As nursing students we gain knowledge through informative lectures in all clinical aspects related to nursing. But our ultimate aim as future nurses should be to develop the ability to embed all gained knowledge into our daily nursing practice by providing patient-centered care. As good future nurses we need to keep up-to-date with innovative evidence-based nursing practices and be prepared to challenge the status quo whilst backing up our rationales with relevant literature. This is what we, as future nurses, need to do to become leaders in nursing care.
4 Primary Domains in Nursing

The Nursing Process

Holistic Patient Care Considerations

The Roper Logan Model of Activities of Daily Living

The Roper Logan model of activities of living, based on Nancy Roper’s 1976 work, was initially developed in 1980. The model, which is set on the 12 activities of living needed to live, acts as an assessment tool for nurses to assess a patient’s independence and/or potential for independence in relation to daily living activities. This model ranges from complete dependence to complete independence, and helps in pointing out required interventions and support to increase patient independence.
8 Dimensions of Patient-Centered Care

Elderly Care
When caring for the elderly, nurses should provide:
- Proper nutrition and hydration
- Incontinence prevention or management
- Mobility maintenance – encourage mobility wherever possible
- Medication management – assess needs and aim to reduce polypharmacy
- Skin and foot care
- Patient safety – prevent accidents/falls
- Memory loss assessment
Becoming Leaders in Nursing Care through the 6Cs

The 6Cs provide:
- a foundation on which nursing care should be built on
- guidance for nurses who aim to become leaders in nursing care by leading towards changes for the better within the profession
- added value in the daily nursing practice that equals to better outcomes, better experiences and better use of resources
As leaders in nursing care, nurses should:
- focus on promoting preventative measures, which improve the patient’s health, avoids unnecessary complications and lessens the burden of increased workload
- promote patient-centered care whilst keeping up to date with innovative methods and technology use that increase quality and safety within the provided care
- aim for efficiency to prevent resource shortage which hinders the quality and progress of the care given to the patient
This can only be achieved through:
Nursing Care:
Nurses should practice good communication skills with the patients, treating them as individuals rather than just a bed number;
Nurses should practice good communication skills within the multi-disciplinary team as this provides holistic care to the patient;
Nurses should focus on providing good, detailed documentation to ensure optimum patient care;
Nurses should not hold back from taking initiative and be part of the doctors’ ward rounds – patient observations are made by the nurse throughout the time spent with the patient, and so, the nurse plays an important role in individualised patient care;
Professional Development:
Nurses should aim to improve their nursing knowledge and work on skill development;
Nurses increase their knowledge through the experience they gain whilst working towards the wellbeing of their patients;
Nurses should be aware of different policies related to the different organisations;
Nurses should not be afraid to challenge current practices whilst backing up their theories with evidence;
Nurses should be active in nursing-related issues and act professionally – through their presence and actions, nurses are representing the nursing profession.
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