodies to destroy them
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Lymphatic ORgans: Tonsils
Tonsils are a pair of soft tissue masses located at the pharynx. Their location helps protect against the invasion of foreign substances through the production of lymphocytes and antibodies.
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Lymphatic Organs: Spleen
The spleen is an oval shaped organ measuring around 12cm in length which is made up of lymphatic tissue. It is located in the upper left side of the abdomen, next to the stomach and behind the left ribs. Functions of the spleen include:
B Lymphocyte Production – eventually develop into antibody-producing plasma cells
Phagocytosis – of bacteria and damaged or worn-out red blood cells and platelets
Blood Storage and Release – in cases such as haemorrhage
NOTE: the spleen does not filter lymph.
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Lymphatic Organs – Thymus Gland
The thymus gland is found in the superior mediastinum, between the lungs and behind the sternum. It reaches it’s maximum size during puberty, after which it starts to break down. The main function of the thymus gland is to produce T Lymphocytes.
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Body Defences
The human body aims to maintain haemostasis by counteracting pathogens or related toxins in the environment.
Resistance = the body’s ability to keep off disease
Susceptibility = the body’s inability to resist disease
Body defences can be divided in two groups: Non-Specific Defence and Specific Defence a.k.a. Immunity
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Non-Specific Defences
The non-specific defence mechanism provides an immediate response to protect the body from foreign substances. Components of the non-specific defence mechanisms include:
SKIN & MUCOUS MEMBRANES – MECHANICAL FACTORS include the epidermis‘ anatomy i.e. made up of closely packed cells, continuous layering and the presence of keratin; mucous membranes that secrete mucus to prevent cavities from drying up whilst trapping microbes at the same time (eg. in nose through hairs and in the upper respiratory tract through cilia); lacrimal apparatus; saliva which helps prevent microbe colonisation; epiglottis which helps prevent microbes from entering the lower respiratory tract; CHEMICAL FACTORS include sebum which forms a protective film over the skin’s surface and inhibits bacterial growth; perspiration which flushes microbes from the skin; gastric juice produced by the stomach glands which is highly acidic due to being made of hydrochloric acid, enzymes and mucus, all of which help preserve the stomach’s sterility whilst destroying bacteria and most bacterial toxins; lyzozyme (found in perspiration, tears, saliva, nasal secretions and tissue fluids) which is an enzyme that can break down cell walls of various bacteria;
ANTI-MICROBIAL SUBSTANCES – INTERFERON (IFN) (alpha, beta & gamma) which are produced by lymphocytes and other leucocytes and fibroblasts; COMPLEMENT – a group of 11 proteins found in normal blood serum which complements immune and allergic reactions involving antibodies – once activated, destroys microbes; PROPERDIN – a protein found in the serum which together with COMPLEMENT causes the destruction of several types of bacteria, enhances phagocytosis, and triggers inflammatory responses;
PHAGOCYTOSIS– the ingestion and destruction of microbes or other foreign particulate matter by phagocytes through the Adherence process and the Ingestion process;
INFLAMMATORY PROCESS – when cells are damaged by microbes, inflammation is triggered, characterised by redness, pain, heat, swelling, and loss of function; during inflammation, vasodilation increases permeability of blood vessels, neutrophils migrate to the injured area within one hour, nutrients are released to help support defensive cells and increased metabolic reactions of the affected cells, fibrin formation, and pus formation;
FEVER – inhibits microbial growth and speeds up body reactions which help the body to heal
Specific Defences a.k.a. immunity
Immunity involves the production of a specificy cell type or molecule a.k.a. antibody that can destroy a particular antigen.
An antigen is a chemical substance which causes the body to produce specific antibodies which can react with the antigen. Antigens have immunogenicity (can stimulate the formation of specific antibodies) and reactivity (can react specifically with the produced antibodies). Antigens with both immunogenicity and reactivity are called complete antigens eg. proteins, nucleoproteins, lipoproteins, glycoproteins, and some polysaccharides. Non-microbial antigens include pollen, egg white, incompatible blood cells, and transplanted tissues and organs.
An antibody is a protein produced by the body in response to antigen presence. An antibody can combine with the antigen.
Antibodies belong to a group of proteins called globulins, hence the name immunoglobulins.
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Cellular immunity & Humoral Immunity
The body can defend itself against bacteria, toxins, viruses and foreign tissues thanks to 2 components:
CELLULAR IMMUNITY A.K.A. CELL-MEDIATED IMMUNITY – includes the formation of specially sentisised lymphocytes which can attach to the foreign agent and destroy it; T cells are responsible for cellular immunity
HUMORAL IMMUNITY A.K.A. ANTIBODY-MEDIATED IMMUNITY – includes the formation of circulating antibodies able to attack an invading agent; B cells are specialised plasma cells which produce antibodies and provide humoral immunity
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Retrieved from on 30th May 2022
The Immune Response
The immune response of the body, be it cellular or humoral, is more intense after a second or subsequent exposure to an antigen than after initial exposure, as illustrated below…
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Blood vessels can be divided into 3 principal categories:
ARTERIES are the efferent blood vessels of the CVS which carry blood away from the heart;
VEINS are the afferent blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart;
CAPILLARIES are microscopic thin-walled vessels that connect the smallest arteries to the smallest veins.
The artery and vein walls are composed by 3 layers called tunics. The tunica intima lines the inside of the vessel and acts as a selectively permeable barrier to materials entering or leaving the blood stream. The tunica media is the middle layer of the vessel (usually the thickest layer) which consists of smooth muscle, collagen and elastic tissue that help strengthen the vessels and prevent them from rupturing due to the blood pressure, and allows vasoconstriction or vasodilation of the vessels. The tunica adventitia, which is the outermost layer, consists of loose connective tissue that merges with neighbouring blood vessels, nerves or organs.
Arteries are resistance vessels of the cardiovascular system. Their muscular built allows them to retain their round shape even when they are empty. Due to the left ventricle pressure surge, arteries need to be able to resist the blood pressure surge, otherwise they would burst.
There are 3 types of capillaries:
Continuous capillaries: present in most tissues;
Fenestrated capillaries: found in kidneys, endocrine glands and small intestine;
Sinusoids a.k.a. Discontinued capillary: found in the liver, bone marrow and spleen.
Veins are the capacitance vessels of the cardiovascular system. They are relatively thin and flaccid, and collapse when empty. However they are able to expand easily to accomodate blood volume increase. Different type of veins include:
large veins (such as the vena cava)
venous sinuses
medium veins (containing venous valves, usually found in lower limbs)
muscular venules
post-vapillary venules
Below you can find a collection of videos that can help provide a more visual approach to Blood Vessels including Arteries, Veins and Capillaries.
blood vessel layers
3 types of capillaries
arteries vs veins
Post-capillary venules
Special thanks to the creators of the featured videos on this post, specifically Youtube ChannelsKhan Academy Medicineand Khan Academy.
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Electrolyte imbalance is a frequent and potentially hazardous complication in patients with heart failure.
Potassium keeps blood pressure levels stable, regulates heart contractions and helps with muscle functions…
HYPOKALAEMIA: HR slow and irregular, weak pulse, orthostatic hypotension, diminished breathing sounds. The heart may also arrest in diastole. ECG shows a depressed ST segment, flat or inverted T wave, and a U wave.
HYPERKALAEMIA: muscle weakness, low or absent urine production due to renal failure, respiratory failure, seizures, decreased cardiac contractility, low BP. ECG shows tall peaked T wave, flat P wave, wide QRS complex or prolonged QR interval.
Calcium helps with muscle contractions, nerve signaling, blood clotting, cell division, and the formation or maintenance of bones and teeth…
HYPOCALCAEMIA: heart beats slower due to the effect of calcium on heart contractility. Muscle spasms, arrhythmias. ECG shows prolonged QT interval or prolonged ST interval.
HYPERCALCAEMIA: heart beats faster due to the effect of calcium on heart contractility. Muscle weakness, absent reflexes, constipation, kidney stone formation. ECG shows shortened QT interval.
Magnesium is needed for muscle contractions, proper heart rhythms, nerve functioning, bone building, bone strength, reducing anxiety, digestion, and keeping a stable protein-fluid balance.
HYPOMAGNESEMIA: muscle twitching, positive Trusseau sign, weak respirations, irritability, high BP, involuntary movements, low bowel mobility. ECG shows tall T waves and depressed ST segment. Prolonged PR and QT intervals with wide QRS complex in case of severe hypomagnesemia.
HYPERMAGNESEMIA: Signs are showing only in severe cases: lethargy, ECG shows PR and QT prolonged intervals and wide QRS complex, hypotension, bradycardia, GI issues, impaired breathing, cardiac arrest.
Sodium helps maintain fluid balance, and is needed for muscle contractions and nerve signaling.
HYPONATREMIA: seizures, lethargy, abdominal cramping, orthostatic hypotension, muscle spasms, trouble concentration, lack of urine, lack of appetite, shallow respirations.
Below you can find a collection of videos that can help provide a more visual approach to electrolyte imbalance affecting the heart.
Special thanks to the creator of the featured videos on this post, specifically Youtube Channel Registered Nurse RN.
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The cardiac cycle can be divided into 2 major events: systole and diastole, both of which sub-divide into smaller phases. Systole refers to the contraction of the heart muscle, whilst diastole refers to the relaxation of the heart muscle. Both are equally important for the normal functioning of the heart, as diastole allows filling with blood whilst systole causes the pumping out of the blood. It is important to note that:
blood flows from higher to lower pressure
contraction increases the pressure within the chamber while relaxation lowers the pressure
valves open/close according to pressure gradients
Phases of the cardiac cycle
Atrial depolarization/contraction
Isovolumetric Contraction
Rapid Ejection
Reduced Ejection
Isovolumetric Relaxation
Ventricular Filling
Atrial systole starts after the P wave of the ECG and lasts 0.1 seconds, which is then followed by atrial diastole that lasts 0.7 seconds.
Ventricular systole starts close to the end of the R wave and ends just after the T wave, lasting for about 0.3 seconds. It is then followed by ventricular diastole that lasts 0.5 seconds.
Heart Sounds
Heart sounds are caused primarily from the turbulence in the blood flow created by the closure of the valves. While there are 4 heart sounds per cardiac cycle, only the 1st and 2nd heart sounds are loud enough to be auscultated.
S1 HEART SOUND is a long booming sound caused by the closure of the atrioventricular valves soon after ventricular sistole begins.
S2 HEART SOUND is a short sharp sound caused by the closure of the semilunar valves towards the end of the ventricular systole.
The 3rd heart sound happens due to the blood turbulence during rapid ventricular filling, while the 4th heart sound happens due to blood turbulence during the atrial systole, both of which are not long enough to be auscultated.
Below you can find a collection of videos that can help provide a more visual approach to the cardiac cycle.
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Digoxin is a medication from the cardiac glycosides class. It helps the heart pump more efficiently by inhibiting the normal function of the sodium-potassium pump. It affects the heart by causing a:
Positive Inotropic Effect – helps the heart contract harder
Negative Chronotropic Effect – promotes a slower heartbeat
Negative Dromotropic Effect – causes the AV Node to send slower impulses
This causes the heart to squeeze more blood out, increasing stroke volume and cardiac output. This allows the heart to provide better perfusion throughout the body.
Digoxin is helpful with heart failure, cardiogenic shock, atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter, and problems within the heart pumping and emptying actions.
Digoxin Toxicity
Early signs and symptoms of Digoxin toxicity include nausea and vomiting as well as anorexia. Futher symptoms may arise such as changes in vision, including yellow/greenish halos, as well as dysrhythmias.
Toxicity risk increases if the patient is experiencing hypokalaemia (<3.5), hypomagnesmia (<1.5), or hypercalcaemia (>10.2).
This medication should not be administered if the patient has an apical pulse of less than 60 (in adults). In case of a lesser pulse rate, hold medication and consult with MD.
Below you can find a collection of videos that can help provide a more visual approach to Digoxin and how to assess an apical pulse.
Assessing the Apical Pulse prior to Administration
Special thanks to the creator of the featured videos on this post, specifically Youtube Channel Registered Nurse RN
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Cardiac muscle cells contract spontaneously, independently, regularly and continuously. Autorhythmic fibres generate action potentials that trigger heart contractions repeatedly, acting as the natural pacemaker of the heart throughout the electrical activity of the heart.
SA Node a.k.a. Sinoatrial Node is the pacemaker of the heart, exactly where cardiac excitation begins. It fires 60-100 electrical impulses per minute (approx. one every 0.8 secs). The SA Node cells DEPOLARISE repeatedly to threshold spontaneously; SPONTANEOUS DEPOLARISATION = PACEMAKER POTENTIAL.
AV Node a.k.a. gatekeeper of the heart acts as an electrical gateway to the ventricles. It fires 40-60 electrical impulses per minute (approx. one every 0.5 secs), evidently having slowed down due to having thinner myocytes with fewer gap junctions over which signals are transmitted. This delay allows the ventricles to fill up with blood before contracting.
The Bundle of His a.k.a. AV Bundle is where action potentials can conduct from the atria to the ventricles, entering both the right and left bundle branches.
Here the Purkinje Fibres conduct the action potential from the apex of the heart up to the rest of they ventricular myocardium, causing the ventricles to contract at the fastest speed of the whole conduction system (4m/s), pushing blood towards the semilunar valves.
Ventricular Myocyte Action Potential
Cardiac myocytes have a stable resting membrane potential of -90mV, depolarising only when stimulated. Ventricular Myocytes’ action potential has 3 phases:
DEPOLARIZATION – a stimulus opens voltage-gated Na+ channels, causing depolarisation as they enter the cells. The threshold voltage opens additional Na+ channels triggering a positive feedback cycle, peaking at almost +30mV. In response the Na+ channels close abruptly, causing the rising phase of the action potential to be very short.
PLATEAU – here is where depolarisation is maintained while the myocytes contract. Voltage-gated slow Ca2+ channels open up allowing small amounts of Ca2+ ions from within the ECF to enter the myocytes. With the binding action of Ca2+ ions to the ligand-gated Ca2+ channels on the sarcoplasmic reticulum, more channels open allowing more Ca2+ ions into the cytoplasm, which then bind to troponin, causing the ventricular myocyte to contract by the stimulus. Finally Ca2+ channels close and K+ channels reopen, causing K+ ions to difuse out of the cell and the Ca2+ ions to return to the ECF.
REPOLARIZATION – The negative resting membrane potential is now restored to -90mV.
Baroreceptors in the Cardiovascular Centre
Baroreceptors are found in the aorta and the internal carotid arteries.
Increase in HR = Increase in CO = Increase in BP = Baroreceptors sense changes & signal to the cardiac centre = cardiac centre Decreases HR.
Decrease in HR = Decrease in CO = Decrease in BP = Baroreceptors sense changes & signal to the cardiac centre = cardiac centre Increases HR & re-stabilises CO & BP.
Chemoreceptors in the Cardiovascular Centre
Chemoreceptors are found in the aortic arch, carotid arteries and the medulla oblongata. These are sensitive to blood pH, Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen.
Chemoreceptors can sense Hypercapnia and Acidosis, which then stimulate the cardiac centre, increasing the HR and restores perfusion of the tissues. Accumulated Carbon Dioxide is then removed.
In response to Hypoxaemia, chemoreceptors lead to a slowing down of the HR.
Below you can find a collection of videos that can help provide a more visual approach to the electrical activity of the heart.
Electrical Activity of the Heart
Ventricular Myocyte Action Potential
Regulation of the Heart Activity Through the ans (autonomic nervous system)
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The Cardiovascular System, also known as the Circulatory System, is an organ system that aims to circulate blood to and from cells in the body, transporting nutrients and removing waste.
Systemic Circuit: The heart pumps blood to the body through arteries that branch off into smaller blood vessels called arterioles.
The capillaries network allow oxygen and other nutrients to diffuse from the blood and into the cells, while metabolic waste diffuses into the venous capillaries from the cells.
Pulmonary Circuit: Blood then returns to the heart through the veins, and the cycle is repeated.
The heart wall consists of 3 layers:
EPICARDIUM (a.k.a. visceral pericardium) – outer layer of the heart
MYOCARDIUM – made up of cardiac muscle
ENDOCARDIUM – lines the chambers of the heart and the heart valves
The boundaries of the 4 heart chambers are marked by 3 grooves known as sulci:
Coronary Sulcus a.k.a. Atrioventricular Sulcus
Anterior Interventricular Sulcus
Posterior Interventricular Sulcus
The atria are separated by a wall-like structure called interatrial septum. The ventricles are separated by the interventricular septum, with both ventricles having internal ridges called trabeculae carnae.
The heart valves ensure a one-way flow:
ATRIOVENTRICULAR VALVES: Right AV (Tricuspid) Valve which has 3 cusps, and Left AV (Bicuspid) Valve a.k.a. Mitral Valve. Chordae Tendinae connect the valve cusps to the conical papillary muscles on the ventricle floor.
The heart has a beat of its own thanks to the electro-chemical circuit system and its 4 relay stations:
SA Node
AV Node
Bundle of HIS
Purjinke Fibres
When the aorta leaves the left ventricle, it gives off to the Right Coronary Artery (RCA) and the Left Coronary Artery (LCA).
The RIGHT CORONARY ARTERY supplies the right atrium and the SA Node and gives off to the Right Marginal Branch and the Posterior Interventricular Branch, as well as a small branch to the AV Node.
The LEFT CORONARY ARTERY travels to the coronary sulcus and divides into the Anterior Interventricular Branch/Left Anterior Descending Branch (LAD), and the Circumflex Branch.
Below you can find a collection of videos that can help provide a more visual approach to the Cardiovascular System.
Cardiac Muscle Tissue
Introduction to the Cardiovascular System – Animation
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Hypertension is the amount of resistance of blood pumping through the arteries. Organs are susceptible to high blood pressure especially the brain and the kidneys. Cholesterol restricts blood vessels thus affects blood pressure.
Most hypertension cases can be without any visible bodily symptoms, going undiagnosed for a long time.
Hypertension can be classified as Primary (Essential) – originating from an unknown disorder affecting BP regulation mechanisms; or Secondary to other diseases processes. Secondary hypertension could be caused by Renal disease (polycystic kidneys, renal artery stenosis or pyelonephritis), drug-induced (eg. by oral contraceptives or corticosteroids), pregnancy (pre-eclampsia) or hormonal (cushing’s syndrome, phaeochromocytoma, hyper or hypothyroidism, or acromegaly – bone size increase).
Hypertension Risk Factors
excessive salt diet
lack of physical exercise
excessive consumption of alcohol
deprivation and socio-economic status
mental health and stress
NICE guidelines suggest that the blood pressure is measured in both arms. In the case of a consistent high blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or higher, a patient should seek hypertension diagnosis.
Hypertension affects:
cardiovascular system (CHF)
brain (causing a stroke)
kidneys (renal failure)
eyes (retina)
Always assume possible lack of compliance with correct medication intake.
Postural hypotension can be noted as a 20mmHg fall in the systolic reading at a standing position, after another reading in a sitting position.
As for athletic patients, note that athletics have a slower heart rate which is still considered to be healthy.
Hypertension Pharmacology as listed within the NICE guidelines suggest the following pharmacological steps in the treatment of hypertension:
ACE inhibitors are at times not tolerated by black African or African-Caribbean patients.
If a patient presents with hypertension, check for heart failure and current medication list and review.
Chronic Hypertension Drug Treatment During Pregnancy
Methyldopa: traditionally used drug based on long term data supporting safety
Beta Blockers: although considered generally safe, fetal growth retardation has been reported in the past, especially with the use of Atenolol
Labetalol: contains less side effects than Methyldopa
Clondine: mainly used in the third trimester (limited data)
Calcium Channel Blockers: Nifedipine is used as long acting medication (limited data)
Diuretics: probably safe in low doses if started prior to conception for essential hypertension (still controversial evidence)
ACEi, ARBs, Direct Renin Inhibitors: CONTRAINDICATED.
Ideally, women planning to conceive should be encouraged to discontinue these medications under medical supervision.
Hypertensive Crisis is defined as severely elevated blood pressure associated with new or progressive target organ dysfunction. Although the absolute value of the blood pressure is not as important as the presence of end-organ damage, the systolic blood pressure is usually >180 mmHg and/or the diastolic BP is >120 mmHg. In such crisis, Sodium Nitroprusside is one of the most commonly recommended treatments (contraindicated in patients with chronic kidney disease)
Hypertension Pathophysiology, Treatment, Nursing Interventions and Pharmacology
Special thanks to the creator of the featured video on this post, specifically Youtube Channel Registered Nurse RN
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Heart failure happens when the heart is too weak to pump efficiently. This restricts it from providing proper cardiac output to maintain the body’s metabolic needs.
Complex clinical syndrome that results from any structural or functional impairment of ventricular filling (diastole) or ejection of blood (systole)
2013 ACC/AHA
Systolic Heart Failure is attributed to a pumping problem experienced by the heart where it is unable to contract enough to pump blood to supply to the body, thus resulting in contraction and ejection fraction problems. In this case the patient presents with left ventricular failure with reduced ejection fraction of <40% and marked cardiomegaly (where the ventricle becomes enlarged in size).
Diastolic Heart Failure is attributed to a filling problem experienced by the heart where it is unable to relax the left ventricle, leading to a build-up in the lungs, resulting in relaxation and blood filling problems. In this scenario the patient presents with pulmonary congestion and at times with slightly enlarged ventricles, both due to an increased resistance to filling due to increased ejection fraction of >50%.
The ejection fraction is a comparison between the amount of blood in the heart and the amount of blood pumped out of the heart.
Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped out of each ventricle per minute. Factors affecting cardiac output include the heart rate, blood volume, contractility and venous return.
Stroke volume is the volume of blood pumped out of each ventricle with every beat.
Cardiac Output = Heart Rate X Stroke Volume
Causes of HF include:
Coronary Artery Disease
Valvular and Congenital Heart Disease
Alcohol and Drugs
HF risk factors
African Descent
High Cholesterol
Diabetes Mellitus
Coronary Artery Disease
Signs and symptoms of heart failure include shortness of breath, coughing, sleep disturbance, feeling overtired, loss of appetite, dizziness, swollen ankles and abdominal bloating.
HF can be classified in relation to:
CARDIAC OUTPUT: an issue with the ejection fraction (amount of pumped blood to the body). This can be subdivided into High Output Failure and Low Output Failure. High Output Failure occurs due to obesity, anaemia, hyperthyroidism and pregnancy. Usually presents as right sided heart failure followed by left sided heart failure. Low Output Failure happens when the heart fails to generate enough output due to left ventricular systolic or diastolic dysfunction, right ventricular dysfunction caused by changes in the heart rate, preload, afterload and heart contraction.
ANATOMY: issue or defect within the heart muscle
ONSET: acute or chronic
Left Sided HF is characterised by pulmonary oedema. Signs and symptoms include tachypnoea, tachycardia, third heart sound and cardiomegaly.
Right Sided HF is characterised by peripheral oedema, raised jugular venous pressure, hypotension and congestive hepatomegaly (enlarged liver which usually causes an enlarged abdomen).
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Below you can find a collection of videos that can help provide a more visual approach to Heart Failure Treatment, Management, Nursing Interventions & Drugs.
Stroke Volume and Cardiac Output – Preload & Afterload
Special thanks to the creator of the featured videos on this post, specifically Youtube Channel Registered Nurse RN
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